Multiple Sclerosis - My First Symptoms

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Multiple Sclerosis (MS) - My First Symptoms.


In this video I share the onset of my very first symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis before I even knew it was MS or had a diagnosis. It all started in 2007.

Early Symptoms started 2007:
1. Numbness.
2. Burning.
3. Tingling, humming, buzzing.
4. Skin sensitivity or Altered Sensation.
5. Squeezing sensation especially in the Legs.

All of the above across my Feet, Legs, Hands, Tummy and Back.

New Symptoms starting Feb 2012 (Major attack)
1. Weakness.
2. Spasticity.
3. Abnormal Gait (walking as if drunk).
4. Extreme lower back weakness.
5. Severe Chest Pain.
6. Anxiety.
7. Tremors

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Don't forget to check out the other videos in my MS Vlog Playlist.

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Thank you for sharing!! I was diagnosed in 1992 and probably had symptoms since 1987. 25+ years with varying yet similar symptoms but I live to defy this disease! Good luck and prayers for you....


Neil excellent video, i have had ms since in my 20s i am 48yrs now.Feet paresthesia is so painful and annoying. Like you i have a wonderful wife that keeps me motivated together with my kids. I just started using a cane still work an 8hr job. My good friend has an uncle who just turned 85yrs he has had ms since when he was in his 20s.We have good wives Neil cherish them.😎


Bless you. You are very brave talking about your MS


Yes!! This is what I’ve been feeling! Vibrating, tingling, numbing, burning and itching sensation. Whole left side first. Now it’s everywhere, even my tongue. Aching pain as it’s progressed.


Neil, I was diagnosed with CIS/MS in 2012. It took awhile to get the diagnosis. Do you remember signs/symptoms that were there years before your 2007 episode? I look back and believe that there were signs of MS going way back to over 20 years before my diagnosis. Besides intermittent fatigue for most of 20’s, I had my back “cease up” on me for about 24hrs after a all night term paper typing marathon. The point I have is that MS doesn’t just develop in a matter of weeks. The lesions are evidence of a longstanding disease. To this I attach idea that MS could be caught early by screening and possibly treated more easily. My aunt was diagnosed with MS in the 50’s and my family is/was uninformed of the risk factor of having a relative with MS. Maybe if they were aware of how MS runs in families they could saved me years of missing work and confusion. Anyway, thank you for your story. It shines a light on the disease very well and brings about awareness. 😊


Electric sensations in bottom of my right foot, ms hug feels like my chest and ribs are crushing me, and blue 🔵 in right eye vision. God bless us all


Mate, you're very good at talking and explaining. Wishing you all the best


Your first video lives on in June 2020 and is blessing me friend! I thank you... I have all of these symptoms, am fifty and remain undiagnosed. Have gave up on doctors though the debilitating pain and suffering is too much period! Please pray for me of you're a Jesus man
... Thanks again! jackie


I just came across your video and watched it. I have tears rolling down my face because you just described me. I'm going to take a break before I watch the next video bc I too have TM and I'm very close to the MS diagnosis. But I have so many other tragic things going on in my life that I'm about to lose my mind. It took me 7 years to get a doctor that took the time to do the scans.My GP was the terrible doctor you described that just kept telling me to wait and let's see what happens. To this day I can't stand him. I will be in touch but I know you are about to make that difference in my life that I've prayed for every night. My husband thought I was being dramatic and no one seemed to believe me.


I have the same issue with my hands, I have had the issue for at least 6 years. Dismissed at every doctor. I’ll keep trying. Thank you for posting, I wish you the best ♥️


I'm going through this now. Have just given bloods and starting the journey to a diagnosis, but strongly suspect I might have MS.
For the past few years, I've had chronic body aches. Pain pretty much whenever I move, everywhere. If I walk further than 10-15mtrs, my feet, heels, calved and legs ache. If I pick a kettle up to make a coffee, my arm aches etc. Always thought nothing of it, assumed it was just part of getting old.

Last year, I had spontaneous Optic neuritis, leaving me with partial blindness in my peripheral vision in the my left eye. Again, doctors didn't seem too concerned at the time, said it was idiopathic and gave me steroids. Now, for the past few weeks, I've noted strange sensations in my feet, like a buzzing / vibrating feeling and my right arm is partially numb. Doctors are finally taking me seriously now by the sound of it, after explaining I read that for many people, the first symptom that patients with MS present with, is Optic Neuritis.


I have MS, and I am starting to watch all your vlogs. I remember my first MRI, I ended up going to sleep during my MRI because it was so late at night.


Dear Sir, your description about your problems is very vivid and helpful to others assess about their problems somewhat similar to yours. I pray to god to shower his blessings on you for a better health.


This is terrifying and interesting at the same time. Best of luck wish u all the best.


This is exactly what my husband has been going through for 13 years. Im taking him to have an MRI first thing tomorrow.


Sir, thank you for posting this great video
I'm sorry your going threw this M.S. night mare,
Just know your not alone....
Since 2014
I started have dizzy spells,
Before this working at a auto store known as
we was doing a
"REMODEL" for our store
The manager and I
Was carrying this big heavy beam
Long story short
It fell and crushed my right foot
Then I was diagnosed as having
multiple sclerosis...
In 2014
I did a M.S. walk
and was proud of my self
I did the walk with out
Needing to stop or rest.
and now here we are in
I don't hardly leave the house I just stay here.
I can hardly walk
Long distance anymore
Without needing to stop and rest...

God Bless you sir.


Thank you for sharing your story. It's always good to hear other people, as it does give hope that even with MS we can still have a reasonably good life with modifications to our lifestyle. Plus, that not everyone is going to have the same systems so may not suffer as much. Bless.


Thank you for this video, well made and easy to understand.
I noticed a few symptoms that I have too with no diagnosis yet. Since 2018 I didn't feel anything particular in my body but once in a while I had a 2 second pause period where I felt I had vibrations in my head because for that 2 second it was stopping I could see that the rest of the time it was vibrating (like when you turn the kitchen hood of you realize how loud it was).
Last February I started to feel subtle vibration in my left hand, saw my GP, had a blood magnesium and vitamin B12 analysis, came out normal. I waited to see if it would go away before I saw my GP again, ( I don't like to use the health system for no reason), since it was on and off. After 2 1/2 months it got a lot worse, then my 4 limbs were affected. I saw him again, he had booked me for a EMG but the appointment will be in September...had to bare the symptoms. After a whole month I went to see him again to try to get something to relieve the symptoms that were getting worse (which were also tiredness, clumsiness, brain farts, can't get the right words to come out of my mouth to make a decent sentence, burning inside of my hands)and this vibration all over my body even in my chest, abdomen and back...and almost non-stop now. He prescribed me Gabapentin and asked for a neurologist which could take a year before I get to see one. Now I have to wait, if I ever get a lot worse I will go to the hospital and maybe I will be able to see a neurologist faster.
That's my story so far; I suspected either MS or Parkinson disease.


H Karl, thanks so much for sharing your story. People just don't understand how difficult MS is. I too, have been dealing this since 2007, 43 years old right in the prime of my life.


thank you for this video, you are an incredible narrator. hope you are doing okay!
