I QUIT My $120,000 Job After Learning 3 Things

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I decided to quit my job after I realized these 3 lessons. Although I "heard" of these 3 things before, they never clicked inside my head until these events happened in my life. My goal is to share my experiences with you in hopes that this video will be more than just "sounds" coming from your speakers or "words" on a screen. I hope these lessons can inspire you to do what you truly want to do.





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Notice he says after working SEVERAL years. He saved money, and set himself up to leave. Don't quit your dayjob kids, build financial stability then quit.


"If you don't build your dreams, someone else will hire you to build theirs"

Well said


" If you don't build your dreams, then someone else will hire you to build theirs" Really stuck out to me, such a powerful sentence that I will forever remember.


“The real power of money is not that you can buy whatever you want, the real power is that you’re able to buy the freedom to spend your time how you like, when you like, it’s the freedom to not let anyone else control your time, your emotions or your life”

I couldn’t agree more


Summary of video-
1. Your job is making someone else money.
2. You are always replaceable and you will be forgotten in a job.
3. Have your own purpose in life. Don't get controlled by money.


John's story hooked me. I had a friend, he was the best employee in the company, he died from overwork 2 years ago, then replaced with someone else and company still going just fine. Like he never exists in the first place.


I studied hard to grab a position in one of the Big4 companies. I was excited to work but I was working 18 hours a day to finish jobs that were meant for an experienced person.

I started ignoring my family just like you and months later when I reached home - I saw my dad skinny and diagnosed with cancer. He is illiterate and he didn't even know what cancer patients look like.

Believe me, I regret taking this job. If I was home I'd be early to recognise it and he could be saved but now he is taking his last breaths.

Family comes first! No job will ever replace your family.


I left my 9-5 job in 2021 and felt exactly how you did, like I was a victim of my job. Two years later, I look back but mostly with fond memories. I have realized so many things, the most important of which is that it was not their fault. I am responsible for this life. And also, nothing is ever lost. I am always on my way to something better.


"If you don't have a dream, someone will hire you to build their dreams"

this statement is an eye opener to me. Thank you brother! God bless you.


“If you don’t build your dreams then someone else will hire you to build theirs” a quote I’m putting in my mind.


You're irreplaceable to your mom and she is the one you took for granted. It's a powerful lesson.


My dude....this is exactly my life right now. Working my ass off doing tax at a Big 4 accounting firm. Worked so hard in college to get here only to come to the same realization as you did. I served 8 years in the army and I thought working for corporate America was the dream. I wanted to wear the suits, I wanted to have to the corporate dinners, I wanted to work in the tallest building...and now 3 years in I almost completely lost who I was before this job. I get anywhere from a 15-25% salary increase every year but I no longer care about that. i want a career with purpose to it. I want a career where I can see the outcome of what I put in. As much as it scares me to admit this to my wife and family I really want to pursue a career in firefighting to bring back that sense of purpose and selfless service that I miss so much. Corporate America does not give a single fuck about me


I have this conversation quite regularly with one of my colleagues. Some people really take their jobs too seriously, and when asked why I'm so relaxed in situations that otherwise would cause great tension, my answer is ALWAYS this: "What if I died today or tomorrow? What if they did? This place would continue to run without us. So why stress over things we can't control? Just do your job and let the chips fall where they may. You'll be just fine." This was an excellent video!


I just lost my job and my home. I'm in a hotel praying about the next steps. Ran across this video. Thank you for the encouragement and wise counsel. 🙏🏾


…as a 65 yo neurologist MD with a lot of difficult experiencies in personal, social and professional life, I can say with confidence that you are on the right direction.
You are a smart, educated, emotional, courageous young man.
I bet on your success.


I wish I had someone tell me these thing when I first started off. Everyone (parents, cousins, teachers, friends, etc.) conspired to push me forward to what turned out to be a nightmare. I was an honor student. I was a no miss success story in the making, a future captain of industry. Fastforward. Stressed-out, overworked, grumpy, cynical, overweight, diabetic. I wound up twice in the hospital for chest pains. Timeout! Save yourselves!


“Every hour of my time, even after work, belongs to them.”

I felt this. I may be off weekends but I spend Friday worrying that I’m not having enough fun outside of work. Then I spend Sundays dreading going to work.


“Unless we control money, money will control us” there’s so many things I could relate to in this. Thanks for making such a great video!


I’m currently retired, and considering the current rollercoaster nature of the stock market, I decided to stay on the sideline for awhile, now I’m worried with the numerous bank failures as of late, am I better off reinvesting my savings in the stock market or do I wait?


I was at a much lower level, but I admire you for your honesty and your bravery to speak out about how horrific it is that we spend our entire lives working as peasants to make the rich richer! Don’t be scared! Go for it!
