How much I regret my leg amputation

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#Amputee #Prosthetic #PhantomPain

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I had my left leg crushed by a careless driver in 1974. I know what you jave been through. You have a lot of courage. Gos Bless you.


I can totally relate to this. I had a motorcycle accident in 1996. Things were done wrong by the doctors and in 2006 I had a mid foot amputation. That did not resolve the issue and in 2012, I had a below the knee amputation. I still deal with phantom pains and phantom sensations but I have zero regret about having the amputation. The improvement has been incredible and continues to get better.

Keep your chin up.


Watching this makes me realize the simple things that we take for granted in life.


I was severely injured in the army and deal with constant pain if i could have an operation to help alleviate that even if it ment an amputation id take it im so exhausted from the pain im in every day!!! Your additood is an inspiration despite your struggles keep it up sister!


Thank you for posting this! My right ankle was 80% severed, starting from the inside (was still attached by skin and a tendon on the outside) in a car accident 22 years ago (I was 24). At the time, I was happy they were able to reattach/sew most of the tendons, muscles, viens, arteries, nerves, bones, etc together. Now though, after having countless painful corrective surgeries and getting the ankle replaced 2 years ago, I wish they would have taken it then. After this metal ankle fails, and it will, I have 2 options, fuse the whole thing so I have no movement or amputate. I'm really leaning towards amputation because the daily pain is awful and your video was exactly what I needed to hear. It gives me more confidence that I'll be able to enjoy life more without having to plan around the pain.


I like how she crosses her legs after she took the prosthetic off.
Its so.. sophisticated? Like that meme with the cat laying with its front legs crossed like a queen.


Thats super fascinating since most able bodied people would propably asume it's worse now than it was before, but your explanation makes a lot of sense and should be more public. Experiences and opinions like yours are relevant to everyone debating an amputation as it sheds a new light on the whole procedure. Thank you!


Good for you! I had leukemia, lost my leg below knee at 48. 60 now and still moving. Never give up.👍


I was at a convention in Greensboro, NC a few years back when the National Coalition of Amputees was also having a convention. There were over 300 amputees there. They were having a great time. I had the opportunity to talk with some of them. Non of them felt sorry for themselves. In fact they all seemed to be incredibly happy. I was truly in awe of their attitude. It was a blessing to meet them.


I'm a lower leg amputee too and I know exactly how you feel. After my amputation I had severe phantom pains as well. However, mirror reflection therapy helped me to trick my brain. After an amputation part of the nerves and muscles that were formerly connected to the amputated limb are still there, but rewired differently. The nerve system in the brain doesn't know the limb isn't there anymore, so it keeps on sending signals to the limb. Hold a large mirror between your legs, with the reflecting side directed at your good leg and the amputated leg behind the mirror. When you look in the mirror you see 2 good legs and the brain processes that. You need to move your leg and foot and simultaneously try to make the same movements with your other leg, since part of the nerves and muscles are still there, so it feels like you move the foot that isn't there. This therapy helps you to rewire your brain. In addition you can choose to take special medication for a long as the pains are unbearable, definitely not longer. I hope this helps you as much as it helped me. Good luck! 👍🏻


YES there’s something so satisfying about hearing the very thing you said once come out of someone else’s mouth because they also deal with limited mobility. something i always said to myself that was basically a mantra was “it’s going to hurt whether i do it or not” because at the end of the day *doing* that difficult activity made me happy and proud of myself. (thank you rehab department i was most certainly safe at every point in time)


My mother lost her leg below the knee from diabetes. You are an inspiration. 😌


My father is a amputee and you and Alex1Leg have consistent clips or shorts that i send to him. He loves seeing the different types of prosthetics or the cool tech you can have on em. Thank you so much!


I love your strength girl. It should strengthen others.


No self-pity here, only strength! Thanks for the videos!


Love the positive attitude!! Anyone with a Total Knee Replacement also goes through amputee pain. That pain was tough, but not constant like the arthritis pain.


I absolutely love your positive energy towards this!


You are so brave, and such a lovely young lady. I love your outlook on life after your amputation.


A beautiful outlook from a beautiful person inside and out. Respectfully, I'm envious of your optimism.


I'm a rehab nurse and I've had patients tell me similar things regarding their amputations. I've seen people in various terrible situations and I've observed that attitude truly is everything.