How To Parent A Child With ADHD When You Have ADHD Yourself (w/ Elaine Taylor-Klaus)

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Hello Brains! Thank you so much for helping us get to 500,000 subscribers! This is a livestream to celebrate that, featuring special guest Elaine Taylor-Klaus to talk about how to parent an ADHD child when you also have ADHD.

for more information on Elaine's book and other resources for the ADHD parent!


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Marking some points of interest:
5:12 Hello Brains & chat
29:43 Start/Intro with Elaine (audio fixed)
53:03 Meltdowns: how to handle before, during, and after they start
1:05:22 One parent isn’t as empathetic to ADHD issues, causing meltdowns
1:16:16 Taking care of your ADHD kids while caring for yourself with ADHD.
1:21:50 The 5 motivators for the ADHD brain (P.I.N.C.H.)
1:34:20 Adults with ADHD picking a fight before bed
1:37:17 How stress and lack of sleep affect ADHD symptoms
1:41:00 Rejection sensitivity
1:44:25 Trouble paying attention/eye contact in a conversation
1:48:30 dealing with others who judge ADHD negatively
1:56:45 Playing with your child and not going crazy with the same game over and over
1:58:57 Routines: how to help your child with routines if you struggle with them too


Starts at 5:10 (I didn't see if anyone else had already included this)


Thank you for existing Jessica. I don't know you personally, but you have been helping me so much. And you are very talented as well: an amazing interview host.


Ive been waiting for this one, was tempted to make one myself! Parenting 2 boys with ADHD and having ADHD myself has been a journey!


It's so weird to hear how normal I am. I always had the mindset of being different than others because nobody seems to understand. Having people who seem to understand and go through what I do in almost exactly the same way, is so comforting.


Thank you so much for this! My story is complicated but I suspect I have had ADHD unknowingly my entire life (I’m 31). The Inability to stay focused on anything that bores me or just doesn’t peak my interest. Losing things a lot and being made to feel dumb for it. Recently I’ve struggled a lot with staying on topic during a conversation, when it’s my turn to talk I tend to ramble and lose my train of thought, leading to embarrassment and negative self talk. Listening to your ted talk, it dawned on me that I may struggle through this, your life sounding just like mine brought tears to me eyes but also made me feel like I’ve found ANOTHER. Thank you for this, I’m going to seek help but just wanted to say thank you for openly speaking about this, cause it’s not easy! ❤️


Although I am quite convinced that a parent with ADHD, that understands ADHD is actually a great parent for a kid with ADHD! Don't ever believe that you're not.


Hi Jessica, I'm from South Africa, Cape Town. I have had ADHD since childhood. I'm now almost 39 years old. Your videos has given me so much more perception and a better understanding even about myself. Your Videos are exceptionally


You found your God-given purpose and I sure am glad you're sharing it with the world. At one point I told my therapist it's like somebody wrote a book about my life. The struggle sure is real.


Omg omg OMG!!!! This is EXACTLY what I'm struggling with right this moment!!!!🤯🤯 When I can sit and watch this uninterrupted, I will be soaking up every single detail. Thank you so so SO much for this!!!❤❤


You were talking about making certain clinicians know the full deal with ADHD. While watching the livestream, I was interrupted by a call from my insurance company about the comprehensive behavioral healthcare I'm looking for, and this is EXACTLY what I was making sure she understood before she began to search for facilities and therapists for me. It is SO important!


As a mother with a ADHD to 2 children (9 & 12) with ADHD, I’m glad you did this! My son knew about your live before I did, so he told me bc he knew I’d want to watch it when I could. He enjoys your videos as well. Thank you so much for being this source of encouragement, relatability, and just bringing this whole topic to light and educating everyone so it’s not so isolating. 😊


Wooow. There were so many questions i can relate on but felt ashamed to ask. Like the one with the playing part. I have a hard time playing with my kids, cause i tend to get bored easily. But I never would have guessed that other ppl have problems there too. I always just thought I am a bad mom. 😳


Your videos make me feel so many emotions, especially sadness and happiness. The more I watch, the more things make sense which upsets me when I think about my past and happy when I think about my future.


Jessica, when I was a kid, my mom would carry notebooks and pens in her purse. Whenever we had to wait anywhere, she'd scribble some math expressions or equations for me to solve. And it would be fun to compete with my sisters. I ended up getting my degree in Math; and despite having the skills, uni was real rough!


I am mindblown by your channel! I LOVE IT! Finally I can relate to ppl. Most of my life I was almost always a failure. I was always the kid that was a "joy to have in class",
Now I am 46 and have an 11yr old son and he definitely has it too. He's got the figity adhd. I have gotten bad the last 10yrs. I have a ton of projects that are all half done.


Can you make a bite sized cut or timestamps of the important points? I am interested but 2 hours is a long time for a stream when your an adhd person


This has helped me in 3 ways; to re parent myself as a recently diagnosed ADHD brain 🧠, to learn how to support my parents through communicating with them about understanding more about my ADHD, and how to parent my undiagnosed ADHD son. You have provided us with so many ideas to try. Thank you for your time, lots of wise words, and thank you to everyone who participated with so many relevant and clever questions. 👍 Thank you Jessica and Elaine 😊 👍👍


Thank you so much for this! Only getting my diagnose as an adult now, explains so much of my struggles. And this is helping so much with the work of re-parenting myself, and showing empathy and compassion to myself.


My daughter wants you to do a video about “how to deal with your ADHD parent when you have ADHD”. We have lots of miss/forgotten communication between the two of us and it’s frustrating for the both of us.
