15 Bible Contradictions from Ellen G White SDA

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Thank you for making this video. I was raised as a strict SDA and tho I was extremely sincere in my study and search for a connection with God, I suffered debilitating guilt, shame, and depression always feeling like I wasn’t saved and could never please a judgmental God. It was awful… the opposite of the love and light of our one true creator.


My wife was raised SDA and they are not quick to pull out their Bibles. When my father in law tried to tell me some lie, I would suggest we look in the Bible, to which he would get mad and storm out of the room. He finally gave up after several of these encounters.


For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
Revelation 22:18‭-‬19


Thank you for this video, I needed this short version one.


I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.
Galatians 1:6‭-‬9


Although I agree with the general notion of this video, a few things were definitely taken out of context (both from her writings and the Word)


Number 4: I See you have a misunderstanding of what the Bible says and Sister White. Isaiah 9:6 says “the mighty God” not Almighty. She is right Christ Jesus is not the Lord God Almighty that’s the Father notice what Revelation 21:22 says: “And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.” Now be honest who’s the Lamb?


You know what makes me think? The fact that the prophecy in the book of Daniel has long been fulfilled and no one knows what it means except for the sda church. Shouldn't the church of Christ/ people who are true believers have understanding about what has already happened not to mention of what it has to come? I have my doubts about Ellen, but no one is able to give a better alternative to sda church, all these videos only acuse, but fail to show what the true path is. This should give some of you something to think about.


O Come on Sir! I know you know the difference between built and building, Sister White clearly says “engaged in the building of the Tower of Babel” which means it was in construction not already built. Furthermore she say “THIS SYSTEM was corrupted BEFORE THE FLOOD…” not the Tower of Babel was built before the flood.


For anyone interested, here is a rebuttal to the items labeled as contradictions by Ellen G. White. To the reader, what do you think after watching the rebuttal video?


You can tell this person is still deluded with the trinitarian wine of Babylon. Pray for him!


I debunked your 4th saying
"The man Christ Jesus was not the Lord God Almigthy, yet Christ and the Father are one."(they are one as the Holy Trinity is)
Get your information straight


You have a lots of wrong understanding about the books which you have quoted from the book of EGW.


Yes the Bible does say Adam was not deceived but understand he was tempted by Satan thru Eve like Eve was tempted by Satan thru the serpent thus (Adam) believing the deception that they would not surely die.


Sir, it seems that you do not understand what elen g. White is supposed to.


Your examples are so biased, you need to read the old testament, you should call yourself new testamenter, your focus should be on The Bible, not only using versicles of old testament when is convenient to your point of view, but I dont want you to convert to any religion, just asking you to read more the old testament deeply not shallowly, I would recommend you to go to a Jew Synagogue, many jews are open to EGW and as myself a Synagogue frequenter I say that I believe that God didnt stopped talking to us when John wrote Revelations. God have Mercy on us,
"Forgive them Father for they dont know what they do"


You contradictions are completely inaccurate and I was a Baptist before I was an SDA, I made all the same accusations against her that all the critics like yourself do until I started reading her to prove her wrong. It is because of the Bible and seeing the contextual mistakes you make from her writings that finally convinced me I was wrong, after 10 years of Bible study on what SDA believe, and why, I became one! Praise God for the truth in his word and his messengers like E.G.W. who are given to us for even further clarification. Happy Sabbath!!


I’m not even a stand for Ellen White, but the more I watch these videos the more I side with her, there are times she’s is wrong, there are about 3 undeniable things where she’s wrong. But other than God who is perfect? It seemed she was only wrong in the area of salvation and Jesus being God. We as the people need to remind ourselves that Satan used scripture against Jesus when tempting him, we need to be aware of the truth and accept the truth. It is baffling that we tend to reject things we don’t know . This video is partially gobbledegook


More like "The Devil's Messenger..."!!


You have taken some of her statements out of context. And misused some bible text to say what you wanted it to say. There are hundreds of times she has said Jesus is God. Part of the trinity. Son of God....there is so much of this video that is just wrong and you are misleading people by your lies
