Learning The Splits | Where I Went Wrong.

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My journey to the front splits, where I went wrong and how I am starting again. Includes splits science and my new flexibility and splits routine.

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Here's the easiest way to understand increasing ROM: your muscles are super intelligent. They will not extend all the way unless they feel they are strong enough to withstand what you are trying to push them into -- otherwise, they will tear. The best and fastest way to get your splits is through active stretching. Seated forward folds are going to be less effective than standing because the tissues are bearing weight when you stand. Standing Splits is a yoga pose that's really challenging, but excellent for training the splits because the bottom leg is weight-bearing, and the top leg has the hamstrings both extended all the way AND fighting gravity to lift.

If you're hitting plateaus, I'd consider slowing down on the long holds and stretches otherwise you could trigger issues like sciatica. Your hamstrings will also just keep resisting. Do some hamstring training (pilates/yoga are great because they often ask the hamstrings to be long AND strong) like leg lifts and such in a table-top position. The reason that guy could get his splits from holding them that long was because he didn't have objects under him -- he wasn't softening into the hamstring stretch, he was holding himself there and that was putting demand on the entire lower body (strong & long training). I would definitely not advise anyone to go about that way mostly because it seems like it takes way too much time and would be exhausting and painful! Foam rolling would be really beneficial too.

Try making your hamstring stretches active rather than passive. It feels like you stretch less when the muscle is engaged, however when you activate the muscle it adds more tensile quality, adding greater demand. So, in half-splits, micro-bend the knee, push your heel down and magnetize the foot to the back of your mat... just with 10-20% of your energy, nothing major. THEN start to straighten the leg. You'll feel that hamstring light up. And make sure to do both flexed and pointed toe stretching. Flexed will put some demand on the calf, but pointed will send it mostly to the belly of the hamstring. Both are good. To avoid low back issues, make sure the low back maintains a natural slope. Any rounding can cause nerve issues. A lot of other comments mentioned this too, but squaring the hips will keep your hips happier in the long run as well.

TLDR: Do both active & passing stretching. Eccentric hamstring strengthening. Foam rolling. Good form. Patience. It takes MONTHS to get splits, not weeks. Everyone's genetics and natural hamstring length vary.

If you ever want to do a Zoom to do a stretch sesh together and I can talk you through it lmk, I'd be totally down!! I hope this is helpful!!


I used to stretch for my split every day, but eventually it was just too painful, so I started doing a good stretch 2 days a week after workouts, and I have my split now. That's what worked for me. (It took about 6 months, but it was worth it and easy)


don’t forget to square your hips! i always see major improvements whenever i fix my form on my stretches. also try getting yoga blocks to support your weight since they allow for a better stretch. i recommend watching some boho beautiful yoga videos bc she rly describes proper form well.


this is great! have you thought about doing a real time video of you doing the routine? i'd like to follow along!


It's so encouraging to see somebody else who has also had trouble getting their splits. I've been working on mine for over 2 years now and I'm so close to the floor now. Keep going and persevere.


I've started my splits journey in the pandemic, tried every stretche videos. It was painful, felt flexible, but still struggled to see any progress. Got demotivated and completely had forgotten about it last year. Watching your video on this, I couldn't relate more 🥺 I'm definitely going to start over again, and this time I promise to be consistent. Can't thank you enough ❤️


Guys please be careful, you should NOT be in nauseating pain. You should not have to force it, many skeletal and muscle differences can make the splits hard. It’s good to stretch and keep limber but not hurting your body…gentle stretching 5 days a week is FAR better than 40 minutes once a week


It’s weird because it seems like you’re putting your hips as if you were trying the middle split BUT you’re putting your legs like if you’re trying to do side split (like at 3:00 your leg are in your right split but your body isn’t looking forward your right leg, you have to face your right foot ! Not the chair !). I’m confused on what are your goals (you want a side split ? But maybe I don’t understand) so sorry if my comment is off topic but I just want to share something !

Take care ! On a lot of pictures we can clearly see that you’re not with a good hip placement ! Keep them really square, don’t open them like you do ! What I mean is : for exemple at 1:27, we see that you’re opening your hip pushing your back to your sofa ! Keep your upper body forward (without necessarily leaning forward) it will help your hips staying square ! Choose placement above all during a stretching ! They’re a lot of good professional dancer account on Instagram, they give a lot of good advice to improve your flexibility !

Just sitting in a split will not really help. It can be “good” if you already have it to keep it but if you want to work on it maybe prefer little precise exercices to focus on every part of your body that is engaged during a split, it’s more efficient than just “sit on your split”.

(I’m not a professional, BUT only giving you tips I’ve learned from professional, I just want you to stay safe. I’m working on my splits too for ballet and following a lot of good dance teacher etc)

After all, continue having fun with stretching ! ❤️


I was never interested in splits but you made me feel involved. 🤗
Keep going girl. Love your approach.


Oversplits!!! That really helped me. Also being properly warmed up is key. Just being gentle and slow, stopping when it hurts too much. I personally did my old stretching routine from rythmic gymnastics (I'm not a naturally flexible person whatsoever, so it's just finding a routine and sticking to it lol). I only stretched on days when my muscles weren't sore from either stretching or other exercise, too. It took a few months but less than a year.


Hun, as an ex- gimnast, I can give you some advice. You are doing it the wrong way. You should bend your front knee, with the plant of the foot fully touching the floor and the back leg is the one that has to be straight. Then just "gently jump"(don't know how to explain it). Do like 300 repetitions(little jumps, like trying to touch the floor with your 🥝).Then do the same with the other leg.
It's going to take you less than 10 min and it's pain free. That's the way we used to improve our flexibility. Hope I have explained it clear (more or less😂).


Its one of my goals of the year to do the splits. This video might jump start my motivation lol


I'm a yogi and here a few points to know about stretching:

- the more your muscles are developped, the less they will be flexible
- the stretch works best when muscles are cold, so try to stretch in the morning right after you wake up and before you work out
- the improvment of your flexibility is not linear, it will come at phases and you will encounter stagnant phases (I recommend doing your stretching routine for 3 months for results)
- You need to make sure to stretch all aras of your legs (back, between legs, front and hips). There is particular exercice for each. Holding each 5 min per day is enough
- It's better to go slowly into the stretch as long at it "hurts" in the whole area of the leg and not a particular point (this is not good). If you go to intens you might hurt yourself and have to take a break of at least 1 week in case of muscle ripping

Now you know everything :)


when i took dance classes (as an adult) in china, my teachers would literally stand on my butt and quads to force me closer to a split. it never worked and everyone was in agony.


You definitely made some progress, good job! consistency is key! The main thing to try and remember is to keep your hips square, which will reduce likelihood of injury and get you a deeper split in the long run. You need to stretch your hips too and not just hamstrings. I would also avoid deep stretches every day, especially since you are new to stretching. You need to give your muscles a break to heal, and this will help your progress. So deep stretches every other day or every 3 days, and in between you could do less intense stretches. Keep at it!


just do anna mcnulty’s front split routine for a month! i was super inflexible and it literally got me my spilts in 2 weeks and my oversplit in 2 months


Really love how well-researched and informed you made this video! I have also watched a ton of "how to split" videos, but this is the best so far! :)


just wanted to say your hair looks great ❤️❤️❤️


Congratulations you are the first one that i one that I see who’s honest about her experience…👏🏻


I'm in a similar situation where I've been trying since forever but always end up quitting before seeing significant process. Outside of consistency I struggle with Form and injury(?) the most. After a couple of days of trying the splits I always end up experiencing pain in my right upper thigh that keeps getting worse the more I try 😔
