Все публикации

What is Pain? Here's the Official Definition.

120 years of Research Shows 2 Personality Types with Chronic Pain

How Memory Shapes Your Perception & Your Symptoms

The Importance of Building Emotional Awareness & Expression

Change Your Perception, Change Your Reality

What You Avoid You Attract More Of

Dr. David Clarke: Talking 'Neuroplastic Symptoms'

Self-Compassion: Its Role in Healing

Danger or Threat Symptoms are actually Protective

Understanding Why It's the Brain not the Body

Follow-up: Clarifying The 5 Steps/Ways To Reduce Danger or Threat

5 Steps/Ways to Teach Your Brain There's No True Danger or Threat

Mind-Body Success Story With Josh

The Danger or Threat Exists in Your Brain, not in Your Body.

I'm Back to Square One- No You're Not

Insights with Rebecca Tolin: 'Be Your Own Medicine'

Em'power'ment- Take Your 'Power' Back When You're Stuck in Fear (Anxiety)

Understanding Central Sensitization & Its Role in Chronic Symptoms

Somatic Practice: Grounding by Changing your Attention

Move Through IT While IT Moves Through You

Are Your Somatic Symptoms Caused By Anxiety?

Practice: Attending to Somatic Symptoms in 3 Helpful Ways

Primary & Secondary Stress Leading to Symptoms

Cognitions: A Brain Area We Need to Shift for Healing