Ellen G. White: Messenger of God or Deceiver? | Dr. Steve Daily vs. SDA Pastor Kevin L. Morgan

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Deceiver, manipulator, and fraud? Who was Ellen G. White? Was she a true prophet of God or was she one of the most fraudulent religious manipulators of all time? Former Adventist pastor and professor, Dr. Steve Daily, and SDA pastor Kevin L. Morgan join us to discuss this subject and look at some of the claims Kevin made in a couple of video responses to Dr. Daily's book, Ellen G. White: A Psychobiography, such as the shut door, Ellen White's "visions," and if those around her knew she wasn't who she claimed to be. Whose right and where do the facts lead? Let's find out!

00:00 - Intro
03:54 - Kevin Morgan Opening Statement
09:59 - Dr. Steve Daily Opening Statement
15:47 - Joseph Bates Seven-Year Theory
17:40 - Shut Door Concept
24:00 - Kevin’s Response to Critiques
27:23 - Kevin’s Further Insights
33:54 - Ellen White’s June 1845 Vision
35:03 - Lucinda Burdick’s Testimony
39:23 - Miles Grant’s Analysis
44:40 - Steve’s Response to Kevin’s Criticisms
53:16 - Kevin’s Testimony on Ellen White’s Writings
59:24 - Kevin’s Additional Response
1:02:30 - Steve’s Shut Door Quotes
1:13:20 - Dennis Fortin's Insights
1:15:38 - Steve’s Response to Shut Door Statements
1:16:31 - Selected Messages 34-35 Discussion
1:17:50 - 1849 Manuscript Release Insights
1:19:33 - Ellen White and Date Setting
1:28:09 - Ellen White’s Second Coming Dates
1:33:02 - Ellen White on Opposition to Shut Door Teachings
1:38:20 - Full Context of Ellen White’s Quote
1:43:01 - Ellen White on Probation Closing
1:46:50 - Rejection of the Wicked World
1:50:45 - Continuation on Rejection of the Wicked World
1:52:55 - What Happens If You Reject Adventism?
1:58:58 - James and Ellen White's Marriage
2:10:54 - Kevin’s Closing Remarks
2:16:14 - Steve’s Closing Remarks
2:23:18 - Miles’ Post-Debate Thoughts
2:30:13 - Next Week Preview
2:30:39 - Outro

#debate #ellenwhite #ellengouldwhite #endtimes #sda #answeringadventism
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This is painful. Every statement that Steve brings up, the pastor answers with a convoluted statement that is simply a mess of word salad. Come SDAs! He uses confirmation of his stance by using the contradictory words of EGW. So frustrating. She changed her stance whenever she got caught.
Own it SDAs!

Gold medal to the pastor in this Olympic season for all his Adventist gymnastics.


The amount of mental gymnastics that SDA’s need to do to accept EGW is absolutely insane.


Kevin Morgan is defending E White with life and try to speak over Steve Daily, jump from one topic to another. Typical method of SDA way of debate.


NO! She is a FALSE TEACHER!!😡😡i was a member of SDA in Honolulu Hawaii! But I'm No longer a member of the church. Your program has really help me a lot to understand the history of Elleen G. White!!😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡🙏🙏


In my humble opinion, you are only lost if you reject the truth God has revealed to YOU through the Holy Spirit. This is what I have heard being taught by well-known pastors in our church as well. I believe the doctrines taught by the SDA church not because I was born into it, but because I have asked God to guide me as I studied His word for myself. And I believe every true seeker of truth will continually ask God to reveal what is true as they prayerfully study the scriptures, especially as we near the end of this world's history in order to avoid deception


James White knew the true source of his wife's inspiration, (obviously not God!):
James White: “But while on the stage of action I shall use the good old head God gave me until He reveals that I am wrong. Your head won’t fit my shoulders. Keep it where it belongs, and I will try to honor God in using my own. I shall be glad to hear from you, but don’t waste your precious time and strength lecturing me on matters of mere opinions. There is considerable and more of the same kind” (Daughters of God, p. 269; Letter 66, May 16, 1876).
“…and has felt free to tell me his ideas of my being led by a wrong spirit…” (DG, p. 267, 1876).

He says her testimonies/counsels are mere opinions, and there are more of such! And being led by a wrong spirit. This wrong spirit was from the Devil of course. He was mentally sound when he said these things.


Kevin, you put that final nail in Ellen's coffin for me. Thank you so much for that. I only hope that you will see the truth and true Gospel. I just feel so bad for you. 🙏


No, she was not a true prophet, according to the Bible! Such a disgrace and was pushed in every facet of our lives!


Most of the folks I know certainly base their opinions of EGW on emotional experience from what they read, or what they have been told. Lately I have been asking my friends and family, that are still in the 7 cult, how do you determine if EGW wasn't a false prophet? And a lot of them don't have an answer. Some of them simply say the Bible. But when I ask them what is their standard, where in the Bible? They don't have any idea.


Thanks to the 3 gentlemen, for a good cordial conversation. A big pat on the back to Myles for doing such a great job moderating the conversation. This episode is an instant classic.


What I don’t like about SDA is that they refer to Ellen G White’s writing more than the Bible. That can’t be, only the Bible is a source for me. Nothing else…. Only the gospel as it appears in the Bible.


I'm married to an Adventist and they don't want to know or hear anything that goes against their beliefs, they rather believe all the lies and fallacies they teach and preach. Don't waste your time making them understand. I hate to let you guys know it's a waste of time


If I've learned anything over the years, it's that people WANT to be deceived. Let them.


What about around 1900 at a camp meeting Ellen said that there were people present that would be alive when Jesus returns. Missed again Ellen


He's absolutely correct that their jobs depended upon pleasing the Whites... (just as today the jobs of SDA teachers/preachers would be dependent upon upholding the sayings of EGW.)


If anything this discussion proves that Ellen White spoke out of both sides of her mouth and neither side was instructed by God. Both gentlemen found statements supporting their own understanding and are both equally justified with said statements. Problem is, God doesn’t speak out of both sides of His neck. What He says is what it is. As stated, if anything this entire discussion proves Ellen untrustworthy and someone who was not hearing from the Lord but spoke as she felt moved in her spirit by whatever was going on around her.


Wow K.Morgan is in blatant denial to the conclusive proof presented


Myles, yet again you made an illuminating connection for me… In your summation at the end you stated “the Christian’s are saved in their ignorance” (or something to that effect) but those of us who’ve known and reject it are truly damned. I guess I’ve always known this but it connected a thread to the many discussion I’ve been having with SDA’s and things I’ve heard throughout my life. I hear all kinds of comments about the “light given to you.” I think it may prove to be a valuable tool to use this to press people like you did Kyle there. Asking, “am I therefore lost having been SDA and rejected wholly the SDA message?” It forces them to come out and say exactly what they think. No sugar coating. You could see Kevin’s discomfort when you asked him.
Your content is so helpful and such a blessing. You’ve helped not only me, but your hard work is giving me the tools to help those caught in this SDA deception… all to glory of God!


I pray that SDAs will study and do proper research about EGW objectively, setting cognitive dissonance aside and not just trust their pastors nor leaders who themselves have differences of opinions. Its absolutely arrogant to make a claim that you have to embrace SDA to be saved? Nowhere in the Holy Scriptures does this become the requirement for Salvation.


Seventh-Day adventism was positive for me too, grew up in 7th Day Adventist Church, went to Adventist schools, had Adventist friends, happy as a kid, teenager, young adult.... I started seeing and realizing the obvious contradictions and scripture compared to what she was writing, activate the church with teaching....
I would see, blatant contradictions, and when I would ask about them and show those contradictions to my, Adventist friends, teachers, and pastors... well let's just say it became that I felt like I was in an episode of, The Stepford Wives.
Complete denial on their part that a contradiction, was a contradiction. Then everything became not so happy as I was basically accused of kinds of things. In the end I was told I was in danger of the mark of the beast and hellfire because I did not tow the Adventist line.
In the Bible where it says prove all things, and the test of a profit by Jeremiah.... for Adventists, at least when I was growing up and apparently now, that is not enough to overcome the doctrines of Ellen G. White.
