Reverse Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) [Improve Kidney Function with Diet] 2024

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Kidney failure is epidemic in the United States. The question arises, is chronic kidney disease reversible with diet? If you suffer from any stage of kidney disease then I think you will like the info in this video.

Kidney disease is silent, and can take years before it is discovered. During those years, damage is being done to all organs in your body. Discovering chronic kidney disease early can give you the opportunity to stop further damage, and reverse much of the damage already done.

Your kidneys are worth more than money. Without the function of your kidneys, an optimized life is impossible. Many doctors don't even diagnose Chronic Kidney Disease until it is in the later stages. Sharing this video with someone you care about can keep them from ever needing dialysis.

Rodent study showing low-carb improved markers of CKD

Human study showing keto had no ill effects on kidney function

Human study showing High Fat, and even High Protein diet didn't harm kidney function

------- Join me and let's optimize your health! -------

Thanks so much to our Champion Patrons, Nick N., Dennis F, Jackie K., Shannon C., Chris B., Angelina D., LeaAnn E., Rumi K., Paul R., Doyle R., Jeff P., Joe W. for helping make this video possible…



Ken D Berry, MD, is a Family Physician and has been practicing Family Medicine in rural Tennessee for 20 years, having seen over 25,000 patients in his career so far.

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The Berry Clinic
30 East Main Street
Camden Tn, 38320

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#KidneyFailure #KidneyFunction #CKD #KetoDiet #DrBerry

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Рекомендации по теме

Thank you for this video. My Nephrologist (Kidney Doc) said exactly what you cautioned that I was spilling protein and that going forward I should never eat more than 78 grams of protein a day because too much will cause my body to spill more protein. This never made sense to me. He also said taking NSAIDs probably contributed over the years. Turns out after getting back on Keto and a retest that CKD came up negative on the next test.

You are the greatest. Keep up the good work.


I pray for complete healing for all of you in Jesus name as my wife suffers from reaccurent kidneys stones and has a complex renal aneurysm per her vascular surgeon I rebuke all kidney disorders in the mighty name of Jesus and by the power of his blood Amen!


I reversed kidney disease from stage 4 to normal functions on Keto way of eating.


I have reversed my CKD from stage 3 to Stage 2 by fasting every other day for 4 months and when I did eat it was keto and carnivore. not one doctor at the VA Hospital would understand how I did this.


Wanted to add that my wife had an eGFR of 59 back in 2019. She started low carb about 15 months ago, plus took herself off Simvistatin -- latest bloodwork shows an eGFR of 81!! Creatinine levels also show marked improvement over the same period. She has reversed stage 3 CKD! Thanks Dr. B!


Thanks Doctor Ken I'm new to your channel I was just in stage 4 3 months ago I am now stage 3b just simple diet will improve your kidneys I have not tried the keto diet but I have took animal protein out of my diet and only eating fruit and vegetables and a lil fish and I am shocked that my egfr numbers was 22L 3 months ago and I am now 32L by the grace of god


I was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney disease going on stage five my EGFR WAS 15 in the hospital came home after 10 days in, and after eating all vegetables my EGFR went up to 26in 7 days!! God only know how much higher I can bring it… my wife is smarter than some of these doctors at the VA hospital!!! that deal with this every day👍 YOU CAN DO IT!!!


I'm 69 and just had a eFGR reading of 62. I panicked. My doctor said, "60 is Chronic Kidney Disease." I've watched over five hours of videos on this subject on YouTube and you were the most logical, sensible and helpful of everyone. Thank you so much for giving me some hope and some very helpful advice.


I had CKD 3 for years. After doing keto for half a year my creatinine level is normal now. My mum reversed her diabetes 2. Unbelievable.


Oh I wow! Finally a doctor that talks about ckd how it can be improved. So tired of doctors that only allow 10/15 minutes for a visit and never say anything concerning your medical problems and how to improve!!!


so glad you put out this information. i am keto now for about 10 months and my CKD reversed from borderline stage 4 to stage 2 (38%-60%) its incredible.


Thanks for the great video. My eGFR went from 51 to 67 by eating low carb, staying away from cokes and drinking water with my meals and after every time I peed.


Dr Berry,
I love the fact that you believe diseases and disorders can be reversed to some degree. Thanks for giving people hope in terms of their health. You are absolutely a God send.☺️


I'm going to give this a go. Nothing to lose and everything to gain.


You are awesome! I am going to see my granddaughter graduate from high school in Clarksville Tennessee. I wish I could see you Doctor Berry. You have been such a blessing! I have lost almost 40 lbs since February 2022 on keto.💪


I had 30% kidney function in April 19 After seeing a dietician, going on renal diet, losing 25 pounds - 3 months later my functions were back to normal limits. (31 GFR to 71 GFR I think) Yes, diet works. It does. Weight control and BP and sugars are a major factor. Good luck!


I was 2 points from dialysis in July of 2018, , , today my function is now normal, , , I did it and so can you!!


Your channel is a breath of fresh air. Searching the internet brings up such pessimistic results re: reversing CKD (i.e. "It's impossible. The best you can do is slow it down or maybe stop it from progressing.") but your videos and the positive comments from other viewers are very encouraging.


Diet can certainly improve kidney function! I was diagnosed at GFR 13 and have used diet to get to GFR 29 in just 4 months! I plan to try the Keto diet soon once my GFR stops climbing with my current diet (which is LOW carb, just not as low as a Keto diet). Thanks for these videos Doc - I have enjoyed following you since I was diagnosed and use them for inspiration!


I lke Dr. Berry's can-do positive attitude backed by his own practical clinical experience and research.