How HARD should you STRETCH?

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Is it safe to stretch hard? How intense should the stretch be? Should it hurt? Should it feel good? In this video Trevor breaks down how to know if you are stretching hard enough for your body. He gives you the flexibility cues to look for to make sure you are making progress.

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More great tips from Trevor! You ever wonder how hard you should stretch? Trevor walks you through the questions you should ask yourself to set you up for success in your stretching journey. You don't have to choose between strength and flexibility. You can use your stretching to develop your strength and your strength to develop your flexibility. Check out these tips that Trevor walks you through and see how you can better your practice.
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Buddy just casually paragliding in from the right was awesome.


THANKS FOR POSTING 67 years old still lifting stretching ... trying to get a full split again.


Your videos are nothing short of informative and truly helpful. I'm glad I stumbled across your channel while doing a search sometime in the past and I've never one day been disappointed or lost interest when a video's released. It's just what I need to help in transitioning to calisthenics and getting my body flexible as I age. My years of heavy squatting and stuff landed me with an injury and now I'm just doing bodyweight workouts and I didn't know I was missing out such a beautiful experience—it beats the gym and heavy weights any day in my opinion.

Keep on helping us develop the total body bro!


This is a good and informative video. I used to think that all stretching was relaxing. But I've learned that though it doesn't need to be excruciating, stretching can be challenging and beneficial. Thank you for the video. Btw the parachuter landing in the background was a really good touch.


I love the person just casually parachuting into the frame 😂


Great channel, great content. Looking forward to actually trying all of these stretching tips and exercises this week!


a topic for a video could be: when are elbows and shoulders in a good and when in a bad position during push exercises? For example, I have seen that there are bulgarian push ups and ring dips. I wonder if these executions are bad for elbow and shoulder. In normal push ups the elbow should not be too far from the upper body, only about 45 degrees. Then there is also the overhead press with dumbbells. You can, like with the barbell, keep your forearms parallel to each other as long as possible while pushing up. But I have also seen the variant where the start position looks like a W, viewed from behind or in front. And in this variation, we try to leave the dumbbells behind when pushing up. Is this dangerous? If not, then why are normal pushups with elbows sticking out far dangerous? as far as I know, because then the rotator cuff gets too much load and the elbow joints are in a bad biomechanical position. but doesn't that also apply to the other exercises?


Genuinely get light headed doing some of these stretches. Muscles burning. It feels good.


Thank you for this video. Very clear and informative.

I broke and badly sprained my left ankle about 15 months ago and am still working on getting back my full ROM in dorsiflexion of my ankle.

I would love to see a video on regaining ankle dorsiflexion.


Great information, love the explanation of why we should do things this way


Oh boy i needed that reminder that it shouldn't be relaxing to stretch and i should actually feel a lot 😂 good Video as always!
loving the paragliding guy, very casual and beautiful 😍


Anybody else get distracted at the 5 minute mark?


Absolutely love your channel, really resonates with my vibe. I want my side splits this year! I looked but I couldn't see if you've specifically gotten into this. Any plans? Keep up the good work!


Tryna stretch so id get in a wheelchair when I’m older still be vibrant and young when I retire so I can dedicate to my beliefs and travel


Thanks Trevor, great video as always!
I do have one question. If the stretch should feel highly uncomfortable, how to know where the line is between doing a highly uncomfortable stretch and slowly injuring yourself?


Very helpful info. Paraglider makes it an extra cool vid.


I have stiff neck. The cause is lot of sitting and possibly handstand training.


Truly helpful, beautifully demonstrated & clearly communicated, thank you. You are always my go to to continually improve on my flexibility, strengthening my body in a safe secure manner


Evryone know "no pain no gain" as a gym motivation but a true pain is a stretching xD
