Root Canal vs. Tooth Extraction: What’s the Right Choice?

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Wondering if you should get a root canal or extraction?! Let's talk about which one is better for you! It can be quite an overwhelming and complicated decision to make - and this video will help you understand the PROs and CONs of each!

Root canal vs. extraction debates are nothing new. But when you understand all of the root canal vs. extraction pros and cons, you can feel completely confident deciding which one is right for you. Make sure you read through all of the advantages and disadvantages so that you know exactly what you’re “getting into” before committing to a specific treatment. It’s not as hard of a choice as you might have thought it was.

When comparing root canal treatment vs. tooth extractions, getting your tooth pulled isn’t always the best or cheapest answer. A root canal will help preserve your natural tooth and can actually save you money over time, plus be better for your overall dental health. But sometimes teeth are non-restorable and getting them removed is really the best thing to do. But always, always start with a consultation with your dentist. When you have a professional on your side, navigating the root canal vs. extraction pros and cons lists won’t be as intimidating as it sounds.




***This video does not provide medical advice and is intended for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or dental condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard or seen on social media.***

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I had a root canal disaster that costed me £1000 and it failed. The worst thing was that after it failed, my dentist started to avoid me and said he is busy. I got an appointment with entodontist who has redone my root canal. After that, tooth was like new. Lesson? Never let a dentist do your root canals. There’s specialist for it! Go to entodontist without hesitation regardless on price difference. It’s worth it and will save your tooth and any additional complications.


I've had 3 root canals and all 3 were performed by different dentists:

1st) Tooth cracked 1 day after root canal. Might have been my fault, but I lost the (now very expensive) tooth 3 days after the root canal.
2nd) Tooth again cracked, but this time it was about 2-3 years later. Lost it
3rd) Root canal failed and I got a sever infection. Of course, the pain really hit on friday evening and the following weekend was probably the worse of my life. Unbelievable, and unbearable, pain. Lost the tooth.

All 3 are now implants and not a single one has given me a problem since. Expensive? Absolutely. However, I'm convinced a root canal is just a temp solution before it fails and you need the real fix: implant.

I will NEVER have another root canal. Screw that. Pull the sucker and give me an implant. Then again, I've learned my lesson and my dental/oral heath is now a top priority. Hopefully this issue never comes up again for me.


I just had two extractions cuz I'm POOR. Rip my future problems


I've had extractions in the past and had zero problems since,
Root canals make dentist rich


It actually DOES NOT save you time and money if later down the road you start to have debilitating health issues from having a root canal. I’m not just talking about “failed” root canals either. There are plenty of “successful” root canals that later start to cause horrible health issues with some people. Not saying that everyone with root canals will experience this happening to them, depends on how robust your immune system is. That being said, I have had health issues for 10+ years after getting my root canals. After Covid in April 2021 my immune system tanked and my symptoms were made 100x worse! It’s now Nov 2023 and I’m still suffering!
After many years and much reading and researching on my own I thought it best to seek out a Biological Dentist. I will be getting these removed ASAP!! Also waiting on testing to see if any jawbone cavitations were found. Don’t mess around with root canals. Do your own research and diligently seek answers!
Most regular dentists are more often than not going to tell you to try to save the tooth. It’s not worth saving once it’s dead, and rotting with toxic bacteria in your mouth!! 😒🤦🏻‍♀️🤬


I'm in my 70's & have held onto my teeth for dear life (with the exception of my Wisdom teeth & 3 Molars). My parent's generation traditionally wore full dentures through their Senior years because dental procedures were not too affordable or insurance non-existent. Furthermore, people weren't proactive when it came to dental hygiene then. I've spent a small fortune saving my teeth & eventually needed to resort to having extractions of 3 molars with failed root canals. I thought I would never wear partials, but I have adapted & can still eat painlessly. As my parents always said, "please keep your teeth."


I had a root canal on my front top tooth and it was one of the most painful experiences of my entire life, and I didnt really need the procedure, as there was no sign of infection or intense pain. Just constant, mid-level pain.

Ever since then, the pain never went away. Its still there, and gets worse when I have problems sleeping. Guess what? My dentist found a drain hole where my failed root canal leaks pus from while i sleep. Yuck!

What a wonderful nightmare that could have been totally prevented if I had just attempted to get a second or third opinion. One of my only options now is extraction. Women are really going to love looking at me now without a front tooth!


there is also the other cons for root canals that have been covered on some other videos on YouTube. The other cons is that you could get an infection at the root tip because the dead tooth may still have an infection or it gathers bacteria and becomes infected. Then this creates an abcess in the jawbone filling with puss which then drains into the blood.


I also am in this dilemma. I kinda resent the idea that a root canal is 'saving the tooth'...Only part of the tooth is 'saved, the outer shell, basically. And the tooth is now dead, prone to collecting bacteria over time. Root canals are not forever, they only last 5-10 years, then you are back to square one.


I had to have several fillings last summer including a root canal but as one of my wisdom teeth had a deep cavity having it extracted
was the most reccomended option. Although there is no pain during the procedure apart from maybe a slight stinging sensation
when they inject you the extraction process is more uncomfortable even though it's over fast. But I have learned a very valuable
lesson to take better care of my teeth!


It's amazing the technology used in a root canal. I had one recently and the dentist used a drill, that remembers the shape of the canal.


I have had both procedures done! It’s best to pull in my opinion!!


I am 22 years old and due to genetics my teeth are not the best. I’ve had 2 root canals so far because I’m terrified of permanently losing teeth at this age. I don’t regret my decision at all, my teeth are like new and there’s no pain at all. And the best part is I got to keep all of my teeth :)


I just had a root canal.
. It was EXTREMELY painful. I went into shock and my heart started to flutter. People who say it is painless are not being honest in my opinion.


I recia root canal #12 tooth had root canal and crown 25 + yrs ago....and two weeks ago after eating an almond my tooth felt dentist who I love had to remove my tooth as issues were starting...and this was the first tooth I ever lost in my elder yrs...I have other root canal but happy to say will never own a I'm all healed after 3days of extraction and onto my new Implant...don't want a bridge...I recommend a root canal as they last a long time ..I'm a believer of taking care what God gave you....been going to dentist for 65 yrs....


I had 3 root canals + crowns in my 30's (due to poor flossing etc)...that cost me upwards of $10, 000....I'm 55 now and all 3 have failed (all 3 eventuality broke at base) and had to be extracted at further cost... you say "at least I tried to save them".... well I'd rather have the 10 grand


in India, people are not very serious about teeth and mental health ☹️


You got me at a dentist I trust. 😂 it's like saying there's a trustworthy mechanic out there. I got dental insurance, there is no such thing as a trustworthy dentist anymore.


Well if a root canal and crown weren't so damn expensive I'm pretty sure people might do it.


I’m facing this scenario currently and the one comment that was made that has me thinking is: if I get the root canal, it won’t last forever and if I get it extracted and an implant, it’s done “potentially for life”
