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We have developed and been working on dental Animation videos , such as :

1. Root Canal Treatment
2.Dental Implant
3.Crown & Bridges
5. Veneers
6.Periodontics Disease
7.Orthodontics Procedures
8.Composite Filling
9.Braces & Clear Aligners
10.Tooth Extraction
11.Teeth Whitening
12.Advanced Laser Dentistry etc.

Mob no: 91-8250528248

Best regards
Koushik Chatterjee.
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Having two teeth pulled this coming Wednesday, I never thought I’d be more excited. I am tired of constantly pain.


Had one pulled out 3 days ago, getting another one next month.
And just to be another guy to explain no this does not hurt at all they give you anesthesia that completely numbs half of your jaw and you won't feel anything.
He just wiggles it around and pulls it out, but I'm special cases he/she can cut a bit of the gum around and pull it out in pieces.
He didn't cover my extraction area like in this animation but it's still healing and it takes around 2-3 weeks to fully heal.


Just had Tooth #30 Extracted & i can tell you the Pain i felt Prior to the Extraction was UNBEARABLE. Day & night all i could feel was Violent Throbbing & not being able to have a SINGLE MOMENT OF PEACE or the chance to just even sleep Comfortably but i finally got it removed & the Pain from the Extraction is NOTHING like the Pain i was Feeling so stay strong Fellas & keep focused


Currently listening to the frequency of 285hz 528hz and 174hz together to heal my gums faster after I had a tooth extraction. It's day 2 so far and it's healing a lot faster because of the faster tissue cell repair that 285hz aids in. 528 hz for whole body regeneration and 174hz to relieve the pain. Leave this playing all day on your TV, computer, or Iphone at 2x speed even while overnight and this will help heal you a lot quicker. Additionally you can avoid infections by adding on the frequency of 741hz which cleanses infections, bacteria and illness. Play these frequencies together at different speeds and you'll have a quicker recovery. 1 more day and I should good to go for my implant. I wish everyone luck in their recovery. Also, feel free to share this around to others to help them as well with these frequencies.


To everyone: this is not painful you‘all, they pulled my tooth out and it didnt hurt so much, well honestly it hurts only slightly.. i suggest you to wear headphones and shut your eyes while they work out on your teeth


the extractions were painless after the numbing but recovery has been brutal. Meds, ice packs, soft food and praying this pain goes away soon. On day 7


I've had more discomfort from getting my teeth cleaned at the dentist than from getting a molar extracted. A good dentist will put the anesthesia in slowly in stages so you don't feel a thing. Then during the extraction all I felt was some pressure & out it came.😀


That surgery looks reassuring🎉 🎉thanks for sharing your video🎉😢
I've seen a few videos that's nerve wrecking and the tools used looks scary 😢


I think the top ones hurt more then the bottom ones getting pulled out


My mother didn’t get stitches when she got 2 wisdom teeth and 2 molars removed, just the guaze to form the blood clots. 4 years ago she got 2 molar teeth pulled in the dentist put the needle in her gums without numbing the outside of her gums she said it hurt. It didn’t hurt when the dentist pulled the molars out.


It is what it is, there is no other way, its numbing and in between pain that stays for hour/s and u take care of that area and thats it.


8 injections to numb every where, 4 in the cheek. Then two directly on each side of the gum surrounding the tooth. Took the dentist a good 50 minutes wrestling to try and remove the tooth, but it only was half out! Due the thick and deep roots, he then had change his gameplan to cutting it into two pieces whilst the tooth was halfway out. I had no pain just a little stress due to the amount of effort he was putting in but it wasn't working! However let me tell you now once the numbing wore off the pain has gotten worse and worse. Pain meds aren't working. It's 3.45am I've been researching flat out on YouTube to try and help with the healing process and pain I'm experiencing. Day 1 is agony god knows what it's gonna be like come day 3 from what I've read. I'm actually in far worse pain now than before i contacted the dentist! FML ah well let's hope I can heal in time for my Christmas Dinner 🤞


Just had #2 extracted 3 days ago. General anesthesia all the way. I just wanna take a nap and wake up when it's done


Lol this video makes it look a million times easier than it actually is.


Depends on the condition of your tooth. Mine was drilled. Pulled on broke each time. Drilled more to get a spot to grab. Broke. Drilled until he hit my sinus. Upper jaw. Wasn’t numbed. And he did that 3 times. He left base of one in and still cost me 320$


I’m honestly so terrified and some of yall talking about it took the doctor forever or he has to break off part of your tooth or he couldn’t get it out- I wanna cry rn. Yall are giving me so much more anxiety than I had. I’m also 32 weeks pregnant. I don’t wanna get my tooth pulled 🙁💀


I'm going to the dentist tomorrow, and I'm mildly terrified of needles. Trauma from tiny me getting shots. I do remember having this procedure before, and aside from the needle, it doesn't hurt. I don't know if my tooth can be saved, but honestly? Part of me is ready to say to just rip it out. I can feel the inside of my tooth itching and I HATE it!


Just had my tooth extraction three hours ago, it was not painful. Just felt pressure. So those awhile are scared, don’t be 😊😊


Just came from getting 2 teeth pulled and I’m in serious pain!!!!


Am tired 😴 of constant pain from the half broken teeth of mine I need help😮
