The Bible vs. Ellen G. White: The Funeral Service of A False Prophet!

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For decades, the Seventh-Day Adventist Church has defended Ellen G. White against any sort of criticism—labeling anyone who critically examines her statements as being bitter, angry, confused, and taking her out of context. But is this the case?

Ellen White claimed to be shown by God–on numerous occasions–the day and hour of Jesus Christ's return, that the door of mercy was shut to the whole world and salvation was no longer possible outside of their small flock, that her words are equal with scripture, and a whole host of other all-or-nothing claims. We will look at her claims to her status as the "Lord's Messenger", a number of her failed prophecies, and a number of errors and bible contradictions she made.

We do so by examining over 70+ of her statements and show beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Adventist Church is not being forthright. To use her own words: "God and Satan never work in copartnership. The testimonies either bear the signet of God or that of Satan" and "whatever contradicts God's Word, we can be sure proceeds from Satan".

Was Ellen White a messenger of light or darkness? Let's find out...

0:00 - Introduction
1:31 - Ted Wilson's Insight on Ellen G. White
5:42 - Ellen G. White's Biblical Alignment
13:15 - Confidence in Ellen White's Revelations
17:30 - Ellen White vs. Biblical Authority
19:05 - Ellen White's Biblical Amendments
21:45 - Ellen White's Status vs. Jesus Christ
23:32 - Unveiling Satan's Deception Strategy
34:04 - Divine Origin of Ellen White's Works
36:55 - Equating Ellen White's Words with God's
39:15 - Allegations of Ellen White's Plagiarism
41:50 - Prophet Status Denied by Ellen White
43:20 - Ellen White's Reluctance for Her Role
47:50 - Exploration of Ellen White's Prophecies
48:49 - The "Shut Door" Doctrine Analysis
53:03 - Examination of Ellen White's First Vision
56:40 - Predictions of Jesus's Second Coming
59:25 - Sabbath as the Seal of God
1:05:50 - Ascension and Heavenly Ministry of Jesus
1:10:10 - Jesus's Enthronement in Heaven
1:14:30 - Prophetic View of Jesus's Enemies
1:18:07 - The Seven-Year Prophecy Scrutinized
1:19:33 - Adventist Property Sale Directive
1:23:38 - Ellen White on the Imminence of End Times
1:30:36 - "Shut Door" Linked to Demonic Influence
1:33:24 - Guidance on Praying for a Sinful World
1:36:21 - Analysis of Ellen White's 1843 Chart
1:39:23 - Conclusion on Ellen White's Teachings
1:41:55 - Recap of "Shut Door" Theology
1:46:23 - Biblical Discrepancies and Ellen White
1:57:41 - Ellen White's Health Reform Doctrines
1:59:28 - Defining Present Truth in Adventism
2:03:11 - Identity of Michael the Archangel
2:04:21 - Ellen White's Perspective on Moses
2:05:57 - Christ's Equality with the Father Questioned
2:10:04 - Christ's Intercession with the Father
2:13:21 - Ellen White's Gospel According to Adventism
2:17:27 - Christ's Role in Heaven According to White
2:18:28 - Jesus as Sovereign Lord in White's Writings
2:24:40 - Fullness of Godhead in the Father
2:25:48 - The Hidden Aspects of Jesus's Ascension
2:30:28 - Investigative Judgment Explained
2:33:41 - The 1844 Event and Its Significance
2:36:24 - Christ's Obedience and Atonement
2:41:45 - Satan's Proximity to Christ in Heaven
2:43:18 - Adventist Views on Resurrection
2:47:30 - Sins Blotted Out Before Judgment
2:52:20 - Satan Bearing Sin in White's Theology
2:56:11 - Metaphor of the Heavenly Funeral
2:57:26 - Final Reflections on Ellen G. White

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Рекомендации по теме

0:00 - Introduction
1:31 - Ted Wilson's Insight on Ellen G. White
5:42 - Ellen G. White's Biblical Alignment
13:15 - Confidence in Ellen White's Revelations
17:30 - Ellen White vs. Biblical Authority
19:05 - Ellen White's Biblical Amendments
21:45 - Ellen White's Status vs. Jesus Christ
23:32 - Unveiling Satan's Deception Strategy
34:04 - Divine Origin of Ellen White's Works
36:55 - Equating Ellen White's Words with God's
39:15 - Allegations of Ellen White's Plagiarism
41:50 - Prophet Status Denied by Ellen White
43:20 - Ellen White's Reluctance for Her Role
47:50 - Exploration of Ellen White's Prophecies
48:49 - The "Shut Door" Doctrine Analysis
53:03 - Examination of Ellen White's First Vision
56:40 - Predictions of Jesus's Second Coming
59:25 - Sabbath as the Seal of God
1:05:50 - Ascension and Heavenly Ministry of Jesus
1:10:10 - Jesus's Enthronement in Heaven
1:14:30 - Prophetic View of Jesus's Enemies
1:18:07 - The Seven-Year Prophecy Scrutinized
1:19:33 - Adventist Property Sale Directive
1:23:38 - Ellen White on the Imminence of End Times
1:30:36 - "Shut Door" Linked to Demonic Influence
1:33:24 - Guidance on Praying for a Sinful World
1:36:21 - Analysis of Ellen White's 1843 Chart
1:39:23 - Conclusion on Ellen White's Teachings
1:41:55 - Recap of "Shut Door" Theology
1:46:23 - Biblical Discrepancies and Ellen White
1:57:41 - Ellen White's Health Reform Doctrines
1:59:28 - Defining Present Truth in Adventism
2:03:11 - Identity of Michael the Archangel
2:04:21 - Ellen White's Perspective on Moses
2:05:57 - Christ's Equality with the Father Questioned
2:10:04 - Christ's Intercession with the Father
2:13:21 - Ellen White's Gospel According to Adventism
2:17:27 - Christ's Role in Heaven According to White
2:18:28 - Jesus as Sovereign Lord in White's Writings
2:24:40 - Fullness of Godhead in the Father
2:25:48 - The Hidden Aspects of Jesus's Ascension
2:30:28 - Investigative Judgment Explained
2:33:41 - The 1844 Event and Its Significance
2:36:24 - Christ's Obedience and Atonement
2:41:45 - Satan's Proximity to Christ in Heaven
2:43:18 - Adventist Views on Resurrection
2:47:30 - Sins Blotted Out Before Judgment
2:52:20 - Satan Bearing Sin in White's Theology
2:56:11 - Metaphor of the Heavenly Funeral
2:57:26 - Final Reflections on Ellen G. White


Let me be honest here, I am an SDA and I am SAD. I realize if someone had made claims against the Bible refuting its authenticity, I would have been less hurt, annoyed & disappointed, than I am over Ellen White. My God forgive us who have blindly followed our parents, and our parents, their leaders! I am still a lot confused, but I am listening with an open mind. I am nauseated. Thank you for at least making me aware that I have not studied to show myself approved into God.


Is there even a more deceptive church or more deceptive writings than Ellen White's writings?

She said: "We may disguise poison by mingling it withwholesome food, but we do not change its nature. On the contrary, it is rendered more dangerous, as it is more likely to be taken unawares. It is one of Satan's devices to combine with falsehood just enough truth to give it plausibility." GC 587.1


If the Sabbath was such an important part of the plan of salvation, why would God wait 1800 years to reveal it to some random woman from a failed religious movement in a tiny corner of America? Why not reveal it to or teach it to, oh, I don't know, the Apostles?


Myles; Thank you brother. This is very eye opening to me. I started to realize I was not being spiritually fed at my old Adventist church. Although EGW says if you lose confidence in “her” testimonies, you drift from the Bible, I found the opposite. As I was questioning I read the Bible more, and the more I read, the more I am convicted by the Holy Spirit that this woman is not standing in Biblical truth nor are her writings equal to the Bible.

I’m 3rd generation Adventist, my grandpa was an Adventist Reform Movement pastor (of a Spanish sect) and so you can imagine the deep programming my whole family is under. Most of us younger generation have either turned away from God completely, or realize EGW is not it. I ran away and rejected God for 20 years because I thought he was some tyrannical dictator bent on condemning us for not following a million rules. When I say strict, I mean, women could not wear pants, jewelry, makeup or cut our hair short. Looking back it makes sense I naturally rebelled against that because it’s nonsense. I know God loves me and Jesus is my savior. I can’t save myself and EGW rules are man made.

We found a Spirit filled, Biblical non denominational church yesterday; it was like nothing I’ve ever experienced. I cried in public. Because my heart was being convicted that I was hearing the real Gospel. The True Gospel. I prayed with a woman I just met there and she said we are sisters in Christ, and I spilled it all out to her and she knew exactly what I was saying. God truly led us there- it was at a random suggestion of a waitress that led us to visit the church. The powerful words of the Bible really shot an arrow to my gut…. The preacher said church is not a building, it’s the people of God for we are the temple of the Holy Spirit and God is with us wherever we are gathered. I know this is Biblical. I have never heard an Adventist say this, they usually bash other denominations and are self righteous to claim they are the true “remnant church”. Well I’m sick of it and I’m walking away and never looking back.

Jesus is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. NO ONE goes to the Father except through HIM. Thank you Jesus!

Thank you Myles!


Oh the early 70s, I heard the same reason for Jesus' delaying his return in that the church wasn't working hard enough to win souls for the kingdom...the church had a divide between those who said that the leadership of the church had to be removed as they weren't following the mandates of Ellen White.... I'm now 64 and can clearly see the how manipulative the SDA church has been.


I was a SDA for 38 years, and I left because of E.G.White. Over a nine year period I read almost every word she wrote, and the more I read the further away I got. Just cling to the Bible and you will be safe.


Hello there, first time here. Good stuff. I was a SDA for 45 years, what a wast time for my spiritual growth. In my first three years out from it, I learned more than 45 years there. Let be positive... better late than never. Today I am still fighting with myself about trust and have faith in Jesus 100%. The wounds are deep but my Father is bigger and stronger than her lies. Glory to Jesus only.


This is long, but well worth staying with all the way through to the end as it is helpful in understanding the detrimental hold that Ellen White and her writings have on the psyche of the Seventh-day Adventist church. Thank you for your diligent effort in preparation of this video. I hope it reaches many.


I'm 25 minutes into watching this presentation, and I have already concluded that this presentation will damage the SDA big time. This is THE presentation that strikes at the very heart of Adventism. Well done Myles! Praise God for your heart for SDA's.


I left the SDA Church a few months ago after reading The Great Controversy in part. Happy to find this video seems like The Lord is justifying me again. Thank you Lord Jesus for the msg of brother Myles Christian.


“Without Ellen White, the SDA church wouldn’t be where it is today”- more truthful words have never been spoken!😢


The devil hates Ellen White and wants everyone to do so. just 5 minutes into your presentation I can see the devil at work. Surely you need to read some of her books on how to love and not tear down others. The sarcasm and mockery was unnecessary, and certainly not of God. I have not read all her books, But I’ve not come across one that has caused me to distrust God’s word. They have only helped me in my walk with God. And if someone has helped me to love God more and want to spend time with Him, why would I not want to read their writings? The Bible can do all that for us, but we need the encouragement of others to help us on our journey, just the same way we go to church to get encouragement from others. Her books have been and continue to be a blessing to many. Many marriages have been restored by the reading the Adventist Home, and other books on marriage and the family, many persons have become closer to God by reading Great Controversy, Desire of Ages, not to mention Steps to Christ, many have been better parents from reading her book Counsels to Parents. many young people have been spared from the harmful effects of drugs and alcohol and illicit practices from reading her book Messages to Young People. Many, including myself was empowered and inspired by her books to pursue higher education, after years of being a pessimist and not believing in myself, after being a high school drop out, decided to go back to school in my late 30s, now I have a first degree in secondary education, with the intention to go as far as the Lord’s will shall take me. She has books that teaches about how to manage your money, how to treat your spouse, how to treat your neighbor, your animals, your bosses, etc. why would I despise someone who has helped so many? No one should elevate her words above the scriptures, which she often advises, but they have their purpose. If you don’t read her books, you won’t be lost but surely if you read them they can help you to get to heaven. It’s sad that many Adventist have over the years elevated her words above scripture, ignorantly. However, they have their purpose. God bless you,


I understand that Mrs. Ellen G. White is not here on earth to explain herself nor correct herself. I'm an SDA Christian, but recently, I don't really think she is a prophet. Personally, there's something that I'm really missing in my Christian Journey, it's the feeling alone that because of Christ I was free from my sin. There's something so heavy with Ellen White's issues.I pray SDA church will just focus on gospel, the Bible alone, and not mixed Mrs. Ellen G. White writings. Because Bible is enough to point us to the Lord. I'm still in my search for answers.


I really appreciate what you're doing, Myles! I have become an enemy in the eyes of my Adventist brothers and sisters because I was exposing the error in her writings. The more I read my Bible, the more clear it became this woman's writings were authored by Satan, like you said. I couldn't figure out why I was the only one actually comparing her stuff with the Word. People really are blinded by her deceptive writings. I have been finding so much falsehoods its just ridiculous at this point. So glad you are taking this false prophet down. I stopped going to church a month ago. I had to stop affiliating with adventist altogether. I reject Ellen, so now I reject adventism obviously. God Bless you brother, and may God's Holy Spirit strengthen you and empower you to continue on the journey you are on. R.I.P. Ellen!


Quote #12 sickens me so much… I can’t see why anybody in this cult can stay in it… Literally replaced the Son with herself!


She’s definitely adding to God’s Word.


it's always funny to me that, when the bible says that, there shall be false prophets, and that even the elite would be deceived. But somehow, the adventits are immune from being deceived, but other people and religions are not immune.
When someone paints someone else in a positive light all the time, and defends the unflattering things about said person, there's a red flag somewhere. Great video. keep up with the good work.


Really great, worth sticking it out all three hours. Excellent.


I find it so funny that even when you show Whites own writings to Adventists they just push it aside, or state they do not really believe she was a prophet and instead believe that she grew from her mistakes.
