Help! My Wife is Always Angry with Me!

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Relationship Help! My Wife is Always Angry with Me! Watch as Julie Orlov explains what is happening in your marriage when a spouse is always angry and you feel like you can never do anything right. Learn what to do to save your marriage and create a more healthy and loving way of dealing with marital and relationship issues.
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Marriage is no more about us. It's only about her


It's because they want you to do absolutely everything in the relationship, from working 48 hours a week to come home cook the food clean and wash up including laundry. While Also maintaining the house garden and car. If you don't take over all these duties you will end up in a single bed in a sex less relationship looking after your kids while she comes and goes as she likes.


Can’t sit down and talk to an angry woman even when shes happy 😆


I've a son, 6, I just cry in a corner and carry on . I'll quit my wife when my son is 18 . I'm blamed for her career, her lifestyle, not being able to earn enough money for buying a new house . 11 more years ..


Yeah my wife seems to find things to be mad about, and I’m usually blamed. Truth be told if we didn’t have kids I’d be long gone but the thought of her anger being directed at them keeps me from leaving. Once the kids are grown I’m gone assuming I’m still kicking.


Once you are married you are screwed...or not probably 😂


Ever tried to sit down and reason with Satan?


Worst advice I have ever heard. No way that works in real life.


Seriously! Your advise is that it's my fault? Thanks, but my wife is already saying that.


Women dont have the balls to talk straight with people
then they go home and spress that strees on his husdand...
Men deal with strees by confronting it, women punish the inocent for a narcisistic point of view.


You're advice is based on the presumption this "constantly angry wife" is able AND willing to accept any responsibility. That's very unlikely to happen if you cannot convince her to seek regular professional help with you. There are too often underlying issues with many women that were rooted well before the relationship started. Your video title feels less than authentic for the dynamics presented.


My complaint as an emotionally battered husband is that no matter what the cause of her anger...I am to blame. She stands there, tight-lipped, toe-tapping in disapproval, always ready to blame me and vent. In my 60 + years I've come to some staggering conclusions: women are wrapped up in themselves, grossly self-centered, unwilling to look outside themselves, selfish, expecting the world to fuss over their inane, petty "needs." As a Christian man, I view 'most' all women as ill-mannered failures of the teachings of Jesus...which are pretty simple: be kind to others, love with sacrificial love, have compassion.


Most wives are angry for petty reasons. If she is yelling or sour or moody, leave. Ignore her shitty behavior. Go do something else that you enjoy. Work. Exercise. Ride your motorcycle.
Don't sulk or beg and ask what is stuck up her ass. Display complete indifference. She is an adult. You are not responsible for her emotional outbursts or attempts to rope you in.
That's always beyond your control.
Wives and girlfriends love to use the silent treatment or to scold their husbands and assert power and control over them.
They love drama and indignation that they can share with mothers, sisters and friends.
Smile and laugh at her as you would an amusing little child, but say nothing.
Make it clear that you are a masculine, walking female misery repellent.
Start spending your time getting things done and doing things you enjoy without her.
Do not reward her shitty behavior with your presence, utility, resources, affection or attention.
Learn to use he word no with your wife.


I have found that keeping my head down and my mouth shut is my best option. I don't want to upset her so I simply nod yes to everything she says. I understand that she is in control and smarter than me. I am just lucky to be here. Blessed Lord in Heaven.


my wife is always angry with no reasons, and when you ask her what happened? she just answer you like it is because my period is coming or i am having period. You see, it takes two hands to make a clap. If she doesn't know how to reflect herself but the husband keep pushing, it won't work. As i am watching this video, she should watch a video as well with title "how to see positive side of everything"


#1 Reason: she was raised in a society where a women is Always right. Men are easy to be controlled. If she’s upset it’s still a mans role to fix it. She’s Never accountable for her actions in a relationship.


i think you need to make another video explaining what you talking about in this video . honestly i think you don't know what means when you live under 1 roof with a controlling wife that she loves to humiliate her husband .


My wife gets angry anytime she has to do something she doesn't like. I get so freaking tired of her spoiled teenager behavior. I end up putting 90% of the effort into maintaining our relationship. I absorb all her hostility and get blamed for everything. When she screws something up, it's always someone else's fault. It's exhausting.


Sorry to say but this is bad advice. It's the kind of advice women give to other women. No self-respecting man would do well to take this kind of advice. If anything, a woman won't respect a man who tries to do this. It will make their relationship worse, not better. A woman doesn't want another girlfriend to talk to. If you're a man, and your woman is "always angry with you" despite your attempts to see what's wrong, listen to her, and the like, then tell her something like: "If you want to talk like adults about why you're constantly angry at me, I'm happy to talk like adults. Otherwise I'm not going to stand here and take this childish or vague or passive-aggressive behavior or emotional manipulation or low-grade abuse from you." Then immediately walk out, go hang out with your friends, do something fun, grab a beer, whatever. Either she'll come around and try to reason with you or she won't. If she won't, then she's the one who's being unreasonable. This will expose her as being unreasonable. And you can decide if you wish to continue the relationship or end it. Sometimes you can't reason with unreasonable people. Sometimes it's best to cut off the relationship if that's the case.


basically your saying " just deal with it"!
