Can Christians Work On Sundays? | Made for Glory

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Are Christians allowed to work on Sunday, the Sabbath? Find out on today's episode of Made for Glory!

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Yes they can work on sundays, Sunday is the first day, Saturday is the sabbath day.


I think what many Christians forget life and scripture is different than The Old Testiment. Hebrews say, "Do not forsake yourselves the assembling of God" This is old testement. Keep his day Holy(sabbeth) apied to the Hebrews. We as New world christians have more freedom but id say more challenges with so many distractions. Now just imaging if first responders took off Sunday, it would be impossible for society to function. Just imagine a loved one having a health problem and you couldnt get help because the responders took off Sunday like everyone else, or if you are driving to church and run out of gas someone has to be at the gas station to do your transaction and unlock the pump. It is important to make time for him any day of the week and remmember his teachings/ keep his commandments. I work on Sunday evenings because I am on call as an officer but I make time at my job or throught the week to praise him and rejoice. We are all sinners, not perfect. If you are saved and meet with him no matter when that his he will bless you, just keep on being faithful brothers and siaters❤.


I just had a confession and I just learned that it is really a sin to work on Sunday except for those who are working at Hospitals and Restaurants. I searched again on youtube to be clarified. Thank you.


Thanks for this video today some one brok my heart because of this kind of knowledge


i am beyond conflicted because i was offered a really good job that suits my needs as neurodivergent person, but i would need to work one sunday a month. granted the person offering the job is also catholic and would like to be able to have at least one sunday where they go mass. how do i go about this situation?


Yes they can, as the sabbath is on Saturday. That’s the true day of rest. Christian’s need to remember the sabbath and keep it holy.


So working on Sunday is not a sin anymore ? When this happened?


How come he says Sundays? Sunday is not sabbeth .


I am certain that God would have told us if He changed His mind about which day is holy. The Roman Catholic church is clear that they are the ones who changed the Sabbath sacredness to Sunday. Constantine did this in 321AD and made it clear that people were to honor the "day of the sun" - by law. Did you know they even killed people who still kept the Sabbath?
The Bible is clear that we are not to honor the commandments of men over the commandments of God. The Sabbath is still the 7th day of the week, and Sunday is not the Sabbath. Sabbath is the false Sabbath - a day set aside by a church, by people, and by people who still wanted to honor sun-worship when they made this day an official worship day.

May God help us all to honor HIM and HIM alone, and set no manmade rule in the place of His perfect laws.


"Sunday, the Sabbath"? Jesus rose on Sunday so it can be called Sabbath?

Mark 16:9 "Now when Jesus was risen early *the first day of the week, * he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils."
there... sunday is the first day of the week as per the Word of GOD.
Exodus 20:10-11 "But the *seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God:* in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and *rested the seventh day:* wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it."
Sabbath is the seventh day which is sabado, sobota, subota, szombat, shabbat or saturday in your language.
Keep facts straight.


Sunday is not the Sabbath. You can't just move it to any day you want. The 7th day has prophetic significance that you lose when YOU decide what day is the Sabbath--to say nothing of taking into your own hands what was commanded by the Most High. Work all you want on Sunday--it's NOT the sabbath.


Who gave the catholic church the right to change Yahweh's Holy Sabbath day to you Sun worship day?



However, the Law covenant became in a sense "obsolete" when God announced by means of the prophet Jeremiah that there would be a new covenant. (Jer. 31:31-34; Heb. 8:13) In 33 C.E. the Law covenant was canceled on the basis of Christ's death on the torture stake (Col. 2:14), the new covenant replacing it.---Heb. 7:12; 9:15; Ac. 2:1-4.

Thus, if a person insists on holding to the observance of the literal sabbath, he fails to accept the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the torture stake and thus rejects the forgiveness of sins that it makes possible. It is just as if he insisted on offering animal sacrifices after Jesus had offered himself, the one sacrifice for sins forever.


WARNING - According to Jesus teachings, there is NO SALVATION for any who do not obey the "Literal Saturday Sabbath." which is part of the 10 commandments. (Luke 16:17)
