First Symptoms of MS - My Early Signs of Multiple Sclerosis

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The first symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) might be subtle and easily missed or dismissed. In this video I share what some of those first symptoms might be and what may have been my first symptoms that I missed and dismissed. I also share about the importance of sharing our symptoms with our doctors and how it may take multiple doctors to find answers. It is important to report any symptoms as the sooner we get diagnosed, get on a disease modifying treatment (DMT), and start to make diet and lifestyle changes, the better our long term outcomes will be.

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#MS #MultipleSclerosis #LivingWithMS #EvenSoItIsWell, #VickieHadge
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Walking into door frames was my first symptom.


“You always have something”. That’s what I heard from my parents and my husband. Years and years I’ve had subtle symptoms and the GP didn’t find any explanation. So, finally I didn’t go to a doctor anymore, it all must be stress, I thought. Well, it happened to be MS. Thank you for sharing your story, mine is quite the same.


My diagnosis was quick, within 2 weeks. It started on my 34th birthday(21 years ago), I couldn't turn a magazing page, my fingers on the left hand wouldn't grasp a piece of paper. Thought maybe I slept on it funny, but everyday after was worse. My Dr. was on holiday so I went to walkins and got same answer, maybe a pinched nerve. Then I had a lightning bolt up my left arm and it went numb, I went to a dr. in my clinic and she told me to pack a bag and go to hospital where I would be seen by a neurologist. I had an MRI, lumbar puncture, tons of blood work and by this time I had lost use of my whole left side, totally paralyzed. The started agressive steroid treatment and physio, I had MS. Was told if I got out of a wheelchair the best I could hope for was walking with a walking aide...I told my neurologist to watch, I would walk on my own again. Six months later I was walking(without an aide)and working out the gym. I've been off meds for almost 20 years as the side effects where terrible. At that time there were only 3 drugs to choose from. Now I'm a fitness trainer and nutritionist specializing in living a Blessed with MS life. If I hadn't been diagnosed with MS I know I wouldn't be as healthy as I am now.


A doctor isn’t going to go straight to the worst possible thing, nor should they be expected too. There are so many things it could be


I had asthma as a child. I wasn’t diagnosed till I was 12. I outgrew it. My son has it now. I also had bad headaches and still do. My MS symptoms get better no leg or hand pain, and better mobility when I’m on my period. Less leg heaviness. But I still use a walker and a wheelchair.


Hi, Thank you for your advice and videos. Best wishes to you and Happy the week. ❤


Male diagnosed at 55 here. I had a really painful vacation trip that set off the red flags. After a short 2 hr flight my back hurt so much I could barely walk. That lasted all week.
When I returned howe and saw my Dr, he sent me out for an MRI which reflected a high-density of lesions in brain and spinal cord.
I always attributed my back pains to a car accident from +/- 10 yrs ago.
That was all 2 yrs ago. Now I am diagnosed with PPMS. Everything gets worse Little-by-little but observable to those who know me and see me every day.
Cog-Fog, stability, clumsiness, completing thoughts and full sentences, pain in feet and hands, hermits etc etc.
Also the Cold. I am good with heat but not the cold. Seems opposite of most.
I have lots of other little things. Every time I drop something, it makes me think, just clumsy or MS?
The journey continues.


My neurologist told me that it was very unusual to get MS at age 60. He thinks that I might have had it for years, and just didn't know it. Looking back, I see things that may have been a symptom. I now use a cane or walker when outside of the house.


First symptom was going blind in my left eye over the course of 2 days, 3 weeks after a covid infection and diagnosed over the course of 3 months. Everything went black in one eye. Sadly never recovered and legally blind in that eye to this day. Hoping my future relapses won't be as severe... On medication now, am a vegetarian, exercise more often and try to take care of my stress levels. Only time will tell I suppose if this will help!*


I have all of these problems but I feel like my doctor will think Im crazy. Everytime I go with a symptom to my dr i feel like they brush it off and just want to focus on one problem per visit. I have an array of problems but im tired of complaining with no one is listening.


I am a 24-year old female, and I have been having strange symptoms like this. I have not been diagnosed, but I very strongly suspect it could be MS. I have been doing yoga and small amounts of walking on a walking pad at home to try and build my strength and balance back up, but it has been hard.

It started with fatigue that began in my second-to-last semester of college, the Fall of 2022 (funny enough, my degree is in neuroscience!). It was so bad and really never let up. Then, a little over a month ago, I had extreme fatigue that left me in bed, unable to really get up or go to work (thank goodness they were understanding about it). Due to my fatigue, my doctor really just said that I had ME/CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome).

But, immediately after my bad fatigue spell, I started having trouble walking. My balance and coordination started suffering, and I started getting these weird neurological/muscular symptoms like tremors and stiff muscles. I also cannot stand the heat whatsoever - in fact, after a particularly hot bath that I took, I felt so awful after, like I was dying.

Also, interestingly, I have pretty much lost my sense of smell. It has taken a few years, but I can't really smell anything anymore. I don't know if this is a symptom, but it is kind of scary to me. Anyways, great video!!!


Ditched seed oils, processed foods, sugar, and increased animal based fats, and fatty protein, feel tremendous.


Thanks for your video...our early experiences were similar. It really seems to come down to the medical professionals we consult early on. Some are quick to diagnose and treat; others would rather wait and monitor. I had the latter kind, and it's motivated me to become my own advocate. In a way, maybe that's a good thing?


Yes, it took me 8 years to figure out about the pain in my legs and arms. ...and yes I was in my late 50's and they said, age? neuropathy? slow blood flow?


I was diagnosed with epilepsy now I’m having lots of symptoms of ms


ah, yes. . . foot drop. . . for me too the demanding call to figure out was going on. . . . . . . .neurologist. . . mri. . . brain and spine lesoins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . MS! 4years ago at this point. . . .


I still waiting on diagnosis, it started 2 years ago, I woke up shaking at 330, 5 episodes, drop foot, right side weakness, hot showers I thought I was having a stroke, slurs words numb face. Dr wahls level 1 as a vegan has helped me alot


Mine, I knew what to look for as I’m the third female in my family to have MS. So as soon as my 90 pound dog was standing on my feet and I could not feel the pressure or the pain of him standing on my feet. I knew something was wrong. I immediately contacted my sister’s MS specialist got in and he had me diagnosed within a week.


I can't follow a plant based diet since being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis during 2018. I am just not that disciplined.


I have symptoms of being off balance, cognitive issues pins and needles in hands and feet Dizziness fatigue MRI showed no lessions per the hospital physician not my neurologist.I was wondering if a lumbar puncture would be more precise. I do have an appointment with the neurologist soon.
