Why I quit being a lawyer | 6 figure income is not a success after learning these things

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Before you sign up for $60,000+ debt, or think a law firm is like a Netflix show, take a peek this week as I peel back the legal curtains.

In my current creative fun like, I run an online course about voiceovers!

I also use this Aussie app to grow money and I find it helps me - maybe you'll find it helpful too for using spare change to invest:


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"Why I quit being a lawyer | 6 figure income is not a success after learning these things" contains music thanks to these awesome artists:
Chris Haugen | Snowy Peaks pt I (No Copyright Music)
Artist: E's Jammy Jams | Track: Frailach 2
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Thank you for using humor to talk about the under appreciated realities of the legal profession that are rarely discussed due to the so called 'nobility' of the profession.

I too agree with you, "If you are miserable you are not successful ." To add on that, it will delay you from realizing your true potential and purpose in life.


This is so true. I am an almost graduate law student and I’ve decided I do not want to be lawyer (finally accepted it after I watched a similar video). The alcoholism is absolutely massive. People I know that work in firms there superiors start drinking midday, one of their firms even has an underground bar! Law is also probably the only profession that has a cocktail night as part of the clerk recruitment process. I’ve also noticed that I have become so masculine from always being aggressive, in a constant state of competition and generally I don’t feel emotional really ever. Additionally, something you didn’t touch on is that A LOT of male lawyers and law students are creeps and feel entitled to your body (basically everything you’ve heard about harassment and stunts with secretaries in the workplace is 4x worse in reality). Luckily I am doing a dual degree so I have options outside of law but I want to share so anyone thinking of doing law knows these facts.


Six-figure subscription count! You made it!!!
All jokes aside, I appreciate this video. I was a pre-law major with a philosophy major in undergrad and I was steamrolling into the path of a miserable law career. I took a year off and interned for a small law firm and yikes.... The level of regret I felt for choosing the field that I did dawned on me like a dark cloud closing in. Working in the field, I was able to infer that the law is not a happy place to be and I will share it with people who are just as equally unhappy. I remember one day, in particular, my boss and I were on a zoom call for training purposes (procedural when you are a litigant for court-appointed matters) and I was shocked at how happy the non-lawyers were on the call. At that point in my life, I was confused and I refused to believe there were people who actually liked coming to work and doing their jobs. Luckily, I snapped out of my delusions of being a lawyer because I was mainly doing it for prestige purposes (as shallow as that may seem). I was done internally rationalizing with myself why law school was the only good option for me... because it wasn't. I did not have that financial burden most do just because I decided to take a year off.

Fast forward 1 year, I am living my best life. I enjoy going to work every morning. I am surrounded by people who care about life outside of the professional aspect. I feel good where I am at. I don't make a ton of money but the people I work for want to see me grow so I am going to go back to school for a master's in something that will keep me happy and make me money.

Law School is overrated. I would hope everyone who even thinks about applying to schools talks it over with at least 5 practicing attorneys and works at a firm to truly get a feel for the dreadful profession that it is. No offense, but I think everyone who has practiced in this field can agree with the truth of that statement to an extent.


I love your humor so much. I spent 5 years in law, sometimes love the work, sometimes hate it, but the main reason for choosing to practice law is... my ego. It's ridiculous looking back, but at that time I wanted to prove with my ex that I will be successful in a prestigious profession. However, I always know internally that this job is bullshit. Reflecting from viewpoint of an outsider now, all those "pride" and boast of partners and bosses of lawfirm that I see on facebook and LinkedIn seem so idiotic. I'm down to earth, care about people, not much into hedonistic and materialistic pleasures, I love growing up intellectually and spiritually, so I also not "in the same frequency" with colleagues who think their job is better and more prestigious than others. I can't say it out loud, but here I feel safe to say that most lawyers and legal practitioners I have met know nothing about other beautiful things of life outside of their job. It's like they live in their own imaginative world where they consider themselves important while in fact it's just a BS job

Thanks ex, for you I have the will to put up with this job for all those years, improved myself along the way, gained skills as well as some insight so one day I decided to quit, an informed decision this time.


Plenty of narcissists and psychopaths in this profession, sadly. If the toxiciry of the system changed, we'd all be happier.


I don't blame you, Gemma. I was told by practicing lawyers that monetary gain was the only reason for taking someone to court; doing it out of principle was pointless. Great...if money and prestige is their sole motivation then this really is sad.


What a great homily. I have not felt your pain but completely understand why you feel as you do. You may have seen the surveys which show how many people want to study law, hence the high UAI, and so many are disappointed with their careers.

I began my career at one of the largest Sydney firms in 1970 when (unbelievably now) there was no pressure on fee earning but the quality of your work was paramount. In those days, I used to say legal practice was a gentleman's calling. I was allowed to avoid litigation work and the firm did not have a criminal law practice. I worked in commercial law and found drafting commercial (plain English) agreements very satisfying. I worked there for six years then an opportunity to work abroad arose. On my return to the same firm, I found the same heavy attachment to traditional thinking oppressive.

I had a few less than career jobs after that but was saved by the introduction of personal computers when I came across a program for developing programmable database applications. I taught myself how to use the program and found the work surprisingly similar to drafting commercial agreements (if..then..else) and I was able to undertake it as a self-employed consultant often working at home.

I worked on projects that could be handled  (often part time) without my needing to employ assistance and I worked for clients who were happy for me to do the work with minimal input from them as long as they got the result they wanted. These applications were intended to reduce tedious tasks from clients' staff so the staff were more than happy to provide me with anything I needed to understand these tedious tasks they normally performed manually. The work was not as well rewarded financially as a legal career would have been but it was far more satisfying. I have been very lucky.


OMG, THIS: 'If you die, you'll be replaced.' 💯


I'm a solicitor myself, thinking of becoming a barrister. This video deserves way more likes! It's informative and also entertaining! Many thanks :D


You communicate open secrets about the profession in such an entertaining manner! I can’t stop laughing! 😂


Thank you for creating this and sharing it with the world! I just started university and was on the fence about what to study, but I was going into a conjoint law degree. During the first couple weeks I was enrolled I did a lot of research from about the profession, why lawyers quit, the reality of it, and all this fluff about dreams and money, time and happiness. I went through a lot of thinking about if I was making a choice I was going to regret. It's because of people like you and videos like this that I might live a life happier than I ever could have dreamed of, so, thanks 🤗


USA attorney here and I won’t practice at a traditional firm either. It’s a lot of abuse and unjust enrichment lol


I handle injury claims for insurance this is a great video gave me a lot of thought if I should pursue a law career preferably injury attorney. The long hours and lack of work life balance is not my cup of tea.


Thank you for sharing! I was seriously thinking about going into law after I dropped out of Paralegal school. I'll take your advice into consideration.


Thank you for this video, and all your other videos for that matter! I did Real Estate for years because I was afraid of not having a backup for my career as an actor/VA. So many of these points are so similar to the reasons I got into it AND left the industry. I'm so glad you're happier now and grateful to have you as a colleague. Congrats on your 100 followers! Many more to come, I'm sure. (And yes... my covid weight would like to see that video as well...even though I hate to say it...) Have a stunning day! -Jenna <3


This reminds me of being a lawyer in my own country, Brazil.


So true!! This job is NOT glamorous even though it's rewarding. You made me laugh so much. You hit the nail on the head. No, I tell my client's the truth, or else they can beat you up in court when they lose their case. The cortisol part was so accurate. I say more £s more pounds....Great video!


But it is such a pity that high professional women leave the law altogether instead of opening their own firm, with their rules. Why don't you do that? The world and the nornal people need you!


Wow what an eye opener of the unglamorous part of the profession.


I want to have children in the near future, and am now reconsidering a law career. The lack of free time/family time would be terrible. I can't understand how new parents could manage this. It just doesn't seem worth it. Anyway, I think you're doing a great service by sharing this info. I'm sorry you had to go through all you did, but happy for you that you've made a positive change.
