DO THIS In The Morning To Boost Energy, Improve Sleep & REDUCE FATIGUE! | Andrew Huberman

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If I told you there was a simple, free habit you could take up to optimise your health in just five to 10 minutes a day, would you be up for trying it? If the answer’s yes, then you’re going to love today’s guest, a brilliant science communicator who reveals what the habit is – and shares ground-breaking insights from his research.


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8:15 am. The best two-fer ever. Thanks so much.


Andrew at his best. Dr. Chatterjee is a great interviewer, engaged, and humble enough to let Dr. Huberman talk without interruption.


I have found this whole interview totally absorbing and fascinating ! I’ve learnt so very much, put things up into practice and generally feel awed by the knowledge you have and are freely imparting to us. A little back
K story. I’ve spent the past 35years more or less bedbound with a chronic illness. I lost my father last year, and that brought up grief which I was unprepared for. Along with an inheritance I wasn’t sure what to do with either. I had a weekend of mental instability. The only thing I could think of to change was my diet. I started in September 22. Fast forward to new and 9 months in the effects have been slow subtle but remarkable. My brain fog lifted and I began studying. The effects of chronic illness, physiology, stress, and lifestyle. I also began breathing the Wim hof way in July 2021. I gained a breath coach last October who has been a total godsend. The foundations were beginning to build. Fast forward to an health crisis in March, & a hospital stay of 2 days in April. On the 3rd of may I opened my front door and took my first steps outside at 5am in 35 years…. I did 50 steps away and 50 back to my front door. I slowly built on that everyday and am pleased to report I achieved, nearly 13, 000 steps last Sunday the 28th of may 2023. I’ve visited my first shop on my own in 35years and can honestly say I feel as if I am healing from the inside out!!!! The joy walking has brought me is immense. As I have grown, my confidence has sky rocketed. All leading to a feeling of sheer elation. So the down regulating of the nervous system is so key to my recovery. Thank you again for your wisdom, Dianex


*"The person who wins, is the person who wants it the most."*

This changed my life.


We should get rid of the time changes, “spring forward” & “fall back, ” that nonsense——because it keeps us off realizing seasons, that is being based in time, as Huberman said


My two favorites sharing their wisdom! As an educator, I'm so thrilled to hear a discussion on the impact of digital existence and screen time on developing minds in conjunction with the deprivation of natural light at appropriate times in the circadian rhythm. Brilliant and critical discussion...thank you for this awesome collaboration.


There's also an awful lot of stress where people haven't had anyone to talk to on a regular basis, especially face to face. I've watched numerous talks, YouTube videos, through the screen stuff, but not much face to face genuine, open and honest conversation...Thank you so much for a the work you're doing to help us.


I often see the comment "my two favourite podcasters together at last". Today I got to experience that. It's heartening to see the respect you guys have for each other's work. In particular, the advocating of free methods to improve people's well-being is also what I admire most about both of you.


For 35 years I have had a visual restriction on my driver's license saying I needed corrective lenses I have been getting out earlier and getting the sunshine first thing in the morning over the last year and when I did the visual test for my driver's license last June they told me I no longer needed corrective lenses. I think I just learned why


Amazing exercise at 44:44 :)
- Close eyes and Interocept.
- Long Inhale then quick short inhale at the end and breathe out as slow as possible x2. (**)
- Stare at hand at an arm's length away.
- **
- Look at a distance.
- **
- Look in a Panoramic manner - at a distance.
- **
- Close eyes and interocept.
- **
Start Work.


I have been cycling to work for couple months now, and feel so much better for it, getting that natural light only half an hour after getting up.


What a man of great integrity. Loved that he didnt try to sell us something. I could listen to Andrew talk all day.


This has dramatically changed my sleep pattern in a week. I am amazed having had insomnia for about 30 years!


This makes a lot of sense; my husband is tired all day long and his doctor suggested that he takes the sleep apnea test which I didn't agree because he does manage to stay awake while he's at work and drive without falling asleep behind the wheel. I had told a good friend of mine years ago that I think he needed to see his doctor for sleep apnea because he was falling asleep behind the wheel while driving and falls asleep when he leans back while sitting on the couch and his doctor did confirm that he has sleep apnea. I figured something cause that disease; it's not something that just happen out of nowhere. Thank you for confirming that. I'm going to try and get my hubby to let some sunlight to his eyes 5-10 minutes to reset his body clock.Thank you both for such an informative session!


Easily digestible important knowledge that everyone should be taught or know in order to live a physically and mentally healthy life. Thanks Guys, love it!


Morning Daylight is like coffee for the eyes


Thank you so much both of you for this.
I need to turn my life around finally at the age of 59 and having tried so much in the past, this seems to be guiding me in the right direction more than anything before.


This is an amazing interview thank you so much. I'm an ADHD specialist that has been teaching and practising what I call "peripheral focus" and its benefits for many years and to hear Dr. huberman expanding my knowledge of these mechanisms and it's benefits, is so wonderful. Circadian rhythm and morning light is also so powerful that it cured me of insomnia and low energy and seasonal affective. This wisdom needs to get out there! Keep it up Dr Chaterjee and Huberman. Hopefully this catches on soon ...


Two masters helping so many people! Regards from Brazil!


I'm not tired. I watched this cause my phone just played it. AND went back to it a cpl times somehow. It WAS top notch
