Subtle Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

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Sometimes it is hard to describe our multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms. There are MS symptoms that can be vague, subtle, and they can come and go. This can make it difficult to diagnose MS. In this video talk about some of the subtle symptoms that we may experience and how they may make it hard to diagnose MS or delay the diagnosis.

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Do you have other subtle symptoms associated with your MS?


How many times did I blame my dizziness on dehydration? How many times did I blame tripping or stumbling on my shoes? How long did I struggle with depression? Prickly pain? Well, that had to be dehydration right? Fatigue? Oh I must have to take vitamins. I write down my schedule? How can I forget what I have to do each day? Why can’t I recognize where I am even though I’ve been here so many times? The list goes on!!!


noise and bright lights totally do me in.


I've had all of these symptoms sadly. I left the workforce at 18 when I was diagnosed. It was aggressive and world shattering for my family who cares for me.


When you described the tightness is when I said ok I’m not crazy I haven’t even told anyone about that yet.


I'm 50 and am mid-diagnosis. My neurologist knows it's MS, just waiting on my cervical and lumbar MRI to know my progression. After reviewing my medical history - ulcerative colitis, endometriosis, adenomyosis, hypertension, a wreck that damaged right knee, a self-diagnosis of ADD, blah blah blah, he suspects that my elevated pain tolerance, my writing off cognitive issues as ADD, and how I have just accepted fatigue as a permanent fixture of my life--- that I've probably had MS for years. I have to wonder how many others do the same, and how much of myself I would still have if MS wasn't such a sneaky B***! THANKS. This felt like an appropriate vent area for this 🥹


I like your videos, I've just been diagnosed with MS. After watching your videos, your journey seems to be exactly what I have gone through. You give me hope! :)


I have all the symptoms. The dr at the ER said he thought that was what it was but my family Dr says it's ptsd.😔 I love your videos. They are very informative.


I've come to utilize "speech to text" all the time. Or just printing things out on my printer rather than writing. Like grocery lists. Very convenient!

But I am always conscious of keeping muscles exercised, knowing that "if I don't use it, I'll lose it!"


Sounds alot like myalgic encephalomylitis/ME that was poorly named chronic fatigue syndrome in the mid 1980s. Research found low natural killer cell function, inflammatory cytokines, increased infections, white matter lesions on mri's. Even autopsies found inflammation in the brain and spinal cord of ME pts, yet it is still mostly ignored. Some treatments can help some people such as antivirals and antibiotics but its mostly symptomatic treatments if one can tolerate them.


Everything you said I’ve been going thru. Since 2014 when I had my knee replacement surgery I’ve complained about a TIGHTNESS in my calf area. I was blown off. Cog fog- 100%, I can’t focus on anything work related. Omg thanks for this video


This is a great video!🧡 These really are pretty sneaky symptoms, and I'm so glad you brought them up so people keep them in mind!


Very helpful. Thank you so much. I am a patient of Ms since almost 15 years. Finally my symptoms make sense.


You have a new follower 🙏❤️. I love the way you described all symptoms related to MS in your videos. I have watched two of your videos and I have all the symptoms you’ve described and others too. This confirms that I am not that crazy 😔. I also have other conditions such as herniated/bulging discs, bone spurs, and pinched nerves in my cervical, Thoracic, and lumbar/sciatic areas, cervical disc disease with myelopathy, lumbar disc disease with radiculopathy, spinal enthesopathy and stenosis in cervical area, Fibromyalgia, and recently diagnosed with TOS, Cervical Dystonia. Have bursitis, tendonitis, tear, bone spur, etc. in different areas in both of my shoulders 😔, multiple join pains, and bilateral numbness, tingling, burning, etc. of arms, hands, legs, and feet. I have some doctors against any surgery to be performed on me because they say I will be in even more pain of what I have right now. I always said I have MS, but my neurologist said I don’t 🤷🏽‍♀️, but I keep researching and looking for solutions. I am afraid I am not taking the right medication I should take to stop or delay the condition. The medications I am taking for Fibromyalgia just put me to sleep, make me drowsy, cause more vision problems, and make my body and mind even more tired. Depression and anxiety is horrible. I have faith in God and still in the Doctors that I will get the proper treatment I deserve to feel better. It will not surprised me if I am diagnosed with MS because I’ve been dialing with all of these symptoms for more than 10 years, problem is that every day it is getting worse and even more after having COVID last year. My problem is that when people look at me (55 years) I may not show my age and/or my conditions. But I will continue to advocate for myself as you said 🙏. Again thank you so much and God bless.


I have them all! My double vision hasn't went away for 30 years now. Have it 24/7. Fatigue and depression a big part of my life. I went to the doctors for years and they always took bloods and they were always fine. Finally one doc said it could be ms as the numbness I alway had in my feet moved up to my waist. Finally diagnosed in 2006 after mri. When people ask me what symptons I have, my mind goes blank as there is many of them. Great video. Could have been written for me.


I'm so glad I found your channel. Sending you so much love and gratitude 🦋


Great video! I also feel warm in my face when I experience these symptoms: Muscle aches, joint pain, weakness in arms I can't lift them longer than 15 to 20 seconds before they start hurting and getting tired, muscle spasms, balance issues when walking, cog fog, speech difficulties where I stumble over my words and have trouble recalling words, nap straight after work, tremors when I'm feeling cold and not cold, tingling crawly feeling like a bug is crawling on me, cold feet and sometimes hands . I also have ADHD just diagnosed. I had an evaluation done in 2015. I was 21ish and saw a neurologist. He did the needle test on me where he stuck me with needles and tested different parts of my body to check my nerves (I forgot what that test is called). The only thing he found was my left side of my body is weaker than my right but nothing significant. Nothing happend after that. Now this whole week I'm experiencing all same symptoms I mentioned earlier again to the point where I was crying last night from the pain and overwhelming sensations. My mom suggested I'm probably dehydrated and that helped a little drinking water/ electrolytes. Can dehydration really cause all the symptoms I'm experiencing? Is this enough to seek another evaluation from a different neurologist? Should I see a different specialty doctor? I'm lost on what or if I should so something about this. Sorry this is long and thank you for anyone who can guide me 😊


I have trouble with exercise since about 6 months before my MS was diagnosed back in November. Does anyone else suffer from extreme fatigue after exercise? I've been trying to take it easy with some slow walking because last time i pushed myself i ended up in bed the next day. 😕


I live with many of the symptoms you described in your video to varying degrees but the one symptom that is difficult for me to control is the unusual sensation of feeling wet, cold and damp legs, when they are DRY! The other sensation is waking up in the morning with an iced cold right hand. When I run cold water 💦 on the hand, the water feels warm. The truth is I don’t know what to expect from day to day but fortunately there’s one medication which helps me more than others.


I'm finally seeing a neurologist after canceling with two in the last few years as both times I moved out of area. Thank you for this video! I realize now I've been having symptoms even longer than I realized! I'm on my 3rd GP that suspects I have MS. There are worse things it could be, so I am prepared for diagnosis ...
