I'm FINALLY Coming Clean About Ellen White...

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Ellen White is one of the founders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Adventists believe that she had the gift of prophecy. However, she has been accused of making several false prophecies, including Jesus would return in her lifetime, Jerusalem would never be rebuilt, England would declare war against the United States during the Civil War, and more. Watch this video to learn more!

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Do you believe Ellen White had the gift of prophecy?

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Why I have to read Ellen white ‘s books, if I got the Bible.


"Prophecies are conditional" thats a cop out. Smh. It's not the same because Jonah knew Nineveh's destruction was conditional which he explained in Jonah 3. Anyone can get up, state a prophecy, and make it conditional after it failed. Anytime the destruction of nation comes to play It's conditional. The return of Jesus is not a conditional situation. The destruction of a nation and city is conditional if they repent. End times is not the same because it's a world wide thing. It will happen when God wants it. As stated in the new testament only God the Father knows the time and the hour. Not a false prophet. Stop lying to people.


I was born and raised Catholic then became baptist when I was young teen because my parents became baptist, something was missing until I became friends with a SDA girl at my job, her character was so unique and she was the sweetest person ever, she started taking me to church every Saturday and I never looked back, SDa is Gods last day remnant church that still keeps God's sabbath ( not catholic Sunday )


the mental gymnastics to defend White is incredible. The Sabbath is and forever will be the 4th commandment but the SDA "spirit of prophecy" is very suspiscious


Amen dear brother. I grew up as a Adventist and I find the Bible is still the greatest light ever given us. Here writings are to prepare us for end times and to encourage us to read the Scriptures more. She herself advocated the Bible above her writings. Glad you are in the know brother. Carry on the good work for the Lord.


The word of the Lord hasn't failed, but the word of man fails every time. To say that Christ will come back in your lifetime and He doesn't, that's pretty much cut and dried that the word of a "prophet" has not come to pass. And that person is a false prophet.


Thanks so much Uncle Greg for clearing this up because There have Been many accusations about Ellen white. 🙏 Thanks for the update God bless you and your family and your blessed ministry.


Happy Sabbath brothers and sisters in Christ! 🙏🏻♥️


As someone who was raised Seventh-day Adventist, baptized at 12 by Pastor Dwight Nelson on the campus of Andrews University, 100 feet from our flagship theological seminary, I'mma say right meow that if you really think Ellen is a false prophet, Satan has you deceived, guy. I left the church for 10 years of my life, a mindless slave to the occult.

I used to hate her but that is not the case anymore. I'm 33 now and it's taken years of study for me to actually come around about her. And look, bro. I know that there are heretics in my church that worship her writings over the Bible. Blasphemers, and I'm no longer going to stay silent. I won't allow this wave of liberalism to snake it's way onto our campuses, in our churches, and then into our homes as Adventists. We don't need funding from the government. People from outside denominations must pass some kind of tests before admittance for full time study.

I refuse to get to heaven and have to explain to her why there was a transgender bathroom on one of our college campuses.

And as Seventh-day Adventists, let's be real with ourselves for a moment, because if we lie to ourselves, and in turn believe those lies, it's like lying to God in the end. Let's not do that anymore.

And I will sit here and go back and forth with whoever if we must, but it's only an insult to the Lord and to ourselves and we all know it. But if we must, I'll have you know that I know our theology. I know our doctrine. I know church history. Most of all I know the Bible and I have a relationship with Jesus Christ. He's my God, my Dad, my King.

Instead of arguing amongst ourselves about things like woman's ordination, let's take a breath and all refocus. God has called us to do His work in this final hours here on earth. Snap out of it, people. We have our Father's work to do.

Clearly Satan has his armies out in force. We our the Kingdom of Heavens first line of defense, people. The Remnant Church. The Bride of Christ. Calling our brothers and sisters out of the darkness before they drown.

Grab your Bibles. Get on your knees. Bow your head. Talk to your Father.

Wage war.


You said quote; “God changed His mind” end of quote, please explain how can an *immutable* God change his mind?


It was my husband to led me to the SDA faith


I have read her books and I believe they are all divinely inspired. Thank you for your accurate description of her false accusations.


1 Corinthians 14:34
Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.


Her commentary on Luke 16:19 is one of or if not the best I have ever read thanks


The saddest thing is Adventists are trained not to read the Bible alone. Read the Bible, then look to Ellen White to see what something means.


Yes Family, I believe EGW's writings line up with the Holy Word of God. I believe she was a true Profitess. Thanks Greg! 🙏


So God gave multiple conditional prophecies regarding the imminent return of Jesus?? Even though He said no one knows the day or the hr?? Because it doesnt make sense He would give us the exact time. Also combined with her shut door vision, and fear mongering. Not really the way God would declare a true prophet of His aye. If we were in that time and gave her a 10 to 20yr grace period to test her, would she have passed?? Definitely not


What you are doing is completely, you are finding excuses to excuse her wrong. She had a habit of doing that. How is it prophecy if it's already in the bible. Secondly, we can gather that verse is speaking of all classes of people. I double slavery if it were possible will be the same as it was years ago. ALso nowadays we can call slavery literary anything that keeps us from expressing our freedom. He was using the language of his time.


Happy Sabbath friends. We believe Ellen G White is a True Prophetess.