Managing pain after hip or knee replacement

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After joint replacement you will need pain medication to help with the pain from surgery. This video was designed to answer some of the most common questions patients have about pain management.

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My pain management problem is due to the fact that my doctor and my therapist have completely opposite views on the role of pain during therapy. My therapist’s attitude is “no pain, no gain” so my sessions are extremely painful. My doctor says that no therapy should be done to the point of pain. Since at 6 weeks, he wants to begin weaning me off opioids, the dosage has been reduced to half. Since it has only been 3 days, I’m not sure what is going to happen at my next physical therapy session. I. Don’t think that anyone who has not experienced the kind of pain we have had to endure can be truly empathetic. The experience is not only physical but since it lasts for weeks, it has an affect on one’s psychological well-being.


Yea i just had mine Wednesday they sent me home 5 hours after surgery with tramadol for pain management. It is bullshit I’m in so much pain i just I have never been treated this badly by a hospital or dr


I forget the opioids due to stomach discomfort, I use change of position - frequent, ice and a sleeping pill at night occasional Tylenol, but again this can cause some stomach upset. If I wake during the night, I walk around the house until pain and stiffness are relieved a bit .


I had left hip replaced at 10:00am and they wanted me up and walking by 6:00pm. I was still in a lot of pain and doctor was in room and i cussed him out because i told him i was very sensitive to pain. Had to stay an extra day because they could not manage my pain.


When I had my knee replacement, I took morphine for about 6 to 8 weeks, ice as often as needed and acupuncture. Morphine was essential for pain relief for my physiotherapy which is the kee to regain health. Don’t wait to be in crisis to take your medecine. Also, I took Tylenol four times a day for few months. Ask your doctor.


Excellently presented with lots of pertinent information. Thanks for sharing and the very best of luck.


had my left knee replaced when i was 38(now 49, right knee 41). the nurse, "your only 38"?!? i said yeah, i think im young for this too. man, u wanna talk about pain. but like most things, time heals


After knee is a humongous amount of pain. I’m going through it right now and it is a killer.


Just had knee/ femur surgery due a fracture. It is one day after surgery and the pain level is 9, hurts so bad


My dad is currently going through this and I’ve been so worried- I hope he gets better..


Wow everyone in this video seems like the nicest people on Earth.


Just had kneecap replacement at wrightington hospital x. So very painful x. Three days post op today x. Was having a lot of sickness due to the meds x. Couldn't tolerate anything and trying to get on top of the pain was a real challenge cause you need to start moving it sooner rather than later x


Thanks so much for the video surgery next month


It’s been almost 2 months since my total knee replacement and I’m still have severe pain, how long will this pain last? I want it to go away, I want to walk like before I had it done, I want to bend it like before, but mostly the pain to go away. Can you tell me how long I will be in pain? I’m suppose to have my other knee done but I’m scared cause with this one I stopped breathing and they had to put me on life support. Please help


After elbow replacement I was given 14 five milligram oxycodone tablets. What a joke! Had I really needed them (never took one because I am on high dose buprenorphine) That much would have lasted maybe two days and it hurt like heck for two weeks. Forget NSAID's because of my blood thinner Xaralto. This cookie cutter approach stinks. I told them what I was on yet at post op they insisted on giving me IV fentynal which had zero effect. Bupe super covers opiate receptor sites but they fluffed it off. Talk a good game.


AESCULAP has a class action lawsuit for not disclosing a failed creami coating on the metal plate that attached to the Tibia


What if pain is not better than before replacement


Doctor stop giving me pain medicine 2 months after total Hip Replacement, Now Im gong threw withdraws, Now What can I take for Pain do I go to the streets for pain medicine


4weeks hell. No body is telling this. Great cheeting.


My mother had knee replacement surgery one month ago. Now she has unbearable pain left side of knee but doctor saying it's muscle pain.. It ll be OK after some time.

I need you advise, please help.
