Calvinism is controlling. #calvinism #controlling #edmonds #edmondspres #pcusa

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People who claim to be Calvinist are inconsistent. Some believe God controls everything and that salvation isn't really up to individuals. Others live in a state of permanent fear about whether they are among the elect and are saved or not. This quashes self-discovery and doubt. RC Sproul was one of the most prominent fundamentalists. He found a way to preserve free will while being a firm determinist (even though he called it determination to soften it). His quote supports this idea. The central feature of all Calvinists is the complete control and sovereignty of God. The only trouble for them is that it is not biblical.
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I left a “community church “ which was Calvinist and I was starting to feel truly miserable every Sunday and I left to join a PCUSA congregation and have been delighted and blessed to feel all of Gods mercy every Sunday instead.


We also know that God already declares the ending from the beginning, (isaiah 46:10) that he predestines people, (Ephesians 1:4-5) and that no man can come to Jesus unless the father draws him in. (John 6:44)


This is true, sad they teach this stuff for money. Instead of the love of God! Pastor aren't some presbyterian churches calvinist? Thank 😊


Calvinism is the truth. R.C. Sproul is 100% right.


do Calvinists try to force their opinions and beliefs on other Christians who don't agree with them and question what they say? do they act like god predestines everything that happens in a christians life?


Thank you, thank you 🎉🎉🎉🎉 I was part of Calvinist church for over 14 years. It nearly killed me


How does free will negate sovereignty???


Sorry, but how on earth is that RC Sproul quote arrogant in any way? I understand if you disagree with it, but "arrogant"? I'm just not seeing it.


It's funny how you don't give a single argument to support your view but just go "wrong!"


Coming from a minister in the PCUSA😂 the PCUSA which abandoned Scripture to align itself with the world.


How's this for a stupendously arrogant statement: Christ "upholds the universe by the word of his power" (Heb. 1:3), and "in him all things hold together" (Col. 1:17).

If you believe there is anything that is a power unto itself apart from God, including the myth of "free will, " then obviously it is you who is being stupendously arrogant and unbiblical.


Quotes Job, but disregards that The LORD gave permission for tribulations to test Job's faith. God is entirely sovereign and this is obvious when you look at the life of Jesus and every single prophecy He fulfilled from the start of His life to the ascension.


How errogent are you, or anyone, to say, "God is NOT in charge of everything in the universe." You have free will to choose to sin or not. God created us orginally for his glory and worship of Him. not for our 'right" to make choices. Adam and Eve made a choice to sin and who allowed for that choice, God. As you say, "People say lots of thing about the Bible that are not there..." Please sir, ask yourself, "But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, "Why have you made me like this?" (Roman's 9:20).
I pray you will repeant and turn form our desire to be the ultimate Judge and bow to the one and only all sovereign creater, God.
