How Should You Treat Your Wife | Jordan Peterson: UNPACK The Problem The Moment You See It

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How should you treat your wife? How should you negotiate with her?

How should you act at work? When should you act? And.. Why?!

Dr. Peterson answers all of these in the video. Listen carefully.


HINT: You can get for FREE the audio version narrated by Dr. Peterson himself if you sign up for an Audible Trial.

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Making your partner think that you love them, that you only have eyes for them and doing the opposite behind their back is truly making a fool of them. It’s ridiculing them in public, it’s bringing dishonor to them. I rather be alone before doing this to someone.


With wisdom comes great sorrow. Jordan needs our prayers.


I’m 55 and married for 24 years but I’ve always known this in my heart since I was a teenager because my own parents were not like this.


Pain hurts BUT don't quit.
Get a reward from it.


It’s easy to judge others or say “why don’t you just leave if you have a bad relationship?”. The matters are always much more complicated than they seem. If it was so easy to just quit a wrong relationship, then everyone would do it. Who wants to live in misery at the end? There are many more factors involved, like finances, dependency, lack of self worth, fear from the unknown (at least I know the “devil” and know what to expect), guilt, etc. It’s a situation that requires help from outside. And the longer one stays in such relationship, the harder it is to leave.
I wish to all who suffer in bad relationships to have courage and get help and be strong. There is always sunshine after the rain. May God help all who are suffering. 🙏🏽


The truth set me free. You are unlimited, enlightened sovereign human being. Next level. Time is now. Thank you for helping me. The children are the future. Leaders. Is what it is. Teach them well. Living the dream. Feeling good. I can do more. Right action. Community projects. Pushing forward. Holding the line. Forward. Experience, nutrition, flowing . Tipping point. True value. Work for me to do. Well-being. Priceless. Unconditional love respect and gratitude


We are all witchy women. You better not push those buttons. 😂❤


When I want to enforce my will on the family, comunity or state we have the emergence of tyranny. Exactly the case it is. Thank you very much Professor.


To whoever may be reading this, just know you will achieve what you want in life. You are on the right path becoming one step closer to your goals. Manifest your dream life, anything’s possible. ❤️ Charge your life


That willful blindness is often trained into people from their parent, leaving them feeling impotent to negatively or personally respond. Some have not been allowed to be an independent person in childhood. Nothing that can't be changed with lots of personal work.


"You don't put your partner down in public", you don't put your partner down anywhere, you chose your partner. If you marry some stupid person, it's entirely your fault. Live with it or walk away.


I agree with Jordan most of the time. I disagree with him here. As a man that’s been married for 17 years I never understood this behavior from certain men. Not correcting her (however it needs to be done) is enabling bad behavior. These are the women that go out into society and become a nuisance to others and they never change because it’s always “everyone else’s fault”. All because you can’t grow a spine and help her understand that she’s wrong?? Women are not children. Yes they need to be corrected at times. Same goes with me. If I’m dead wrong in the way I treat people and I can’t see it I demand my wife be the one to correct me. Self awareness isn’t just about thinking you know everything.


It may seem like you could never get well, never break the addiction, never accomplish your dream. It’s been too long. But if you’ll just keep being good to people, keep helping solve their problems, keep helping their dreams come to pass, what God started, He’s going to finish. It’s going to surprise you. There’s going to be a knock at the door. You didn’t see it coming, but healing is going to come to you unexpectedly, freedom from addictions unexpectedly. Suddenly, the right person finds you. Suddenly, that door of opportunity opens. Hi, we are a new and growing channel, every support and encouragement is always a blessing. Thanks and God bless you all.


They picked their partner for who they used to be, not for who they have become. Unfortunately, some people are pathological liars when it comes to dating and they end up changing COMPLETELY after a few years of marriage.


My job in my marriage is simple. I am to ensure that my wife reaches Heaven, that is, to leave this world, in a state of sanctifying Grace. Her job is to ensure that I do the same.


When paterson say let me break it down to you
He truly break it to pieces
So you could understand what's information being dicern at it ls best


I knew what l was to expect and it was worse than i thought
But l stayed in the relationship until she decided it was easier on her if she left me and l fought her at every court but l came out ahead when she left 50yrs ago the truth never hurts it saves you from pain.


If you want a better wife, love her more first. By the way "love " is a verb not a noun.


Just love your point of view makes a tremendous sense In my life especially ❤️🙏🙌
