My First Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms

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My First Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms

I started to notice that something was wrong in October, 2012. This is a brief introduction to my experience with MS and the first symptoms that led to my diagnosis.

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For further information about Multiple Sclerosis please contact The MS Trust or the MS Society.

This video could not have been made without the help of Martyn Greswolde at Fresh Mint Films.

Thank you Martyn.

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I was absolutely convinced I had this. I was absolutely wrong! To anyone watching this who, like myself, has a past history of health anxiety, get off the internet and stop googling symptoms! You honestly will NOT find the answers you’re looking for! The brain is unbelievably powerful and if you read a set of symptoms and you’re wound up enough, you will get them symptoms!


My dad has been living with MS since he was 45. He is currently 89. Keep up the faith! My dad did a special diet (low fat--The Swank Diet) and took Cod Liver Oil supplements and that is one of the reasons we think that he has done so well. Cheers!


Well, bless you hunny. My father was diagnosed when i was 6. Within a year he went to cane, to walker, to wheelchair 100% disabled. I became his caregiver at age 8. He passed away after suffering for when i was 24. 10 years ago this year. Its a terrible thing. So terrible... i need therapy to cope with the memories of my poor dad suffering... ❤❤❤❤❤❤


I hope you're doing OK now mate. You should update us, a comment, or short hello video.


I’m 22 & I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis back in June of 2017. I know every feeling & I know every pain. It’s difficult for me but I’m still getting use to things til this day. 🙏🏽🙏🏽


Balance and fatigue are my biggest issues. I was diagnosed in 2005. I went to my dentist because I felt tingling on the left side of my mouth. I thought it was a toothache of some kind. 15+ years later, the thing I miss the most is the feeling of dignity of being able to walk in a straight line without tripping and falling over myself in public


Thank you, Paul, for sharing your story. I was recently diagnosed with MS. I was totally ignorant and attributed my symptoms with aging. I'm 64, and have noticed a big decline in my balance and cognitive capabilities over the past three years. Your videos have offered me hope. I understand this is a lifetime condition, but being able to communicate with others going thru this same journey, is quite therapeutic. Again, thank you so much!


I’m 39 and just got diagnosed. Late stage. I thought I was dying. It’s treatable.


I motivated myself by reading the Bible every day. I keep pushing myself to be strong and happy 😊


Good luck to you sir and many blessings to you and your family.


My husband was diagnosed with MS in Feb. 1999. We went through traditional treatment for 10 yrs....The treatment made him very ill, flu like symptoms...then he decided to try cannabis oil....ingested daily for 30 visual issues, no mobility issues, no lesion increases on MRI, his cognitive deficits have decreased since 2009, no pain or muscle shortening or atrophy....this has helped him tremendously....I thank God every day for pointing him in the cannabis oil...I don't know why or how it helped him...I don't know if it will help you....for him it was his last option.


Wow what a fantastic GP you have👍I started to feel off in summer 2016 with aches and pains in my feet, legs, hands, arms, shoulders, up the back of my neck running upto the crown of my head and very fatigued. I battled through until October 2016 and wen't to my GP but got nothing but fob off's and i think i must have visited 6 times throughout Oct and November but just got fobbed off time and time again. On boxing day 2016 i had my 1st dizzy spell. In January 2017 all my symptoms got much, much worse and all through March, April, May and June 2017 i had severe pains in my legs and the dizziness and off balance was also getting more and more intense. I had to stop working and all throughout those months from March i was going to my GP atleast every other week but got fobbed off. At the end of July all my symptoms were constant and also my dizziness/unbalance was non stop plus my arms were totally dead and lots of muscle twitching. August my feet wen't dead, my face was tingling and wen't dead, so off balance i couldn't stand up so my Partner phoned an ambulance they took me straight to A&E as they thought i'd had a stroke. I spent all evening in A&E and discharged at 6am being told it could be a vascular problem and my GP would be told to do an urgent referral to see a vascular consultant. It took my GP 2 weeks to do this and when he did he did a choose and book non urgent referral with the 1st available appt mid December which was nearly 4 months. I had to fight and push and finally got my vascular appt after 10 weeks, how can that be urgent?! I had some tests befor i met the vascular consultant and it was all normal so i was told by the vascular consultant to tell my GP to do a neurology refferal. When i spoke to my GP and told him he said shall i do an ENT refferal because of your dizziness and off balance and i said NO do the neurology appt as the vascular consultant said so my GP was still ignoring my aches, pains and all my other symptoms. The referral was done at the end of Oct and i waited for 30+ weeks and during my wait i spoke to my GP 19 times begging for help. In the end i even had to complain and my a nuisance of myself or it was going to be 38 weeks. The neurologist was a very blasay and got much of what i told him wrong from what i told him on the letter i got after the consultation. He ordered an MRI of my head and neck which i had 2 weeks later and got the results yesterday which was 5 weeks after the scan and to add insult to injury it was dated 2 weeks ago.

Anyway they have found something on my brain which was all written in medical jargon and looking it up it's consistent with MS and the letter states i will be seen again but no indication of when or anything.

Thanks for the video and i will be watching your others👍👍


I was diagnosed with double vision at 8 years old, then when I was around 15/16 I had a random episode where my feet felt like I was walking on pins and needles. It was so bad I had to go to the ER and the doctors couldn’t explain why it happened, either. Over the years, I would also have abnormal menstrual cycles that caused the joints in my fingers to lock leaving me unable to bend my fingers. Over the last few months I’ve had tremors in my legs, face, and fingers. Along with tingling sensations in my hands, legs, and arms. I suddenly also have had urinary leakage and it always feels like I’m going to pee on myself. Not to mention losing balance after standing in a single spot for a minute or two and even slight slurring of some words. The latest thing is stiffness in my right thumb. I keep feeling like I’m a hypochondriac, but after reading comments I’m glad to see I’m not alone. Hopefully I will be able to have some answers soon. Thank you for this!


you are a great brave man I suffer from ulcerative colitis it's an autoimmune disorder illness
may God heal and help you


I know it for a year and the doctors have been ignoring me. Thank you 🙏 much love to you and stay safe ❣️


Thank you for your video. I have m.s as well it's good to learn about what I have been experiencing were symptoms that no one could find. And not me being crazy. I'm thankful that you are creating a community.


I was the same way in that I kinda ignored symptoms, especially since they went away and never came back after about a week. Just left me saying, "well, that was weird". I wish I would've taken it more seriously as well. But I guess I never imagined it could've been anything like MS


I was diagnosed yesterday with MS, I had never even heard of it prior to that. Knowing the symptoms made of lot of things make sense, but now I'm scared because I don't know how bad and when/if it will get worse.


As you say, the symptoms are so subtle to begin with. I thought it was in my head and took a massive relapse for me to realise something was very wrong. Symptoms since 2010, diagnosed in 2012 when I woke up one morning numb from the waist down. No major relapses like that since (now in 2017) and under control with daily Copaxone injections. It's a bumpy ride though. Love to anyone going through this.


Thank you for making these videos. You're amazing, its just so great to hear first hand points of view and especially early symptoms
