Why Your Wife (or Partner) is Never Happy No Matter What You Do

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Many people (often men) turn to the internet for help: “Why is my wife never happy no matter what I do?” In today’s video, we discuss how safety and trust can have a major impact on our relationships, and result in our partners pulling away even when we’re genuinely trying to connect with them. As a side bonus, I break out the whiteboard and accidentally throw a dry erase marker on the ground in the middle of the video.
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Why cross an ocean for someone who won't step over a puddle for you? ...And that goes for everyone in your life.


No one can make anyone happy, the individual is responsible for their own happiness.


I'm 55 and on my third marriage. My experience is that NO woman is EVER happy. It's just not possible. If a woman is in a position where she should at least theoretically be happy, she'll find a way to sabotage it.


Our son was just born, sitting in a high end restaurant, just bought a gorgeous home and upgraded our car to a luxury model. I was earning a small fortune, she gave up work no financial problems, quite the contrary. We are sitting in this lovely restaurant and I can see that she is not happy AT ALL. She keeps looking over at this over at this other lady who is with her own new baby and a group of friends. My wife was utterly jealous of that woman, why? Because the other lady was younger, prettier, slimmer, happier. That my friends is a sad fact.


One thing I have learned throughout my 62 years on this planet, is don't keep quiet for the sake of peace. It just results in becoming a punching bag and an easy target for mental abuse. It's taken me this long to realise it, but I speak my mind now, despite upsetting people sometimes... They soon get over it and start talking to me with a bit of respect.


You have reminded me how awful it was to have to deal with a narcissist on a daily basis. Divorcing her was the best thing that ever happened. I cannot conceive of ever repeating the mistake of getting married again.


My ex was never happy with anything I did to include moving mountains for her. She later accused me of cheating despite I have been faithful thru years of sexless marriage. I protested her accusation. She responded no one would have not cheated given the way she treated me. Can't win for losing.


I'm almost 60. Married and divorced twice. Always tried to be a good and fair husband without being pushed over by my wife. They are never happy. There is always something to complain about. If I would be considerate and sort the dishes. Then it's the drop of water on the floor that's the issue.. or I used too much dish liquid.. or ysed the wrong dish cloth.. or forgot to wipe the stove.. or pack away the laundy.. then I fold the clothes wrong.. or pack the tshirt on the wrong shelf. I don't know. Think it's better just to do nothing and concentrate on yourself. At least when you do nothing.. you cant be doing anything wrong


From the relationships I've seen, boredom has killed more relationships than the lack of safety...


This message is dangerous. Women can be unhappy and it could have absolutely nothing to do with you.


There's a problem with all of this. Some guys are absolutely knocking it out of the park and are not committing these issues yet they still have absolutely terrible spouses who spend every single waking second looking for a reason to be unhappy. Some spouses have issues, mental issues, hormonal issues, generational learned behaviors that are absolutely their fault. This message can be super dangerous for people who are living in those relationships where at the tip of a hat, they have a spouse who's emotionally unstable and unable to have rational adult conversations about basic conflicts.


At the end of the day this all boils down to you not being her first choice. If she truly valued you as her best option she wouldn't get pissed about you leaving the toilet seat up or not doing a grocery shop. Took me a long time to realize this.


It is impossible to make women happy, point blank, just dont let that put you in a grave, if she has to leave, open the door for her🤷🏿‍♂️


What kind of a hell hole are we living in if every step, ever breath we make we have to worry about what she thinks??? I am so angry after watching this video!


Happiness is a state of mind. It totally internally driven. You cannot make another person happy. Each individual has to consciously decide to cultivate an aditude of gratitude and love for other people. Only then will you find inner happiness that doesnt depend on someone else.


If we don’t heal our childhood traumas (85%~ish) we are 5 year olds looking for other 5 year olds to meet our needs eg: love, validation, safety, etc. Ever see an adult throw a temper tantrum & you think, “Wow, what are they, a 5 year old child?”

Many therapy sessions & books later ( I loved your book!) I learned the recipe for amazing relationships: become aware of then heal your traumas, love yourself mind-body-spirit, & be content, & happy alone you’ll be able pick & attract a partner based on your mature & healthy self. So my partner is a bonus to an already happy me, not a need to fill a giant void which I am responsible. ❤️


If she feels unsafe and unloved if I leave a dish by the sink after putting in a 12 hour day paying for her life, she is not concerned about our relationship. She is only concerned about herself. I give 110% so she can have whatever she wants. She gives 110% to do the same for me....we are other-focused rather than self-focused.

This advice is ridiculous. It assumes the woman is a child to be coddled.


I've been married a long time.
I had many short-term women when I was younger. And 1 girlfriend that was a few years. Now...I gathered all the data on those women and figured out what to avoid 😂 I've been married a long time. And I'm really happy. My wife is happy, always smiling and laughing. Cooks cleans, raised 4 kids still smiling still happy. I genuinely...and don't bite my head off here. I genuinely put the success down to 2 things. I married Conservative. And I've remained 'toxic' toxic masculinity as they call it...I personify it.


Bro, you just made the best argument ever to not even engage in a relationship with women. Imgine being so fkn high maintenance that you have to double-check "safety" every step of the way. This just tilts a good-deal-gone-bad scenario that much further in the woman's favor. You literally can't make this ish up.


Its not a matter of “feeling safe”, whatever tf that means. Its a matter of her thinking she can do better which you should oblige and wish her the best of luck
