6 Signs You've Been Emotionally Abused

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In this video, we're going to discuss emotional abuse, also known as emotional trauma syndrome (Cptsd). Emotional abuse can be described as a repeated experience of emotional assault that causes significant emotional damage.

If you're experiencing any of the following symptoms, it might be evidence that you're suffering from emotional abuse: intense anxiety, depression, hopelessness, hypersensitivity to criticism, self-blame, difficulties concentrating, panic attacks, insomnia, irritability, and physical health problems. If you think you may be in an abusive relationship, it's important to reach out for help!

Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (complex PTSD, sometimes abbreviated to c-PTSD or CPTSD) is a condition where you experience some symptoms of PTSD along with some additional symptoms, such as: difficulty controlling your emotions. feeling very angry or distrustful towards the world.

Writer: Daila Ayala
Script editor: Rida Batool
Script manager: Kelly Soong
Animator: Naphia @naphia
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong
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"The wound is not my fault, but the healing is my responsibility." Marianne Williamson


This hits WAY to close to home. The worst part about being abused in any way, is you don't always know its abuse when it's happening. And it's so confusing.


"There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds." - Laurell K. Hamilton


I actually started to tear up during this, and I just remembered a lot of my childhood that I blocked from my memory


0:00 Intro
0:39 Kingdom of Isolation
1:25 Reign of Worthlessness
1:58 Fortness of Avoidance
2:34 Blame Game
3:12 Battle of Outburst
3:57 Conceal don't Feel
4:52 Outro


As someone who has been & somehow still is being emotionally & mentally abused, I can relate to this.


Sometimes words do hurt people more than any physical abuse-


Tbh as a dude, I used to struggle with accepting vulnerability because I’d get backlash whenever I did. My message to others struggling with trying to look ‘strong’ by avoiding feelings is that you’re much braver than you think you are for even accepting you’re struggling in the first place; you’re confronting something you’ve been taught to avoid, and that takes a lot of courage.


I was raised by narcissists who taught me to plow through my inner feelings to enable their behaviors to please them. Never was never educated about this personality disorder and enabled my personal relationships not knowing any better. I'm finally in a good place after a decade of healing myself.


"Trauma is personal, it does not disappear if it is not validated. When it is ignored or invalidated, the silent screams continue internally, heard only by the one held captive. When someone enters the pain and hears the screams, healing can begin." - Danielle Bernock


I’ve been trying to convince my father to change for years… I’m 26 and this video convinced me it’s time to never talk to my abuser again.


This video spoke to me and is me on all levels. Sadly, I'm always walking on eggshells and trying to please everyone before myself, I'm apologetic for everything, even when nothing is my fault. Ugh
This video triggered a lot within.
It just let's me know the work has began! And there's loads to do!
I'm learning to set boundaries and trying to love myself for the first time.
Totally easier said then done
But I got this!!!!

We got this!!!


I get hurt more emotionally than physically everyday of my life. EVERY DAY! Sometimes, I get treated like I was a punching bag, easy target or laughing stock of the entire world by everyone, even by my own family at times.


Came out at exactly the right time. This is my life in conclusion.

My parents while very good parents overall. Just don't get that being unpleasant and always insulting your child can do real damage.

It got to the point where while I love them and appreciate all the things they do for me. I don't want to be in the same room as them. They just aren't pleasant for me to be around. It's unfortunate that the parents who provide everything and give me every opportunity, I have always done my utmost to avoid in every step of my life. And I do resent them for it.

I hope some of you relate. Surely I'm not alone?

Things might improve probably not. after talking with them quite extensively I think they are beginning to understand that while arguments and insults/general uncalled for unpleasantness may be common, it's not good, just like smoking.


I'm glad emotional Abuse is being talked about more often in these videos because physical abuse happens more often because your left with marks and stuff but the entire world always forgets about the emotional standpoint of it as well. As humans we come with feelings that are always ignored or misunderstood which is a problem in the world. We look at the marks that abusers leave but never look at how it makes us feel on the inside. We are suffering not just on the outside but inside as well. So I'm happy that they talk about emotional abuse more because the society we live in today is careless and no one really cares about your feelings. Thank you so much Psych2G0 for bringing this to your channel because it is definitely well needed❤


My parents did the best they could, with what they had -- they had their own emotional baggage. But getting yelled at all the time took its toll. They realized it years later and apologized, and I'm not angry with them, but I still struggle.

1, 2, 3, and 6 are still major issues for me. *Especially* "conceal don't feel". I've been numb for long enough that I don't remember not being numb.


as a literal former child-slave who wasn't aloud to do anything other kids did, and who was responsible for the comfort of narcissist parents who always reminded me that I was less than what they expected, I relate to this heavily. My mom died last year and although I miss her, I'm beginning to heal in a way I never could while she was alive.


Wounds cannot heal but you can heal them once you face the things that causes you pain ❤


“It’s important to reach out for help.”
Last time I tried to reach out for help from my parents, they sat me down and forced me to talk about my problems, then proceeded to undermine my problems and say I was being overdramatic. They refused to let me leave even when I told them I felt like I was going to pass out. I can’t tell if this is emotional abuse or not, but they make me feel like I’m worthless because they don’t even help me through my problems, it the point that I know for a fact they’ll be mad at me for it, so I bottle it up.
