Wim Hof Guided Breathing Session - 4 Rounds Intermediate No Talking

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It is best to start with a warm-up round of just conscious breathing.

0:00 INTRO
0:12 ROUND 1 - 1:30min Breath Hold
3:33 ROUND 2 - 2:00min Breath Hold
7:24 ROUND 3 - 2:00min Breath Hold
11:14 ROUND 4 - 2:30min Breath Hold

Simply relax and breathe in through your nose into your belly then into the chest into the head and then let it all go out of the mouth. Think about how you breathe, and focus your attention on the breath only.

After the warm-up you can proceed with the first round. I suggest you start with a slower pace with shallower breaths and work your way up. The last round should be your maximum breathing speed and maximum depth of the breath.

But be careful not to force anything. If you experience any discomfort, just take it easier.

Remember, the goal of doing this is to make you feel good :)

The Wim Hof Breathing technique in general is meant for everyone who would like to improve the way they feel. Performed correctly and daily, this breathing exercise tends to strengthen the immune system and relieve symptoms of stress in the individual.

Step by step instructions:

1. Breathe in through the nose or mouth. Inhale deeply into your belly, then into your chest, and finally into your head. One complete circular motion. Then exhale. Just let the air out naturally and do not force the air out. Repeat this until the round is over (30-50 breaths)

2. On the last exhale of each breathing round, hold your breath for the duration shown on the timer.

3. After the breath hold, inhale fully and hold your breath for 15 seconds. Then let the air out of your lungs again and start again from the beginning.

4. Repeat each round :)

Safety information:

The breathing exercise has a profound effect and should be practiced in the way it is explained. Always do the breathing exercise in a safe environment (e.g. sitting on a couch/floor) and unforced. Never practice the exercises before or during diving, driving, swimming, taking a bath or in any other environment/place where, should you pass out, a serious injury could occur.

Also please be aware that Breath Central is an independent content creator and is not in any way, shape or form connected, affiliated or endorsed with Wim Hof, The Wim Hof Method or any of their associates.
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And thank you for all the support on this channel! :)


I am 78 years old and at the beginning (about 2 months ago) it took me a few tries to reach 1.5 minutes...I do them twice a day and have now reached the point where I can accomplish this one. I had been a lite smoker...both marijuana and cigarettes since I was 25. I smoked for the last time Aug. 6, 2022 and am now believing I have a future...thanks Wim 🙂


no one will read this probably but I've been doing this everyday for the last 2. months or so and I love it, thank you so much breath central!!


77, unwell, had seriously blocked heart arteries 3 years ago, could barely walk one block. Been doing the method for 40 months every day. Have gone from 30 sec. hold to 2:30 minutes and walking about 4 miles daily. This system really works especially dramatic for older folks like me. Thanks!


I am 85. Started the breathing and cold showers 3 years ago every day and feel great never sick. I am getting to the 2.30 holding my breath. Sometimes I can .
WH is the greatest find in my life. Thanks forever love you.


This is life changing. I just got the worst news and came back here. I managed to hold my breath for 2min45 and now I feel great.


Hello im 34, This thing really changed my life i apreciate so much. Greetings from Cordoba, Argentina ❤❤


I ve started 4 days ago... week ago had some terrible anxiety attack, I am 42, whole life trying to bring joy and happiness to the others, completely forgetting about myself.
I truly believe, this will save my .
Its like a mind shifters, reseting everything from beginning. I will stay with this routines probably through my whole life. Thank You ❤️


I love this video. I paused a few times to give myself a few more rounds of breathing before the long exhale and hold. I’m 35, struggling with depression, anxiety, and maybe something bordering on bipolar disorder. Two of my close relatives had severe bipolar disorder and sadly lost their battle too young. Breathwork and psilocybin have both helped me tremendously over the past year or so. Thanks for making these videos. ❤


Didn’t make the two minutes but will return tomorrow to slay again. Thanks… 😊


I can't do without doing 10 rounds a day sometimes 20 or 30 at intervals. Looking for an ice bath for my garden. Can honestly say this breathing method saved my life


Thank you so much for this. Perfectly edited, choice of music is amazing. This is the perfect wim hof breathing video. God bless you.


I have a hard time with discipline, but this breathing excercise makes it into my routine every morning. It's the best start to my day


I thought of everything I am grateful for and wept


First time trying this level. Nailed it. Hard work pays off.


It is great thing! Thank Universe, for Wim Hof!!!


Thanks, I prefer silence over words sometimes. Beautiful vid!


Im from Korea you have global power, god bless you thanks ❤


Awesome job. This helped me increase my breath hold to 3+ minutes 😮😃


I managed to release so much i cried after it, and as a guy that never cries it was much needed
