My Dismissive Avoidant Ex Blocked Me On Everything! - Why?

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How to Heal From a Breakup & Transform Grief

In this video, we talk about why the dismissive avoidant may have blocked you on social media, or cut other forms of communication, especially after a breakup, we'll talk about the way the dismissive avoidant deals with pain, and grief to avoid personalizing their actions.


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Sometimes they block you indefinitely after a blindside to avoid accountability and shame. Also, so that you don’t interfere with their new interest they are trying to impress


My DA blocked me on all platforms. At first I was pissed. Now I'm flattered.


I understand the coping method technique. I understand not to take it personally. But it still doesn't do anything to reduce the sting. My heart still feels like it's trapped in a vice. My brain understands the "why" but my heart struggles with how this person that went from acquaintance, to my best friend, to my lover telling me she wanted to spend our next 40 birthdays together, to absolutely nothing just like that.

To understand is one thing. To not miss them... To not feel such an extreme sense of loss.. is so much more difficult.


If somebody blocks and ghosts you, they are showing you what they actually think of you. I don't care what their attachment style is. It's a bitter pill to swallow, but it's the truth. They are gone and might as well be dead to you. Go find someone that deserves your presence and isn't a royal c----. If they ever reach out again, ignore them. Don't allow cruelty and darkness into your life. Become the person you want to attract. Have boundaries with partners, if they cross them, time to say goodbye, but do it in a loving and respectful manner.


I think the more we learn to ACCEPT that people change their minds/hearts we'll be better for it. Easier said than done but trying to figure out WHY someone left you will lead to a devastated spirit. Instead learn the WHY of you not letting go of something that has let you go. It will hurt but you will heal if you do the work. And most times you end up realizing they weren't for you. Wish them well and move on to better and fulfilling. The "ONE" will not have you hurting like that 🙏🏾💙


The more u chase/push them/need them, the more the DA shuts down, and wants to get away.


The pain of being blocked and you can't reach out to them is devastating. I wish you would have went into a little.more detail. It makes you take it so personal and doubt everything about you.


Mine blocked after i reached out to her 10 weeks no contact in a non confrontational way. She left me out of nowhere so and I’m sure I didn’t do anything wrong. She felt harassed and threatened to report me if I contact her again. Her response was really unnecessary and didn’t need that level of escalation especially since this is the first text from me in over ten weeks!


This is exactly what happened to me after 3 years, left me devastated and heartbroken. 💔 thank you for talking about this. I thought that no one understood. 😢


This just happened, and it’s honestly fucked up. I just feel like they never cared about me. They never communicated well and didn’t want to put the effort in.


This makes perfect sense! I've been on and off with a DA for almost 5 years, and there was a point where he blocked me after a very difficult situation that happened between us. I always thought that he just never really cared about me that much and wanted to avoid me. But I would have never thought that maybe he was hurting too and the situation was too painful for him to deal with.


I've found, blocking an ex (at least initially), stops me from checking up on them, which just ends up hurting me more. (It's self-defense)
If they are having a hard time, then I worry and want to comfort them and be there for them. Of course, then it hits me that they don't want me around anymore (or I feel like they don't), which tears the wound open all over again. And if everything is fine and they're moving on and having a great time. Well...that's a whole different kind of pain.
No good comes from it and it prolongs the healing process.
I'm not DA (afaik). I just thought this might make sense and offer a different perspective.
The situation won't suck any less than it did before and I'm sorry for the crap you've been through. It's not fun.
Just remember. You are wonderful and amazing, just as you are. And you are worthy of having exactly the kind of healthy relationship you are working towards.
Now, before I get way too cheesy and write the second chapter of this novel. Have a great day. ;)


Im here because I made the noob mistake to suggest her reading up on attachment styles as it might help her and it ended up in me being blocked 😅 man dismissive avoidants are so hard to deal with. They are also master at projecting their faults on to you. For example I heard the frase you don’t listen I don’t feel you understand me, you tell me how it is possible to listen if no words arrive? Exactly that is a hard one…


Thais you are my go to person anymore when something happens or doesn't between me and my DA ex. I'm so glad you make these videos.


I could probably write an entire novel for my comment but please know I'm watching this video over and over and I'm going to sign up for the course.

My ex blocked me immediately after dumping me via text. I've been coming to realize she may be a DA and you have been incredibly helpful.

I am 1000% ready to put the effort in to learn about this, adapt and try to win her back - down the road. You've taught me that they heal very different from us Anxious types! 🤣

Any chance you can cover this more in depth? I am doing everything in my power to not feel like I am absolutely unloved and that our entire relationship meant absolutely nothing to the point I'm not even worth EVER being seen or talked to again. I have not reached out yet and I'm staying strong. I care very much for her and realize I have to go about this basically the opposite of how I would.

Either way thank you so much for the video and I continue to watch it until I can remember it word for word and hold it true to my heart. She blocked me because she LOVES me. I hope. I don't know. I'm devastated right now still.


They could have moved on to another relationship and blocking was the way they made it clear


I had this done to me and to be honest it made me think they wernt interested and were actually done for good. So confusing being the other partner on the end of these actions.


After 2 years, just cut me off.
I sent text asking if we were over for good this time. ( of course he needed ‘breaks’ in the past, but always came back.
His response was ‘yes’
I feel like a pice of garbage he threw away, like a nuisance he was finally able to get rid of…



I needed this video, my dismissive ex blocked me after 8 months apart, and re-shifted a lot of his social media behaviour apparently restricting open public comments. I was confused as it was at 8 months not a knee jerk reaction to the breakup and I was not invading him as kept no contact very well. It certainly stung when I found out that. I can’t imagine he’s healed, certainly a protest or compensation of sorts.


I was the one who messed up. As a anxious attachment I really blew the no contact and then drove them to the point to of wanting time apart, to thinking we need to be apart for good (they said we need time apart and I made the mistake of asking “forever?” ) to then me contacting them more. This was all before I learned about attachment styles or how to self sooth. So the hardest thing is that now I have all this information that would be able to regulated myself, and also make them feel safe and heard, but it’s probably too late. As an anxious attachment the best thing you can do is do nothing . Respect their need to self regulate and work on yourself.
