HIP ARTHRITIS - Two Tips to Feel Better in Days #hiparthritis #osteoarthritis

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While a full functional reversal - or even healing - of hip osteoarthritis can take six months to a year, there are steps you can take that in most cases will give you symptomatic relief in as little as three days to two weeks, so long as you are metabolically relatively healthy - in other words, unless you are morbidly obese or diabetic, have a seriously compromised immune system, or your hip joint is destroyed beyond recovery.

In this video I explain how to lower pain by reducing inflammation with diet - by lowering sugar intake and stopping alcohol consumption; and a simple exercise to activate your gluteal muscles while walking, which can redistribute the weight inside the joint and take the pressure off an actutely damaged area of cartilage.

These two simple strategies can give you significant relief in a very short time, and enough encouragement to realise that you can go a long way to healing yourself if you are patient and diligent in your approach.

Below are links to videos that will be useful to you should you decide to try and self-treat your hip arthritis:
My Journey of Recovery from Osteoarthritis:
An Understanding of Joint Cartilage and How it Can Heal:
Three Easy Exercises to Address Osteoarthritis in Your Hip:
Managing Inflammation to Support Healing:
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*ANDREW TUNSTALL* is a Nutrition Coach, Elite Athlete and Science Teacher, who avoided Heart Surgery and a Hip Replacement by changing his lifestyle and nutrition before starting SHAPEFIXER to help others harness the power of knowledge to lose weight, improve health, fight disease and slow ageing.
*DISCLAIMER: Andrew is not a medical doctor. All videos are for informational and motivational purposes only, and are not to be taken as personalised medical diagnoses or advice. Speak to your own medical professional about all aspects of your health, medical conditions and medication. Andrew may at any time and at his sole discretion change or replace the information available on this channel. To the extent permitted by law, Andrew shall not be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect or punitive damages arising out of access to or use of any content available on this channel, regardless of the accuracy or completeness of any such content.*
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About nine months ago, I was diagnosed with severe arthritis in my right hip and an inflamed tendon in right (front of) thigh. Went for PT for a month and tendon healed. Had been in constant pain, relying on NSAIDs, ever since. Really appreciate your videos. This past week, I've been abstaining from carbs and fasting, and feel much better. Feel even better when I exercise, particularly my glutes. I seem to be responding well to alfalfa seed, astragalus root, melatonin, MSM, collagen, and glucosamine & chondrointin. I'm no longer in pain, and I am very hopeful for the future. Thanks again! 😊


I was just diagnosed with early stage hip osteoarthritis. When I went to my follow up evaluation with a purse practitioner she told me it’s a degenerative disease. There is no cure. And changing my diet will do nothing to impact my arthritis! From all the research I’ve done, this contradicted everything I’ve learned. It’s baffling how much misinformation there is out there! I’m going to disregard what she said and follow everyone else’s advice, including the good advice in this video. Thanks!


I was under the (false) impression that my arthritis would be permanent, that I'd be dealing with this pain for the rest of my life, maybe need a replacement eventually.
This video has given me hope. Thank you very much!!


Have been inspired by you & gone off suger & carbs for 3 weeks now - gosh it's hard to walk & tighten each butt as I go - but I will get stronger. I am determined to improve hips !!! Thank you.


Cutting sugar helped me but cutting alcohol really seemed to help me the most. Thanks for your suggestions.


I am 69 and suffer some from Osteoarthritis mostly caused by wear and tear the result of long term physical work. I did receive a shoulder replacement 2 years ago but the knees and hips are hanging in there. A decreasing range of motion in the hip/leg has become problematic, to a certain degree anyway. I am finding that placing a foot up on a chair and then squatting low with the other leg till I feel some discomfort and holding that position for 30 seconds is helping to alleviate the problem. Even my walking feels looser and younger. Thanks for all the good advice.


Put a Pillow between your knees when you sleep on your side at night... I did this, hip pain gone 1st night after trying it.


Coming across your video two weeks ago convinced me to immediately start on Protein fats only. One good lunch of steak, feta cheese, eggs and sometimes avocado with salami as bag up if hungry.. Hardly need more than one meal. Sleeping better, less pain, better movement(from almost seized hip tightness). It's given me knew inspiration to believe I can heal to proper movement again without the multiple recommendations from orthopaedic surgeons that hip replacements were necessary. Weak hip and leg muscles from an injury are the root not joints. Thank you 🧡🙏


I am so happy I was lucky enough to find you on the side of my page here on youtube. I have had terrible hip pain for 2 years now. I fell off my bike and now have arthritis. I've been told I need a hip replacement. I have never wanted to do anything less in my life. I will do anything to get better. So as of today I am following all of your advise. I will keep you posted and thank you so very much for sharing your experience, and success with your own healing.


I just want to say how grateful I am of your videos . I've just been through a very tough time due to a great loss. Two weeks later, I was diagnosed with severe hip arthritis with the doctor stating that he will see me within 2 - 5 years for a replacement. As you can imagine, this was a devastating blow on top of already being depressed to begin with. After finding your channel, I have already seen results...although I'm finding it hard to cut out all my sugars....baby steps for me. Trying to balance my mental state with some restrictions I already have from foods...plus turning 60 this year and still dealing with some nagging menopause issues, I feel like I have to start from 0 and rebuild my entire life. Your videos and tips Andrew have restarted my journey....a tough but doable one, and I thank you.


What a lot of people who expect instant results don't realise, is cartilage is avascular (i.e. has little to no blood supply) and hence it's Chondrocytes only receive nourishment indirectly via diffusion from the surrounding area.

Low impact exercises such as cycling or swimming (that safely apply compression to the cartilage) aids the recovery process as this increases the diffusion of nutrients.

However like you say in this video the healing process will only "kick in" once you reduce the inflammation in the joints.


Hi Andrew, thank you very much for posting this video . I recently discovered that I have hip arthritis . I was suffering lots of pain in both joints . I've seen other videos on arthritis but none of them are advising on cutting out the sugar's only doing different types of exercises . After following your advise I can now walk without crutches and more importantly the pain has lessened . Thank you .


Hi Andrew, I had a knee injury 16 yrs ago and healed it naturally with a product that helped grow back tendins. This January it came back. I do exercises. But I was in chronic pain till I found your videos! I started on Keto and have been on it for 2 months. Changed my life. I started using castor oil and infrared light for 2o min a day. Wow pain is almost gone. My other sore areas are gone! Thank You!!!❤


I started watching your videos and I follow your tips and I have to say that pain in my hip has reduced significantly, I am glad that I found your channel. Many thanks and you are doing great work sharing your knowledge.


very informative!! simpel and humbly presented! Thanks!


Thank you for your earnestness in explaining this. It’s easy to see you truly want to help people relieve their pain and try to avoid surgery. Thank you, sir.


I have a vibrator machine that i stand on to get many repetitions in a short time. (Astronauts use it to get muscles strong to come back into gravity). I used it to tighten my glutes and every other muscle when i use it. My left hip no longer hurts now. Will use it more to get my right hip into line. So I know your recommendations work. I wondered why suddenly only 1 hip hurt. Also i walked with my butt behind me which im trying not to do anymore. Anterior pelvic tilt i believe is the correct term. Half way there. I already eat fewer carbs but i can go lower. you give me hope and explain what happened to my zero pain left hip. But the glory goes to God for getting this info to me. Just the right video at just the right time.


I had a horrific diagnosis in June and told by my surgeon I need metal rods placed in my pelvis, a long rod down my femur and hip replacement. The hip is causing my knee pain and I have been using a stick for 8 years. I am 79 and obese due my enforced inactivity. I just tried the glute exercise and can walk twice as fast without placing all my weight on left arm to the stick and just using the stick lightly. My backside muscles barely used for 8 years are now propelling my body forward. My walk had ground down to a crawl this year. This is miraculous!! I started the diet yesterday but need one cup of coffee with 3 sugars.


Ok. This was amazing. I've been doing this for about 2 weeks and the pain is gone!
I felt like an idiot for a few days and a few people asked me, "You hurt yourself or something? " Then I watched that El Paso therapist who said, "Just flex at about 25%". Haha! Was much easier. 😊


Thank you for this challenge! I have just finished a week of no sugar or any carbs. The pain in the knee and hip joint has almost gone and I feel full of energy. And the tightest jeans now fit comfortably, an added bonus. Although I am a regular swimmer, yoga and taichi student I have noticed the uneven balance in strength of the glutes and am now working on this. I am going to follow your nutrition advice from now on and am so grateful to you for sharing your knowledge.
