How To Target EVERY Muscle in Your Back (One Exercise)

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If you are looking to build not only a wider back, but a thicker back too, then there is one exercise you have to be doing. The seated cable row is a great exercises for hitting the back, but did you know that you can target different muscles in the back just by changing your grip width?

If you are trying to hit your lats, you will want to grab the bar with a narrow grip. Place your hands just inside the knurling of the bar and pull the bar towards your body. The pull point will be just above the height of your navel. When you pull the bar towards your body, you will want to keep your elbows low and tight to your body to most effectively hit the lats.

If you are looking to target your upper back muscles, like the rhomboids, middle traps, and rear delts; all you have to do is change your grip.

Instead of a narrow grip, you will want to grab just inside the bend of the bar. This wider hand position will allow you to more effectively pull the bar towards your lower chest line (around nipple height). Make sure that your elbows are high and wide so that you can get the bar to its proper pull point.

You can even allow the lats and muscles of the upper back to stretch by leaning forward as the cable attachment travels back towards the machine. We know that adding stretch tension to an exercise can generate an increase in hypertrophic gains, so allow yourself to explore that stretch. Just make sure not to round your lower back in the process - you will want to keep a slight anterior pelvic tilt throughout the movement.

Whichever version of the seated cable row you choose, you will have another exercise in your arsenal for helping to build a wider, thicker back from top to bottom.

For more tips on how to get the best body possible, be sure to stay tuned to this channel and remember to subscribe so that you never miss another video from a physical therapist with a pro sports background as a PT and strength coach.

Jeff Cavaliere MSPT, CSCS served as both the head physical therapist and assistant strength coach for the New York Mets. Jeff earned his Masters of Physical Therapy and Bachelor’s of Physioneurobiology from the College of Health Sciences University of Connecticut Storrs. He is a certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).
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Jeff helps with my gains and also my word of the day: knurling


That "Let me explain" caught me off guard, almost thought I was on a Noel Deyzel short haha


remember this narrow grip elbows in towards the the hips is more lats. the further up you go with narrow grip the more you will hit your rear delt and the muscles around it, now if you widen the grip you go more towards the scapular, traps romboid area and target those muscles. now if you have a narrow grip and pushing you will hit your traps more, if you have medium grip you focus more the chest area, and wider grip you will hit more the front delts. sooo hope it helps.


Jeffery, you’re so dang smart. I just want to thank you cause my shoulders are healed up from your videos 💪🏽🙌🏽


Wide grip version is amazing, never miss it on back day


Bro you're well ripped in those areas, to complete your build work on traps and shoulders, well done buddy!


Been working out a while now but haven’t done this yet. Can’t wait to add it to my back day


Thanks 😊 man! I will definitely incorporate back workouts. It’s been neglected for too long


Coming in with the invaluable knowledge, sliced to the bone as always. Love your channel Jeff!


Steve Reeves advised leaning forward, and REMAIN leaning forward throughout the movement and he kept his elbows tucked to his sides... I've used that technique for years and it's amazing!👍💪


Is this advice applicable to bent over barbell rows?


If your gym has the equipment, meaning the machine has two grips, changed the bar for cable handles and perform the exercise for rear dealt. Even if you’ve never felt your rear delts before, you’re gonna feel them burning now.


Use narrow grip pull down and narrow grip rows for a wider back though


Wow I think Jeff has been listening to Dr Wolf and his stretch preachings


At first I thought Jeff said grab the bar inside the neuralink😊 but now I realize he said knurlng. I was like man I got to get me a new bar.


Thank for your videos very usefull. But for me I need to use supination grip for dorsal.


Oh my next back day is gonna be sweet. 💪🏼


Navel. Just sayin'. ...and "knurling" is now my word of the week. 😂😂


Elbows close to body - lats
Elbows flared out - upper back


Okay but let's go nuts! Hear me out..."narrow grip + bringing the bar to the chest." "Wide grip + bringing the bar to the belly button." Muscle confusion, baby.
