Emotional Intelligence - Why Your EQ Is More Important Than Your IQ

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Emotional Intelligence - Why low EQ is holding you back from being successful and how to increase it.

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Video Summary:
IQ hasn't been found to be a good predictor of success in life or in business. In fact higher IQ tends to be counter-intuitive to achieving such success. A better predictor of success is Emotional Intelligence or EQ (one's emotional quotient). Although under-recognized, it plays a pervasive role in our everyday interactive life.

As social animals, humans' emotions significantly impact our relationships, the very substance of our society. On an individual level, the ability to recognize our own emotions, to distinguish and control them, and to recognize and empathize with the emotions of others are the cornerstones of emotional intelligence. Individuals vary considerably in their abilities on these rather distinct measures, typically being stronger in one or two than in the others.

Identifying opportunities for improvement in emotional intelligence opens a pathway to improved relationships and greater success. Education to sharpen the skills involved in emotional intelligence via books, videos, and life coaching, as well as interpersonal practice offers promise for growth to every person who wants to increase their EQ and their success in business and personal relationships.
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SUMMARY - Actualized - Emotional Intelligence - Why Your EQ Is More Important Than Your IQ

The number one key for success is EQ
smart people on a iq level are too much in the head to be able to have success
emotions create success and healthy relationships

eq is not being extraverted
---> eq tests online

---> book emotional intelligence 2.0

ability to recognize your emotion in yourself and in others and the ability to use this awareness to manage your behavior and your relationships

4 pillars of eq
1. ability of Understanding your own emotions, labeling them, recognizing them, having a broader range of emotions
2. ability to control your emotions, to discipline, manage them
3. ability to read emotions in other people, empathy, being able to understand what they are feeling, being able to relate to that, understanding their point of view, stepping in their shoes
4. ability to manage your relationships, how are you communicating, interacting within them?

the more eq you have, the better you do in life, the happier you are

what is eq?
anger management
accountability instead of blaming others
honesty and trust
assertiveness and confidence
stress tolerance
decision making - being able to decide, pricrastinating
flexibility - ability to flow with life
presentation skills - ability to speak, motivate, inspire people
listening skills - can you really understand people, can you really empathize with them reflecting them?

It relates to your relationship, business, happiness

if you are frantic, sad, depressed, angry, guilty shows a lack of eq because you first dont notice them and you dont have tools to manage them which impacts your outer world

how do you develop eq?
eq is highly developable

techniques to master emotions: books, meditation, journaling
there are many practical techniques to use

emotions and self control are very important for satisfaction in life

Thanks Leo


My simplistic view on this:

IQ (and other ways of measuring intelligence) = Potential
EQ = Unlock the potential

Is EQ really more important than IQ? If you do not have the ability to understanding something then it does not matter how high your EQ is, you still don't understand it. Which means that you cannot perform particular jobs.

My complex view on this:
Neither IQ, nor EQ, nor any other single set of abilities / intelligence determine if you will be successful or not. It is up to you to develop yourself in the areas as needed during various phases in life.


three years ago i watched one of your videos and it helped me to have the courage to change the course of my life. thank u.


This video helped me a lot, Leo.

I found I am slightly above average in emotional intelligence. Turns out this is what has been holding me back from my dreams:

I found all this default behaviour inside of me:


Being suspicious of people

Feeling something-like 'being insulted’ when not replied to

Getting bogged down by hurtful words from parents

Getting irritated by people from the past should they try to bully me

Getting irritated by critical comments passed by people I have begun disliking

Feeling the need to rush with work, rush to work, rush with my endeavours so that I don’t stay ‘left-behind.’

Easily breaking down in grief

I am reactive to rejections


guru Leo, your talks help me get out of bed in the morning, and give me something to think about for the rest of the day, thank you for your wisdom and effort!!


Hi Leo, emotional intelligence is a difficult topic to me. Since my adolescence my mind had became a caos due to my parents divorce and I could never deal with that. Even so, I have been trying to figure it out a way to 'heal' this bad feelings and somehow you are helping me!
Besides that, I'm not an English native speaker, but I can understand almost all that you say, I mean, you talk very clear, is music to my ears! Thank you!!!


1. I can identify my emotions and I am self aware (tick)
2. I'm average at controlling my emotions
3. I'm good at understanding other people's emotions (tick)
4. I'm bad at managing relationships - really bad

- No anger management problems
- I am accountable to myself but I do blame the world for some things
- I'm honest with myself, lie to other people
- I don't trust anyone!
- I am assertive
- I could work on my communication skills although I don't struggle with it (communication skills mediocre)
- I am frantic and stressed around work, calm when around people (not working)
- I am always judging myself and thinking negative thoughts
- It takes a long time for me to make a decision
- I procrastinate weirdly (I used to think I didn't have procrastination problems). Not directly (like I don't say, that's it I'm not working or I'll do it later) instead, I set up barriers to working. I go and eat lots of food so I don't have enough energy to work, I sleep late so the next day I feel too shit to work, I find some other distraction that I feel like needs my immediate attention (although it may not), I make myself depressed with some other irrelevant thing (oh I'm so fat or oh he doesn't like me).
- I have super bad presentation skills - really really bad.
- I'm a good listener & people think I'm a good listener


I am obsessed with this topic. Glad I found this channel! Subscribed.


At first when you look at the video it looks like boring but when you listen to it. The guy in the video says things that are interesting. It's just that every time the video starts to play, it slightly shock me to the features of the guy talking.But In general, I appreciate what this man is doing. Keep up!


Well Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton (me lol), Mozart had Asperger's syndrome, which is associated with emotional detachment and low EQ, but they were very successful, so i don't care about my EQ if i have genius level IQ


YES so true i have found people with EQ strong are quite successful then IQ


Well ... EQ is important because .... well emotions are information. Whenever you are trying to resolve a math problem and it doesn't work anything ... if you take a break, and get your emotions in check then ... something clicks, you get inspiration . Inspiration is what it sounds ... someone else in this universe is doing the thinking .... and you just get a piece of the information from nowhere . It sounds strange but ... really people who meditate in Asia get this fact very easily . When you rationalize ... you think with your head instead of getting information from somewhere else . Life is a game ... and someone does the thinking while others reap the rewards . It always was like this . We live in a Matrix where this stuff happens all the time . Like in the movie the Matrix . Why do I say emotions are information ? Well any sort of energy is information . When something changes like you move an object from A to B for example .... the information  changes about that object ( the object is no longer in the same coordinates ) as well as it was done with kinetic energy . When you put a piece of paper in the fire, the paper burns generating heat, the information about that piece of paper also changes, it is no longer a piece of paper it is ashes . With time those ashes also oxidize ... and that is done with a very small amount of energy . The bigger the energy ... the bigger the information . The better you feel ... the more productive you can be . And it is also tied with your sexual impulses . Those who know this thing ... are more soft when talking, they are better listeners . Actually EQ and kindness are almost the same thing . I say almost because I am not 100 percent sure . But we do live in a matrix based on our sexual impuses .... and those who don't look at women as sexual objects are really winners of the game ... in many ways . A basic look at the game, how it works between people is the Karpman_drama_triangle . A third person always watches the conflict between two people . Do a search on that on google and you will see what I am talking about !! 


Great video. I do disagree with one thing you said "if you lack confidence then you are lacking in EQ" I know personally that after doing the NBI profile($300 profiling that professionals use) that I scored very high in being emotionally intelligent. However, I lack confidence. I scored highly in all 4 quadrants of the brain (scoring highly isn't necessarily a good thing, it just means this is how you process information). I have always been very unconfident but been able to manage my emotions with intuition as to how other people feel. I truly feel I am very emotionally intelligent. But it is not an easy brain to have. I feel the need to take responsibility for what other people are thinking about me.


I've learned to handle and control my anger really well. Before when I would get angry I would take it out on everyone around me but now I redirect the energy elsewhere


Great video. I am writing a paper on EQ for a communication class and this video really helped me understand the concept.


clarity of thought is the twin to awareness of the shadows.


EQ is also important because many people don't have much IQ but oooh, they are equal, in this modern society. Aka to handle Stupid.


i did the test leo! and i got a 78 out 100, I'm quite happy with the result but theres a lot more to learn and improve…
btw i agree with dead4uman! the incredibly so deep understanding in your insights is refreshing to wonder about, you have completely restore my full interest in self development! i felt stuck for a while in this amazing way of living life´s potential.


Hit the nail on the head of every one. My EQ is terrible I’ve only just realised after 36 years!!!
