EEVblog Lab Flood Update #1

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Quick update on the flooded EEVblog lab


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Someone Left their Fontus running upstairs.


The longer you delay calling your insurance company the more you increase your liability. I had a flood due to a broken hot water heater and my insurance company had the cleanup company at my place in UNDER AN HOUR.


Stop doing that yourself. Call insurance & landlord and let them handle. Ask permission to try recover test equipments and such after documenting current status.


I really do appreciate how calm Dave is about this. If it were me, I think I would have blown a major fuse.


1) Contact your insurance.
2) Contact Landloard.
3) WITH INSURANCE PERMISSION save your equipment.
4) Let professionals do the premises recovery: not your job, nor is it one you are truly qualified for.


I would say to focus on rescuing the bench gear, drop them into will fix the floors, best if you try and rescue the bench gear yourself, when I had the flood last year I wished I had focused on rescuing items over trying to clean up.


Why wait until tomorrow. Get it extracted and filled with dehumidifiers tonight. Mr Flood are local and work 24/7.


That's what i love about you Dave, You are smiling with the world even when you are having a bad day.


Dehumidifiers? Don't you mean fresh water generators?


You might consider moving, even to a different room in the same building. It would actually be much easier and faster. You are going to have to move most of the stuff anyway, you may as well move to a new place and get it setup and back in business while they are cleaning and repairing the damage to the old lab. After your current room is cleaned it would be available for a new tenant and, in the meantime you would be back on the air. Good luck, Dave.


Just save your equipment, the insurance and building owner will take care of the rest, no worries about the mailbag, just save what you can of your equipment and belongings. Hopefully if everything gets cleaned up properly before the mold sets in it will all be ok, I say the lab will have to be mostly torn apart to get rid of the soaked drywall and wood, this could very well be a positive, you might be able to get a new look to the lab, or even a new floor plan layout.


The damage occurred due to bad isolation. Idk how the law is in Australia, but here in Germany you can claim damages (at least partly) and repair (building, carpet electric infrastructure etc.) from your landlord. Because getting all of this back into shape will cost insane money and time.


Professional steam cleaners have a truck with a powerful engine to suck up all that water. No electricity needed. You need that carpet taken up and out, the floor vacuumed, then spray the floor and walls with a mold prevention solution. With dehumidifiers and squirrel cage fans placed to cycle the air. Hopefully you won't have to re-sheetrock. Depends on the air gap the sheetrocker left between the concrete and the wall.


I saw a lot of romex wires above the ceiling. Usually in buildings they only like wiring in metal conduits or armored cable.


@EEVblog - You have commercial carpet tile squares. That's a bit of good news. That carpet is installed in 2' by 2' squares of carpet. No need to move out while they re-carpet the place. You can start pulling it up in the wet spots and tossing it out, getting that water out of the lab. A carpet guy can then install replacements once the floor is dry.


4:31 there is a guttering downpipe in the corner - looks like where it came in, looks like a row of guttering leading to it - im guessing the hail plugged the downpipe


might be better to cut some access holes in the carpet, then you can vacuum up the pools of water gathered beneath. Sucking it up through the carpet will be slow.


We will be as patient as you are. Fix this permanently. Take your time dude!


Sorry for the mishap.
Water can cause a lot of issues and going to be a job to clean up, dry, and redo all damaged areas.
I work for a restoration company and know what you going through. All the best to you and look forward to updates and look forward to when you up and running again.


Good luck to you Dave and David. I know from experience this is a real pain to get rid off. Especially the musky smell. It hangs in the office for weeks. Months if not properly treated.

No worries about the videos. We'll be here when you get back.