15 MIN BEGINNER CARDIO Workout (At Home No Equipment)

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Do this 15 minute beginner, full body, cardio workout #WithMe at home! This is a non-stop cardio routine with basic, low impact exercises for beginners. No equipment needed. Just yourself!
#CardioWorkout #HomeWorkout

✘ T W I T T E R: @maddielymburner
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Hope you guys enjoyed this beginner cardio video! Even though it’s designed for beginners, it’s a great sweat sesh for all fitness levels! 🔥💃


Guys, if you feel like giving up don’t because after 5 days of doing this I can do it nonstop with no breaks and it feels so good. Also after doing this I felt more productive and happy.


10 minutes in and i can already feel my heart in my head


i’ve been doing this workout consistently for 1 week and in the beginning i was only able to do 5 mins. it was kind of discouraging, ngl but i kept in mind that i am just a beginner and it takes some time to get used to. today i was able to get through the whole 15 mins!! 😊 so to anyone in the comments thinking of giving up, DON’T. keep going, u got this 💖


Had 5 strokes 10 heart attacks and went into 2 cardiac arrests during this workout but I finished


That moment when a “Beginners Workout” feels like an advanced one. ☠️😭 R.I.P.

[UPDATE] I just want to say that when I posted this comment I couldn’t make it through half the video without giving up. A month later after doing at LEAST one of her videos a day has made me strong enough to get through this video now without stopping . If I can do it so can you! I believe in all of you 💖👑💪


Beginners need breaks Maddie 😭😂😂 I was dying 5 minutes in 😂😂


I didn't take any breaks. But, how on earth is this a beginner workout? This is insane.


Ive been doing this for a few weeks and went from taking a break every 2 minutes to no breaks at all


My whole body is burning, my legs are shaking, my asthma said no and I took breaks, BUT I DID IT AND I FEEL AMAZING, good things you can't hear us because I threw some hate in there but thank you so much for this, I loved it.


Eating veggies while watching this is the beginners version of this beginners workout, right?


Day 1: 10 minutes with a few brakes. I’m severely depressed, have c-ptsd and a lot of anxiety disorders so I’m always in bed. I also eat a lot of medications so I’m proud of myself that I could do 10 minutes. I’m happy these home workouts exist because I’m so afraid at gyms ( a lot of people ) etc. good luck everyone ❤️❤️❤️


To those who completed this, breaks or no breaks. Beginners or Non-beginners. YOU DID IT. And Im so proud of you for that! All of us in these comments are feeling that same burn and that same gain🤩 love you for completing this! Keep it going! I believe in you! You are strong and beautiful💪🏻🥳💯💞


For those of you in doubt. You got this. I couldn't make it through this video two weeks ago and now I have. After doing this one for a few days, I will be moving on to more of her videos. Keep up the hard work everyone!! You're stronger than you think.


Don’t waste your time on YouTube, this is simply the best 15 min cardio workout you would find!


This is day one for me. Despite taking a break every 5 minutes or so after every 2 circuits, it feels so rewarding.


if this is the beginner workout im afraid to see what the advanced is


When I started doing this workout a few months ago, I used to get over exhausted by half of the video, now, after months of persevering, I can make it through the entire video and do another 15 minute dumbbell workout as well. If you think your hard-work wont pay off, trust me, it will, just keep going because the moment you stop is the moment you give up.


This was amazing! I’m 6 months postpartum and was advanced in my workouts before pregnancy and exercised while pregnant. Getting back into working out as a stay at home mom, I needed something quick yet effective. This was it!!! So good! I only recommend that people complete a cool down after the video…even if it’s just walking for a bit to bring the heart rate down. Thanks for the great workout!!!


first day; managed to do 8 mins with 3 breaks. my belly started aching, my legs hurting and my whole face was burning but it's hopefully just a matter of time before i get used to it.
day 2; didn't do
day 3; didn't do
day 4; managed to reach 9 minutes with a break for water, it feels a little easier than last time but still struggling to do some exercises.
please comment / like to remind me!
