When is the Best Time to Take Magnesium | Dr. Janine

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When is the Best Time to Take Magnesium | Dr. Janine

Dr. Janine is asked all the time when is the best time to take different vitamins and supplements. In this video, she will explain the best time to take magnesium. She looks at the symptoms of magnesium deficiency like eye twitching or craving chocolate. She explains what can cause a magnesium deficiency like stress and EMF exposure. Lastly, Dr. Janine explains when is the best time to take your magnesium supplements.

Video Chapters
00:00 – Intro
00:15 – Signs & Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency
00:52 – Causes of Magnesium Deficiency
01:09 – The Best Time to Take Magnesium

Links to supplements mentioned in this video
Calcium –

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Рекомендации по теме

Thank you so much all the inportent information it's really helpful for my husband and I


This is brilliant information!! I’ve been trying for a while to figure out how to best take my magnesium and calcium and this answers everything, especially contrary to what a lot of the doctors are telling people like you mentioned. Thank you so much!


Thank you for sharing this information it’s great


You are a very good help I love your voice thank you .


I was taking magnesium in the evening for years to help with severe muscle cramps during the night. I also suffer with chronic dehydration. Maybe 1 or 2 years ago, I took it in the morning and noticed a significant difference in hydration. Still not 100% but noticeably better. So I take it in the AM but also take it with dinner.
Another thing....Cod Liver oil for vit D, used to take that in the AM but found better to take in the evening to help with the muscle cramps. Sometimes you don't know until you try what works best for you.


I love your channel! You’re a wealth of information that I find so helpful ❤


Thankyou Dr Janine. I can appreciate taking Magnesium in the morning for that absorption. I was given a sedative mixture of Magnesium combined and Calcium and bind it with Cider Vinegar. It act as a sedative to calm down. It works well about 20 minutes. It was given to me by a Nurse. For anyone but in particular for people suffering from mental illnesses symptoms; thoughts racing, hyperactive. Thank you again Dr Janine as I'm following you certainly for Alzheimers and Dementia and brain fog as I'm 63 and watching out for these things. Nice one Dr Janine.


Hi Dr. Janine. First I just want to thank you for all of the work that you do teaching us. Second there is a particular product that I have ordered in the past from a different company that I discovered it on my own but it is supposed to help with sleep and I think it has helped a little but not all of the time unless certain things got in the way like not eating at least those three hours before bed and now like you have also told us how important the sunlight is. I will still have to watch your stuff about magnesium stearate but I do know that it is not a good ingredient and even though this particular product is a good product it is still in it as I noticed in that area of additional ingredients. Now the particular product I won't name names however I see that it does have both calcium and magnesium in it and yes a bunch of other vitamins and herbs as well. So I hope that it did not mess up anyone either. I would take it near bedtime which actually is wrong because it says to take 2 hours before bed. But maybe it shouldn't have the magnesium in it. I believe the product has helped but not all the time so who knows if it was because I didn't eat dinner early enough, didn't get much sunlight, etc. I don't know at this time. Update: Whatever I was taking to help me sleep, it didn't always help. I have gotten a lot better about sleep though because I try to take those walks in the morning getting that sunlight that you recommend. And as far as magnesium as you say to take in the morning, that is when I do it, when I take all of my morning supplements.


Magnesium triggers ATP energy, so taking in the morning iş the best. Ca and Mg both are macro elements. Gracefull.


How to choose which magnesium need to take? For example, for muscles? Can I take different magnesium for morning and in evening?


Dr. Janine is it gonna be before meals or after.


Thanks Doctor Janine, Very Informative, Magnesium is very effective🌐🛡️♀️🏆🌞🎥🥰Morning Tips!


Citrate in the morning glycinate evening is what i understand...


Hi doctor Janine i take bisglycinate magnesium but i still have trouble sleeping and have trouble getting into a rem sleep i am exhausted and should i take liquid calcium what are the quantities and when to take these supplements i need something strong enough to help me sleep my mind doesnot stop thinking at night please give me some suggestions thanks god bless


Can I take magnesium and iron (bisglycinate) together in the morning?


So. Do you take it with food that is also a question why people only give advice half way


Is it better to take at night for better sleep?


Hello and thank you.. So, since magnesium is depleted by coffee, is it better to take it before or after coffee?


Hi doctor janine can i take magnesium in the morning like you said and more at night to help me sleep and if so how much milligrams thank you also if i take calium at night can it help me sleep and how much milligrams i eat dairy products would calcium in supplement will work better for sleep thank you


If coffee depletes the magnesium out our system, should I drink 1 less cup of coffee (I drink 2 cups a day) or should I double my supplements (I take 200 mg a day) or should I do both?
