Dos and Dont's after a tooth extraction - Dr. Sathyadeep. V
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Care after extraction can be broadly divided into the initial 24 hours, as well as after 24 hours, it can be broadly divided into these two categories. in the initial 24 hours, a s soon an the extraction is done, patient should hold on to cotton and bite onto it and he has to be continuously swallowing salvia, the main thing is you should not spit and you should be continually swallowing. Care should be taken that he should not bite onto his lip or cheek , which will be numb because of anesthesia. After an hours’ time if the throat permits, then he can have an ice-cream and take the medications that are given to the patient. After that he has to apply icepack for around 20 minutes per hour till he goes to bed and this has to be continued for initial 24 hours. Regarding food the patient can eat something soft and it should be room temperature and nothing hot and nothing spicy. The other most important thing is no smoking or no alcohol for the next 24 hours. After 24 hours routine hygiene measures can be started. patient can start rinsing his mouth after every meal. He can continue brushing even in case of the extraction region is sutured or the surgical region is sutured. There is no needed for any change in the day to day routine.