First Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

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At a National MS Society Charity MS Walk in Long Beach, California on April 27th 2024, I asked people, "What were your first symptoms of MS?"

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Dr. Brandon Beaber is a board-certified neurologist with subspecialty training in multiple sclerosis and other immunological diseases of the nervous system. He is a partner in the Southern California Permanente Medical Group and practices in Downey, California (South Los Angeles). He has several publications on MS epidemiology and has participated in clinical trials for MS therapeutics. You can follow him on twitter @Brandon_Beaber where he regularly posts about MS news and research.

he video material by Dr. Brandon Beaber is general educational material on health conditions and is not intended to be used by viewers to diagnose or treat any individual's medical condition. Specifically, this material is not a substitute for individualized diagnostic and treatment advice by a qualified medical/health practitioner, licensed in your jurisdiction, who has access to the relevant information available from diagnostic testing, medical interviews, and a physical examination. To the extent that Dr. Beaber endorses any lifestyle change, behavioral intervention, or supplements, the viewer should consult with a qualified healthcare professional to determine the safety and efficacy of the intervention in light of their individualized information.
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My first ever symptoms were numbness, pins and needles in my face, head, hands and then in 2008 l had optic neuritis of my left eye l lost most of my
Vision in my left eye, it lasted for 6 weeks . My older sister has MS too . I was officially diagnosed in Feb 2023 when my symptoms of balance, unsteadiness and walking problems got worse . I am now secondary progressive . I have a very positive attitude, l undertake mindfulness on a daily basis and do whatever exercise l can, l am a devout Catholic and believe that in prayer god will look after me ❤️🙏🏼


Crazy that I have had MS for 31 years and have never really had an episode of vision disruption. Physical eye exam does show evidence of thinning of the back of the eye, though. Glad I never had outright vision loss.


My very first symptom was likely left arm weakness at age 19 that lasted a day or two. I remember eating cereal and not being able
to get the spoon to my mouth. I went about a decade with bouts of fatigue, anxiety, and brain fog. All of which I could find an excuse for at the time. Then, at age 29, I started having a slow decline in vision and was ultimately diagnosed at 35. That was 3 years ago. I now have permanent 20/200 vision in the right eye and sometimes have balance issues, but not bad enough to affect my walking. MRI revealed brain and spinal lesions. Spinal tap also showed bands. Been on ocrevus for 2 years now and doing well.


Hi Dr. Beaber

Great job you assisted the event! My first symptoms were difficulty retaining urine, dizziness, balance problems, ocassionslly tripping.

I got officially diagnosed October 2023 with RRMS, EDSS of 3 at the time after my first relapse. Started right away with Ocrevus. Six months later and with PT and medication, my EDSS is now to 1, and I had my second Ocrevus infusion yesterday.

I am able to jog, walk almost normal, though still sensitive to extreme weather conditions.


My first life impacting symptom was optic neuritis in one eye. Went to bed 20/20, and woke up 20/200 :(

But once I was in the processing phase of the diagnosis, I realized that I had had previous symptoms that I had just ignored or that had gone away on their own. (Tingling in certain fingers on one hand, etc)

Hope everyone out there is doing well!! 💪😎💪


Great video Doc- thanks for airing and sharing..


Left leg would randomly not work, causing me to almost trip myself. Was back in 2018 was seeing Dr Beaber at time great Dr.


Many people told me don't choose neurology as a specialty as most of the diseases are progressive and there are no cure for them and the patient satisfaction won't be that much. but i said I am gonna be a neurologist and I will discover the appropriate cure for those diseases.


I had many symptoms that I ignored for years, such as extreme fatigue and tingling legs, arms, heat sensitivity.. I went to hospital after waking up almost blind ( optic neuritis). That’s when I got diagnosed with MS, but most likely had it at least 10 years already.


Diagnosed 3 weeks ago, optical neuritis, double vision looking to the left that affected my left eye, saw a neurologist and did a lot of tests and was diagnosed with MS. 3 months ago, right leg, would just go numb for a second, that stopped after a few weeks, didn’t think of anything from it. Will be undergoing HSCT next week 🙏


My first symptom (male, 22 at the time) was orgasming after hour(s) of intense humping. After 6.5 years I got the much more typical mix of double-vision and loss of balance - leading to the diagnosis with lots of MRI lesions. 28 years later I can still walk, but the headaches are a horror.


Looking back, my first symptom (I believe) was severe chills and fever one night when I was 17 (I'm 53 now)and what I thought at the time might have been food poisoning. The next morning it was gone. I also played the saxophone in high school and occasionally I would be unable to maintain my air flow from the lungs and through the mouth without having the air go out of my nose....I know that sounds weird, but think of trying to blow up a balloon and air going out of your nose instead...some sort of weakness in the nasal cavity...I have have had these "shivering" episodes multiple times since, usually accompanied by a fever. I joined the Navy as a musician, and a couple of years later I failed the run portion of my PT test (too slow, but I was only 19 and in decent shape I thought). I was diagnosed 4 years into my service when I woke up one morning with slurred speech and right-sided weakness. Went to the Balboa Naval Hospital, MRI + spinal tap= diagnosis of "probable" MS. 2 weeks later Betaseron was approved by the FDA (Jan 93). Now EDSS 6.5.


My visions "horizontal hold" was off. I could look at a wall and it would still appear to be scrolling left or right, not fast, but enough to make me go to get medical advice.


I had one relapse two years ago and it was my first symptom of MS, numbness on the right side of my face and head.


My first symptom was heat exhaustion and blackout. Then started noticing balance issues. My fellow soldiers would ask me if I was drunk. I don’t drink . Currently trying to get my MS service connected .


Painful numbness and tingling in all four extremities for about two weeks I was station in Korea at this time in 2018. Mil doctors attributed to degenerative disc disease. Two years later my 5K run went from 19 minutes to about 23 and I was occasionally called out by my neighbors as being a day drinker due to imbalance year of testing mRIs now I am in a powered wheelchair with continuous pain throughout back neck and head unable to stand up about 5% use of left-hand and 50% use right hand no core strength Extreme difficulty speaking difficulty opening left eye was diagnosed in July 2021 at the end of a robust 25 year military career

PS it took about 10+ minutes to dictate this due to speech issues


Symptoms of numbness for years, finally completed hearing loss in left ear, my right ear it sounded like rushing water.


My son 18th head ache vomiting twitching down right side of body. Put in to a injusted coma for4 weeks wake up paralysis down right hand side


Pins and needles in left leg which proceeded to go up my leg across my genitals and then went down my right leg. I put up with that for 2 week's before going to my local doctor


tingles for years but no diagnosis... if found earlier maybe hsct earlier, could shoulda woulda..
