Why I Quit my 6 figure Pharmacist Job

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Watch the full day in the life video if you haven’t already ! This is what a real #dayinthelife of a retail #pharmacist looks like before and during the pandemic. There is no shortage of pharmacists, there is just a shortage of pharmacists that refuse to continue working in those poor conditions leading to cut pharmacy hours at Walgreens, CVS and Walmart. Basically a PharmD -iary of why it takes so long for your prescription to be ready and why the pay or bonuses are not worth it anymore. There is so much more beneath the surface of #pharmacy and the ugly work conditions many pharmacists, technicians and #healthcare workers face daily.

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Hello! My name is Lili and I'm a pharmacist that likes to sit in my room on my days off and make fashion, beauty, and lifestyle videos. Join the potato patch and subscribe for weekly vids every Thursday!

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Moved away from busy retail and into a small town, independent LTC pharmacy. The work is steady, and sometimes kinda slow. Never overwhelming. I get paid more than I ever did, and never want to leave.


The worst is that people have the damn NERVE to complain cuz we close for 30min break. Which we all know in reality it's 10 to 15mins.


I totally appreciate my pharmacist and pharmacy techs. They deal with SO much. I always smile, thank them, tell them I appreciate them and have everything ready to go when it is my turn. If they are ever a little stiff, I feel so bad cause I figure that someone put them in that mood. They are underappreciated and underpaid.


Pharm tech here. The struggle is f’ing REAL. Got our hours cut drastically earlier this year and have been barely been able to keep up with the demand. Our store is the busiest in our district, doing over 1k scripts a day. We just barely get stuff done on time and corporate is cutting our hours even more next month. Weve lost two pharmacists from this and two more are gonna leave soon too. And I dont blame em. This shit is insane. I always, ALWAYS appreciate the customers who understand what we’re goin through. You guys are awesome and make our lives a little easier haha


Even the pharmacy techs. They get underpaid in extremely stressful and high stakes. I totally understand 😩 its okay. Money isnt everything but taking care your mental wellbeing is very important ❤


I think the pharmacist are the receiving end of patients frustration you see them calm when waiting in the consultating room for their physicians but instantly goes aggressive and impatient when they come to the pharmacy.
Its is mentally exhausting at times.


They treat us like a fast food joint but worse with staffing. Digusting how abused we are in community.


Yep, after 5.5 years in this profession I am done. It is a hard job mentally to begin with, add onto that COVID happening and vaccinations, drug shortages, heavy workload, opening of minor ailment prescribing (without additional compensation or staff), customers who want their questions answered in 2 seconds, customers who think this is fast food, customers yelling at staff, non stop phone ringing, no lunch breaks, insurance restrictions, insurance audits, shitty computers/software issues, regulatory changes, underpaid assistants, co-worker burn out, unreliable staff, etc etc etc. I can't handle it anymore. It's just become way too mentally taxing to try to do the job, let alone do a GOOD job. Going to have to push to save a bunch for 1 more year and change profession ... It's sad because pharmacy itself I like a lot. The rest ... it's just too much. After speaking with some older coworkers, one of which is close to retirement I can confirm that pharmacy has changed drastically. They are close to retirement but have said they don't know how us younger colleagues are gonna make it for another 30 years :(


I graduated last year and never even started. My intern experience showed me I needed to do my best not to do retail.


There will always be difficult customers. I use to be a store manager and had to deal with unruly pharmacy customers because I didn't want my pharmacist to have to deal with them. They will complain and make a scene about anything. I once had a guy that came in on a Sunday trying to pick up a prescription. The pharmacist explained that she would have to call the doctor's office, but since it was Sunday and that they're closed, there wasn't anything she can do to help him. He started screaming that the pharmacist was racist. I ran back to see whats going on and pulled the customer to the side. After finding out what was going on, I calmly explained to the customer that we'd have to wait until his doctor's office is open. He then screams "If I was white, I would have my medicine by now". (He was Black by the way). After a few minutes of this, I just kicked him out. He threatened to take his prescription elsewhere and I just told him "thanks".


Retail pharmacy is the most stressful customer service job I've ever had.


I think retail pharmacy as we know it is dying, those poor poor souls who have to ride this sinking ship until then.


There was a woman in our IT program who was a former pharmacist, and she wanted out badly of this career.


I am a pharmacist in a community pharmacy in another country and my job is hella stressful so I searched in YouTube to see if it's the same shit in other countries and well, I think you have it worse 😰


Ive learnt you cant take things personally or else you wont survive. Turning up to work is the equivalent to turning up to battle


that's why i quit being a costco pharamacy technician and moved to the airline industry ..


If finally feel seen!! I swear, I wish I could show this video to every customer that complains...and CORPORATE!!!


I appreciate you. As a nurse I understand angry patients. People everyday make me want to quit my job


I worked as pharmacy technician I will never do retail again.


Yes, I always wondered why don't they hire more employees to answer the phone calls...I am a peaceful patient but I have witnessed angry patients and it doesn't make sense why they yield at the pharmaciest 😢😢😢 crazy people stop being angry at the pharmaciest.
