Multiple Sclerosis | Rachael's Story

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For 3 years, Rachael suffered from symptoms that she could not explain, blurry vision, sensory disturbance, numbness on one side of her body, and fatigue. Multiple doctors told her she was fine. She was starting to lose hope, until she was referred to the Penn MS Center.

Dr. Eric Williamson, MD, Assistant Professor of Neurology diagnosed Rachael with multiple sclerosis. Rachael has MS, but now she also has a plan and team at Penn. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease affecting the central nervous system (the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves). There are more than 450,000 people in the United States with MS, making it among the most common neurological illnesses in North America. Although MS can appear at any age, it most commonly begins between the ages of 20 and 40, and affects women twice as often as men.

The Penn MS Center is made up of experienced, highly-trained physicians and specialists who are experts in the diagnosis and management of MS. Patients benefit from individualized treatment plans and personal care from dedicated physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, social workers, and a pharmacist.
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wow imagine having a parent who actually validates how you feel


bruh vision, sensory and swollowing issues is NOT STRESS. Stress does a lot. It does not how ever effect your NERVES. God bless this girl


Thank you for posting this. I was diagnosed 6 years ago after my medical complaints were disregarded for 20 years. I was lucky to unintentionally find my favorite neurologist ever and she empowered me to go on ‘as normal’ when I thought there was no chance of that anymore. I had a healthy pregnancy and now have a healthier 3yo who DOES NOT STOP! ❤️


My daughter had been diagnosed with autoimmune multiple sclerosis. She's been hospitalised for the 2nd time and today She had seizures and was taken to the ICU. They did MRI and
ICU doctor said they found a blood clot on one of the vessels in the brain so now they going to do a CT scan to zoom to the exact place and start my girl on blood thinning medication. I am going through so much and can't stop my tears and I have been praying for her. I love my daughter very much!


I was diagnosed with MS 12 years ago, and I have set up a channel to share my MS journey to help others with theirs. I'm so pleased you got your diagnosis but it must have been a frustrating time for you.


Thank you for sharing your story. I was diagnosed 3 weeks ago and I thought I was going crazy because I couldn't not explain what was causing my symptoms. K was literally imploding from keeping it to myself for fear of what others would say since my issues could not be seen to the naked eye. Thank you for sharing


Going thru it with a parent is special. I was diagnosed in February


i think the one thing thats devastating for me is that for the longest time i've beaten myself up for not being able to do things right or think efficiently and finding out that MS was the cause for it was pretty nerve wrecking, but it gave me a lot of the validation i needed to stop beating myself up.


Most Doctors are the crazy ones anymore! Lazy and don’t want to do the detective work some require for a diagnosis, it’s to easy and much faster to diagnose anxiety or depression these days and move on to the next dollar in line and on top of that we don’t even get lollipops anymore just a big fat bill for nothing. It’s hard to find a good doctor these days for sure but I’m glade you found one and stayed persistent. Good luck I wish you nothing but the best on your life’s journey I’m still looking for that one doctor myself


Your horse is gorgeous. Little poppet, so sweet. I love horses too but unfortunately came off at gallop about eight years ago, breaking my neck and jolting my pelvic area. I am now disabled with severe fibromyalgia, but recently been getting the shakes, tremors all over my body, but mostly legs and hands. These last two or three hours, so I googled, what causes shakes and tremors, which led me to you and MS - so very similar symptoms, so I may see my doctor. Just could not resist clicking you when I saw your horse, lovely skew bald. Sadly I cannot ride any more. Keep well my friend and fellow horse lover. Andrew, Somerset, England.


Oh god. I am 17. I have had these symptoms for years and the doctors look at me like I am crazy and won’t do tests because I am “ so young “ there “ should be nothing wrong with me “. I have all of the MS symptoms. I have thought for years I was going insane because of all of these symptoms- thinking there cant possibly be any disease that can have this many symptoms. I didn’t ever think about MS with my age until a friend reached out to me and told me to look into it. I won’t go self diagnosing and no offense to anyone who lives with MS but I do NOT want to have it at my age- I am holding out hope... but I have a high pain tolerance and am a major realist, I am the type to not seek medical care unless I was shot in the chest, so it is discouraging when these doctors look at me and send me home saying I am fine when I know something is up...


Hi Rachel I loved your story. I have had similar symptoms and doctors aren't able to tell me what's wrong. I finally gave up going to physicians because they could never find anything wrong with me. However my symptoms continue to increase the fatigue, muscle pain and numbness are the absolute worse.


It sucks not knowing, it’s good you know, and you have a plan ...


Can totally relate. I was finally diagnosed with Epilepsy, and it was actually a relief after all the “You’re just depressed. You’re just stressed”.


I been diagnosed since October 12th 2020. My best advice to the newly and old diagnosed is to keep moving don’t stop moving it keeps the MS from not disabling us along with Multiple sclerosis Medication. I’m currently on kesimpta and my multiple sclerosis been stabled since first diagnose.
Good luck to all warriors! 🧡🧡🧡🧡


Thanks so much for contributing this video and adding to people's understanding of MS. Based on the number of subscribers and downloads - it's obviously helped a TON of people. Thanks again. #FUMS


Super exited for you and your doctors for they're great work. I've been looking for your story for many yrs.


I’ve lived with pain, tingling, numbness and many more symptoms for the past 5 yrs and still no answer. I know how she feel. I feel like I’m crazy. I know something is wrong but no one can give me answers.


How I long to have Dr. like that. Nearly every dr. I see tells me to go on anti depressants.


ms' and other neurological disorders' symptoms/diagnostic criteria must be revisited! to stop labeling people all over the world crazy and delay treatment!
