Alexithymia- The Most Important Unknown Word in Chronic Pain- TMS- Dr. Sarno

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Learn what alexithymia is and how it is the most important unknown word in chronic pain. Alexithymia is present in many people suffering from chronic pain and is an important piece to not only understanding persistent pain, but to getting out of pain as well.

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I have cptsd, RA, ADHD and discovered that I also have Alexithymia, only now in the past week. I always knew I had attachment order and have never had a handle on my emotions. I just covered it so well, no one ever believed and because of the Alexithymia Iv never acknowledged my anxiety or depression. I want to say something no one has mentioned. Two years ago I had a hip replacement. I have this crazy ability to not feel pain and kept going without stopping after my op. I tore the muscles off my thigh twice after the operation and had to have two operations thereafter to rejoin them. The Dr was furious, everyone was furious but I couldn't explain how or why I kept doing it. I think the answer lies in the Alexithymia.


I have PTSD, BPD and Fibromyalgia. I am no formally educated but I am a scholar and I just new that my mental state caused my fibromyalgia. Thanks for the video.


It seems like there's a lot to understand about alexithymia. I have Fibromyalgia and Chronic Migraines, I think I have alexithymia but also I know when I'm having a flare-up or severe migraines they dull my ability to process any other bodily sensations. When I'm not in as much pain it's easier to identify how I'm feeling--though it's more of an analytical process than quick labeling despite an effort to get better at labeling feelings. It seems like we have a lot to learn about what emotions even are and where they originate and how our mind makes sense of them.


Is it possible to be alexythimic for 18 years?


If chronic pain makes you alexythymic then it cannot cause depression(since it's an emotional disorder), pretty much a conttadiction
