Why Is Social Anxiety Becoming More Common? @TheDiaryOfACEO

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Dr. K’s Guide to Mental Health explores Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, and Meditation with 150+ video chapters in a Final Fantasy-inspired skilltree.

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Mine is because ive isolated myself for 6 years from chronic fatigue that apparently was caused from complex ptsd.


That is exactly what it feels like. And its like the more they reassure you, the worse you feel.


I push myself each week to go and do something - if it feels hard I still go. There is no way I’m ending up like some of my family members (siblings for example) using my past as an excuse not to live my life. I don’t want to be 80 one day and look back and still go on and on about my childhood trauma. I want to look back and say - I did it. It wasn’t always easy, but I lived my life. ❤


THIS EXPLAINS A LOT, wow it makes sense to me that being on the internet all the time, and not socializing hardly at all, my brain doesnt function properly when I go out in public and have social anxiety due to that lack of non verbal human interaction! It makes me feel better about myself knowing its not a case of "Im weird I think too much I just need to stop being stupid" when literally our brains are not working the way a normal brain should in social situations and this is a problem that didnt exist before we all started communicating using the internet/social media/smartphones! Thanks Dr K for another great short.


Dr. k looking clean af in that blue tie


Because we behind screens all the time. As someone who is nervous and all, I don't even need to listen. More people are getting less social experience. Also, when you do hang out, they might be glued to their phones and make you wonder what even the point is in talking anymore. Same reason people are bigger assholes now. It's far easier to be near completely isolated nowadays, because you can get everything sorted online. It's a blessing, but we need to also remember to go out whenever we are able.


I guess social media also gives us "hints" to what could be and we don't actually see the reality


The problem for me is that I AM clued in to body language and speech tone but my brain interprets it all as negative.


There is now a better understanding of mental health issues, leading more individuals to recognize social anxiety as a legitimate condition rather than a personal flaw.


I had undiagnosed autism and it has truly fucked me up. I experienced a lot of trauma connected to social interactions. I didn't know I was unaware of red flags and how to know if I'm just being used by others or if they even liked me. I'm diagnosed with CPTSD and I'm unable to work. I think I'm broken beyond repair.


really love Dr K explaining such things, i can imagine this motivating people and giving them energy to become a better person for themselves


lol, exactly what i experienced. I learned my own boundaries, respected my own deeds, allowed myself to be humble and respect others and the rest i pure enjoy of life, know who don’t like you, avoid them and every conversation is like a big party. it’s so easy, when you know the rules 🤞🏻


I think it’s more a case of everyone else’s social skills that are atrophying. Because when I’m in a social situation I’m fully engaged. I’m smiling, great with eye contact….but I get anxious all the time because everyone around me is buried in their phones or giving short responses so I assume the problem is me. I’m boring them, they’re only operating my presence to be nice. So I eventually shut up and get quiet.


I feel like other ppl have a tendency to send signals that say they like you, then the next minute they're putting you down, or telling you how weird you are, or you find out they're talking about you when you're not around. This gives me social anxiety. This makes leave events b4 everyone else, to leave before it gets bad.


My social anxiety was caused by non stop bullying. I never had a single friend. I was bullied by everyone including teachers. I never learned how to socialize or make any friends so I became an awkward adult. I also have selective mutism. It made my life extremely difficult. I never got properly treated. I was afraid to reach out for help too because of toxic masculinity.


COVID isolation amplified this, perhaps especially for introverts for whom the social muscles were weak to begin with.


Ive been an outcast my entire childhood and teenage my brain has actual proof of people not liking me


I've had this my whole life, even when talking to people online. 😅


That is sooo interesting. Could have compelling ties with the way tech facilitates virtual socialization.


I had to rehabilitate myself back into being around people. It was a taxing transition but I'm so glad I don't isolate myself as much anymore. I can enjoy people's company and vice versa.
