He Hurt You? 5 Simple Steps to Open Your Heart to Love Again... (Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy)

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I know it’s hard.

I’ve seen all the behaviors that happen when you feel “burnt out” by love:

• Not bothering to meet any new guys (so you don’t get disappointed)
• Being defensive/sarcastic/jokey to cover up your true feelings
• Losing the motivation to go through another relationship again

When love punches us in the gut, it’s easy to become terrified about going for a second round.

But there is a way to fall in love again.

Just use these 5 simple strategies and you’ll be amazed by what happens next...


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Think this also applies to this segment that Matthew did:

‘Love didn’t hurt you. Someone who doesn’t know how to love hurt you. Don’t confuse the two.’

Often most of us mix these two up. Had my own experience and this hit me hard. Its difficult not to just blame someone but have to remind ourselves that we need to move on. Still reminding myself everyday.


Imagine when his daughter goes through heartbreak. It'll have been as if she hit the jackpot with him as her dad.


I get anxiety attacks when I think about opening up to anyone. I'm okay here...and alone.


Who’s watching in 2020 and has broken up with their ex yet can’t go out on dates cause of social distancing ☹️


No, I am done. I don't ever want to feel again. The pain is just too much to bear.


Remember why they hurt you. Remember that you are worth more than them. Remember that they done deserve you because you are smart, and talented and perfect just the way you are. You are strong and even though it may hurt at first, you will get over them because you will realize that you are so much better and deserve so much better. You deserve someone who will love you with all they can and will try their very best to be by your side no matter what, and while hold your hand through rain and fire. But most of all you deserve someone that awakes a fire in you that you didn't even know existed.


Wow!! You hit the nail on the head when you said “sometimes people will try to rush you into a stage of a relationship that you’re not ready for and that it should happen organically” this is EXACTLY what I dealt with recently. He wanted to rush through everything and over commit before we really got a chance to know each other. To some people this might sound romantic... but for me... it felt pressured and I wasn’t able to really get to know him the way I would have liked without feeling that pressure. I want to enjoy all stages of a relationship. Building trust as the foundation leading to love etc. but when I didn’t want to go at the pace he wanted, he made it seem like I didn’t like him as much... which was the total opposite. Even now, it saddens me because I really really liked him and we were great together. but I wanted to take things slow to allow our relationship to develop and get stronger... but for whatever reason he thought we should magically be at that stage already... ultimately, because I felt that my feelings were always in question and because of the pressure... it took away from what we could have had together. So I had to end the relationship :(


Life is just too damn short to hold yourself back from fully living. So live as fully and authentically as you can and try your best to leave the world better then when you were in it.


I don't want to go on dates with people who don't meet my standards. I am also not ready to date again and it is OK.


What a timing Matthew !! I had to break up with my boyfriend because he’s started to see another girl regularly and still doesn’t want to break up with me, leaving me on the hanging part ... I found out about it this week and when I confronted him he didn’t bother to deny it ... So I had to be strong enough and to end this relationship although it broke my heart. I am the kinda of girl who after a heartbreak will shut herself up completely. But after following you for some time now I found myself fighting against shutting up again ... I was starting losing this battle and I woke up to your video : it’s like it was made for me, when I need it the most . I will never thank you enough ... keep up the good work, you and all your team are amazing xx


Two years with him. Turns out he was looking at other "options" it made me feel like shit. All those Love and forgiveness and hope crushed. Now he wants me back but I'm no longer getting stuck in his game


Thank you, Matthew. I have come to a place in my life where I'm burnout. I'm not interested in dating, having fun, or any of the things I used to be so passionate about. Honestly I'm a bit closed off and that is just not me. I really needed to hear this. I can't run away from my feelings anymore. I need to do the internal work to open up and begin healing. You're so timely. Thanks so much.


it took me 4 years to finally be able to open up again and when I finally did i threw myself into the relationship completely and he just dumped me 2 days ago. It hurts so much I don't ever want to let anyone in again 😢


i can be both confident and out-going as well as, at times seriously introverted - both are me - i could very well be the person you reference in this video, i've turned inward, deeper than reflective mood; put walls around my heart but really wanting to open my heart completely [when i do find i can trust the guy i am getting to know & things are becoming serious...those walls move to protect him, me and our relationship] it's a painful double edge sword as it's both a strength but also a weakness. i know that i can fall in love again and i would like too i just have to take things really slowly...baby steps!
thank you this video has being so helpful and enlightening


I HATE DATES 😭😭😭 I feel it is the most wasted time thing 😢
I just want to find my loved one and calm down.


This was helpful. I've been hurt and mistreated by a guy for years. I went on a date with a guy recently and I think kind of rejected his kindness and attention because I was sacred. I was rejecting being treated well a. because I'm not used to it and unsure how to react, it makes me uncomfortable and b. think that if I maintain distance and independence, he can't get one over on me so that when he does ditch I won't be hurt. I was even facilitating conversations about freedom and saying things like 'you can ask somebody else (another woman), to trap him into being honest and to make myself seem strong and aware'. Even when he wanted me to stay, I bailed. Later I realised that perhaps I had allowed bad experiences to define my behaviour and that I should have been more gracious myself. I heard this quote this week 'the past is just a story we tell ourselves'. Time to let go.


Anyone else has to cry at almost all of his videos because they are so true, touching and also making you think? Great videos btw. I've been in relationships for years that seems to crash any moment and I try to use your tips and improve what I can and not blame all problems on the other person.


I feel like you're such a genuine and empathic person, love listening to your voice.


I did everything you said in this video from being the quiet and introvert person but alas here I am! My weaknesses became the reason of my heart break again. Everyone around me just wants to play and never wants anything serious to hold onto it. And it does breaks my heart.


Decided to open up again and then coronavirus happened 😂
