How To Get Your Wife To Stop Hating You & Love You Again

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Do you feel like your wife hates you and you have no idea what to do? You've come to the right place. If you are in a situation where your wife has become angry, cold, or distant; or completely shut you off, then you're probably wondering: "What is it that I have done? How did it get this way? And more than anything, is it going to be like this for the rest of our marriage?" You don't know if you can live like this for the rest of your marriage. You'd much rather go back to the way things used to be; or to a better marriage than you ever had before. But right now you don't even know if that's possible because she is so closed off from you.

Why Does My Spouse Hate Me? Online Video Toolkit Available Here:

​In this video, I'm going to ask you a few questions to help you determine the root of your wife's behaviors (i.e. Why is she acting this way right now?) What I can tell you is that there is hope for your marriage. There is a way to get your marriage back, to even better than it used to be, but it does involve some investigation.
That's what we're going to do here.

Also, take a quick minute to like and subscribe to the Marriage Helper YouTube channel. Typically, when there's “stuff” going on in your marriage it's not just one thing. It's not just that your wife is angry at you, but there are probably some other things going on. So, be sure to like and subscribe to see the rest of our videos; which, can help you with other things that might be going on as well.

Without further ado, here's question number one: ​Is there anything currently going on in your wife's life that might make her a little more distant? Is there something going on with her work, her family, her friends, or the kids that's really stressful for her right now? Maybe she's undergoing something where she doesn't feel appreciated. Maybe there have been cutbacks at her job. Maybe she's just so overwhelmed with everything at home that she can't juggle it all anymore; she's become resentful of the situation. Even if it's not you it may just be the situation she's in. Maybe she feels like she needs help and she doesn't know where to turn to get it. There are tons of different things that could be going on, externally from your marriage, that could be affecting the way your wife is acting towards you- now.
So, consider that. Think if there might be anything else contributing to her actions. If there is, that might be one part of the puzzle.

The next thing I want you to think of is: Is there anything that you have done toward your wife, said to your wife, or something similar that may have caused her to become more distant, angry, or resentful? For example, have you been treating your wife more like a child than your equal? Have you been telling her what she needs to do; what she can and can't spend money on? Have you been telling her where she can spend her time, what she needs to believe, or how she needs to act? If so, then it very well could be that your wife feels controlled. She could be feeling sick of it and she might resent you for it. She feels like she can't be her own person anymore. And because of that, she's distanced herself in order to have some control over her own life. Because ultimately, that's what she wants.

The second thing to consider is: Have you told your friends, your family, your kids, social media, or whatever it might be things that your wife told you in confidence? Maybe she shared with you something she's struggling with and you went and decided to tell a bunch of other people. But, she only wanted to confide in you. If so, then that could be one reason that your wife has started to distance herself from you. That is, she doesn't feel like she can trust you. Your wife wants someone she can trust; someone she can go to who will keep her secrets safe. She wants someone who will walk with her through it- not just tell her what she needs to do or tell everyone else what she's going through. She needs someone who will be her side-by-side support and not blast everything to the world.
Рекомендации по теме

If only men benefited from divorce the same way women did.... it would be a whole new ball game. If women actually had real stakes in marriage. Something to lose.


If husband hates wife.. he is a cheater.. if wife hates men.. its his fault


I got it, comedy. Asking a woman if you've done anything would lead to a 2 hour list of things she does but accuses you of doing.


This is bs. Why is it all on the guy. Can she just hate you because it's her own issues and detachment from reality. What if you did everything right and got sick of being treated like garbage till you changed and started treating her like she treated you. Then when she gets a taste of her own medicine then tells you she hates you and doesn't want to be with you. Acts like it was you the whole time. Blames you while denying her own actions towards you. What if it was her that told your secrets to other people. What if it was her that called you names, put you down, talked up other guys and put them as better than you. What if it was her that shunned you when you were very sick and wasn't there for you. What if it was her that messaged a friend and talked about your marriage. What if it was


I'm almost positive society has convinced (most) women that they are victims with no responsibility for what's happing in a marriage. I have almost lost everything trying to stay and work it out, I never feel like a man around my wife. It's been 5 years since I realized she's miserable. Five years of tiptoeing around the issues it's like trying to mend a baby bird when trying to communicate about the problems we're having, 20 seconds in and boom explosion of insults. No matter what I can not get her to talk about divorce or how to fix our marriage. It’s a shame because I married her with the intentions of loving and cherishing our marriage for life. We used to truly be in love. Once the kids got here though she completely gave herself to them in them only. She didn’t mean to give up on us I think it’s just natural behavior escalated to the point of hate.


My wife hates me... and apparently it's my fault lol


Totally clueless questions. FYI her reasons are all the husband’s fault.


Everything you said is a double edged sword. Work to long but not enough both will vet me in trouble. Ask her questions your not trusting. Trust her than your not helpful and suportive. She sets every thing up so i am the bad guy. She wants control with no responsibility.


Hmm. So, my wife hates me, and the answer to that is for me to act like an adult, in order to coax her into wanting to act like an adult.


My wife is a nightmare. I did things to damage my marriage but I’ve tried twice as hard to mend them. She’s done her fair share of damage as well and refuses to work with me to move past em. I’m tired of being with someone who is never satisfied and always playing the victim. She doesn’t know I’m aware that she’s talking to another man and that she’s planning to move out on my birthday next week. She’s been pretending to care about fixing us. She’s even been giving me false hope and she told our children not to tell me, and they didn’t. Part of this is my fault but...


Leave her ass and stay single. It's not worth going through again if you're young. Some women are too selfish and feel the world owes them.Or they aren't attracted to you anymore because you've changed to please he rand she's grown bored of it. All kinds of reasons, but no matter what, it's always the man's fault Unless you have an undying love for her where physical or social contact doesn't matter, you will be miserable.


My wife loved me for the first few weeks when we first got together Around the 2nd month she started out throwing anger tantrums and she also cheated on me and she had no type of remorse I always blamed for breaking my heart constantly but around our 20 year mark I finally realized it was all my fault for putting up with all her abuses towards me


I've treated my wife like a queen and she still hates me. She blames me for everything negative that she feels. I'm not perfect, but I'm the only one trying to save this marriage and I'm constantly being run down.


Locked in college and private savings for the baby and she is still always mad at me despite me picking up the laundry amd baby duty and still I'm the the bad guy....


The way my life has turned out being with my husband is below how i wanted it to be. He is content with living like this, Im not. I had a lifestyle i lived prior to him and after getting married it went down, not up like i expected it to.


You should maybe have worked on the title because if husbands are coming here because our wives hate us. Then this is not good advice. Because if our wives hate us then none of this is going to work. And here’s why in most of our cases they’re not talking to us or even giving us the courtesy of trying to listen. As soon as our mouth is open they turn off.


I always plays these videos in front of her to piss her off lol


This describes my situation totally.
For the first time I feel understood.


I clean and she says she never ask me to do that. I go to the store and I buy the wrong thing or get something we already have(I i ask for a list and get told she can’t make one, she needs to walk the aisles and see the stuff). I cook and I do it wrong. I am here today because we can’t afford a swimming pool and she wants to go to Florida like everyone else next week. Yeah, I quit cooking, I quit asking her if there is anything I can do to help, or if I could go to the store for her. It just got old hearing how I did it wrong. . The very smallest things, mostly things I say set her off. I think it’s real to her, has to be as angry as she gets. I ask why so angry? I am listening, what can I do to help or be a better husbandher answer is I don’t know and the things I do are classified as all the time, always. How horrible last week was, it was hell she says. I am like what? What I get is some general over head statement of how terrible it was. Look through text from the past week because I can’t think of anything almost convinced that your crazy because you have no idea what she’s talking about. The text are ok, light conversation. Oh, the one that tells you she loves you forever and always. Wait, she just told me she wants a divorce again. 0400 and here I am looking for a you tube video on marriage or googling the issues I see occurring in our marriage. Seems like a lot of other guys here. Wish you all the


While I wholeheartedly agree with your desire to try and help us, I can't say I agree with it. I like most of the guys watching this video have been struggling to get respect and feel wanted in my marriage. I've read various articles and watched countless videos that all boil down to the same thing. Which is, if your wife doesn't respect you, if she cheats on you, if she is hostile towards you, it's because you did something wrong. I've even seen a video saying, if you don't do things right and make her feel a certain way, she will leave you for the first guy that does. And I find it so frustrating. Women are not animals governed by their emotions and who make solely impulsive decisions based on how we made them feel. Some men are guilty of this, if they get horny they sleep with the first girl they're able to, regardless of their relationship status. Some men physically assault their partner because of something they said made them angry, yet we don't condone this behavior because we recognize it's wrong. When I see a man that behaves like this I don't justify their behavior, I don't condone it, and I classify it as a sign of emotional weakness. Someone who cannot control their emotions and let's his emotions rule his actions. So why are we justifying everything a woman does by blaming the man in the relationship. If you cheat or do something you shouldn't as a man you own up to it, so why can't it be the same when a girl does it. This is all just frustrating and I know some people will take this post the wrong way but I honestly don't care.
