You DON'T Need to Stretch (NEW RESEARCH)

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Did you know that there is new research available that shows you don’t need to stretch to increase flexibility and joint range of motion? In this video, I am going to show you how you can ditch your boring static stretching routine (that you’re probably not even doing in the first place) and can replace it with something that is simple and easy to follow.

What this new research shows is that traditional strength training is just as beneficial as traditional static stretching when it comes increasing a person’s flexibility and joint range of motion. So, that means that if you were dreading adding a few extra minutes to your routine in order to go through some uncomfortable static stretching, I have another option for you.

When it comes to stretching and flexibility, some will argue that it is the most important thing that you can do. In fact, they might call it the “fountain of youth.” I’m not going to argue its importance, but I too find myself often skipping it when short on time, especially since it is relegated to the end of the workout anyways.

So how do we replace the boring static stretch routine? Simple, we incorporate loaded stretching into our weight training routine - yes, you will still be doing SOME stretching, just not the kind you are probably used to doing. We can add these loaded stretches very easily by utilizing the contracted and stretched position of commonly performed exercises.

Now to achieve the best stretch and to maximize flexibility and joint range of motion, you want to make sure you are hitting full range of motion of the muscle on each exercise. Going from fully stretched to fully contracted is the best way to do this and I am going to show you specific exercises that allow you to do this every time.

The first exercise that I want to highlight is the lat pulldown. When incorporating the stretch aspect of the exercise, I like to use the v-handle as it allows me to get my elbows out in front to increase the stretch on the lats. When you perform this back exercise, allow yourself to hang out for a few seconds in the stretch position at the top of the rep. You should really be able to feel your lats getting a good stretch in this position which is good feedback for each rep.

Next up is the cable crossover for your chest. This exercise is awesome for achieving what we want to do in terms of flexibility because not only are we able to go from a good stretch position to start each rep, opening the chest and getting those shoulders back, but we can hit adduct the arms across midline too. While the pecs are stretched to start, at the end they need to be fully contracted.

Then we move on to the triceps with an overhead cable extension. This exercise not only allows you to get your arms up and behind your body to get maximum stretch on the long head of the triceps, but will also help to achieve a good, tall standing posture at the end of each rep. Hang out in that stretch position for a few seconds and really feel your triceps working.

We can get a good stretch on the biceps too, this time with an incline dumbbell curl. By leaning back and getting our forearms into a pronated position, we are making sure that biceps are elongated with load (that being the dumbbells in hand). To really get the most out of this loaded stretch, when you reach the top of the curl, give a little shoulder flexion too so that you take the biceps through full range of motion.

Next, to apply what we’ve been doing to the hamstrings and glutes, you are going to use a simple dumbbell Romanian deadlift. You are going to want to use dumbbells during this exercise because, like the rest, the loading of the stretch is meant to be light. We are not seeking out hypertrophy so the weight is drastically decreased.

For the quads, we go back to the dumbbell bulgarian split squat. This exercise is a great choice because it allows you to stretch the quad of one leg while getting a quad AND hip flexor stretch on the other leg. Not only that, at the top of the rep you can get into hip extension as well. This is a great way to apply loaded stretching to the quads.

To target the hard-to-hit middle delts when it comes to stretching, a simple PNF pattern known as the cable sword raise is the choice for me. Getting the arm across your body with load is the important part here, remembering to hold this stretch for a few seconds at a time before completing each rep.

For a science-backed workout program to help you build ripped athletic muscle, be sure to head to the ATHLEAN-X website via the link below and find the program best suited to match your goals.

For more videos on stretching and to get more flexible, be sure to subscribe our channel here on youtube via the link below and remember to turn on your notifications so you never miss a video when it’s published.
Рекомендации по теме

Stretching made me younger, literally. When I had a big back and knee pain crisis at 51, the doctor send me to therapy and I learned on my self how muscles protect your spine and joints. At one of the last sessions, the therapist did a stretch session, and I can remember the exact moment my body was released of old age prison. Years and years of tight muscles were painfully released that day and I literally felt 20 years younger. I started doing strenght training and stretching, and never look back. Now at 57 I look younger than in my 40s. Incorporate the stretching into your exercises like this but never forget deep muscles like the psoas, rotator cuff muscles, etc. You need to keep some specialized stretching exercises always on your routine, at least weekly. Learn to enjoy them and reap the benefits.


As a personal trainer, this has been one of my favorite concepts to incorporate I’m my clients (and my own) training. Utilizing resistance training exercises that put the muscles in their stretched positions! 🙌🏻


Stretching is an absolute must. This is a great way to get people more flexible if they refuse to stretch, but as I've aged, I have become an enormous proponent of stretching.


Stretching daily [every night after hot shower] is what helped me 2 decompress, destress, the stretching poses can help anyone to develop beautiful abs and a trimmed stomach [it tones your body] :) Regular stretching helped me to be a better dancer and athlete. It also improved my strength carrying heavier weight. Many are the benefits to stretching, from endurance to long distance running to Islander's Hula dancing ;)


I have done 1 hour of yoga every day for 2 years. I just recently increased it to two hours per day (morning and evening). Stretching is just as important as everything else. I love combining stretching with weights! To me, its part of technique. Being health is doing smart techniques.


Thank you so much for giving me the motivation to work through my disability and injuries.. it bleeds over into other areas of my life like making music. You're the man!


Hey Jeff,

It's been almost 3 months since I started watching your channel and joined the Athlean team.

I want to express my gratitude for all of your content and motivation I’ve gained from you.

We’re living through really hard times here in Ukraine and Athlean-X is what keeps my physical and mental condition in normal.

To notice, I’ve gained the best shape of my life so far.

Big thanks to you and Jesse, keep doing a great job🤘


This is brilliant, as usual you are. !!!!
I am a 75-year-old senior. I do more yoga / stretching than Weight lifting.
I definitely need more weight lifting. But this concept you have presented is giving me much food for thinking. And I’m sure I will utilize this concept to A very good benefit. Thank you so much.


Like pretty much everyone who lifts I also hate the boring stretching routine. Jeff’s advice here is great to incorporate into my lifts right away. Another solution for me has become hot yoga. On my rest days or even before or after a workout I go to a 45 min class. The class and music part makes it fun, and the heat raises your heart rate and loosens you up. This is tremendous at opening hips and hamstrings, wrist and calves. It loosens neck and lower back. Great all around.


Pavel Tsatsouline spoke about this in the 80s, he even has a whole book about it, the technique is called LOADED STRETCHING.


I would love to see your updated shoulder workout. How you've been warming it up and strengthening it over the last few months since the test results. You're the only game in town that touches on working around an injury and chronic pain. I have a similar diagnosis and am working through movements that don't cause pain. Everyone else, including doctors and physical therapists, only recommend healing and avoiding the gym for months which seems to make things worse, for me anyway.


I do primarily calisthenics and I’ve always felt that just doing exercise with Rom and increasing it to add difficulty has kept me more flexible than most people I know


This is a great idea, I’m usually sore enough one day a week that I do strictly stretching so adding this to my daily is perfect to get that volume


“FAST ACTION” Q&A* - Leave your most burning question about this video or any other training, PT or nutrition question within the first 2 hours of this video’s release (AS A SEPARATE COMMENT!!) and I will pick 8 to get a detailed reply from me right here in the comments. Answers will be posted within the first 24-48 hours of you leaving the question. Good luck!


In my limited experience I found that going through an entire range of motion is much more beneficial than static stretches. For example, grabbing just the bar and holding an ATG squat at the bottom, going back up slowly for 3 seconds, and repeating it for 10 times, does way more for my hips and ankles than any static stretches on a floor mat.


This message resonates with kneesover toesguy's. Ben doesn't do static but can do full splits. I have been incorporating this to almost all my movement patterns, loaded full range, sometimes hyperextended range with full control. It appears if you stretch with weights u get hypertrophy, and do weights with stretching position gets flexibility. As with many other aspects of life, different sides of the same coin 🙃


So much value in this video. Should go viral. Brilliant concept


I stretch every morning in the shower and it's been a game changer for me personally. No science behind it just listening to my body. Not only am I loosened up and ready for the day when i get out, i'm more alert!


That's exactly what I have been doing and preaching for 20 years. Nice to have you putting it into a video.


This guy is a genius it seems that he has a university degree unlike other youtubers who are dedicated to the same thing he deserves an award
