Ulcerative Colitis: Symptoms & Treatments - Ask A Nurse | @LevelUpRN

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In this episode of Ask A Nurse - Cathy answers your questions about ulcerative colitis, including, "What is ulcerative colitis?", "What causes ulcerative colitis?", "What are symptoms of ulcerative colitis?", "How is ulcerative colitis diagnosed?", and "How is ulcerative colitis treated?"

Level Up RN’s Ask a Nurse video series was designed to help individuals around the world better understand common medical conditions, tests, and treatments from our team of registered nurses. Our goal is to provide helpful, easy-to-understand healthcare information to help viewers improve their health-related knowledge. This helps individuals advocate for themselves or their family members to obtain the best possible care from their healthcare providers!

This series can also be a resource for nurses, nursing students, or other medical professionals to provide informative and easy-to-understand healthcare teaching for their patients. Together we can: Learn. Lead. Level Up.

All information presented in this series is provided by board registered nurses and is backed up by peer-reviewed evidence and evidence-based practice. However, it is important to note that the content of these videos is for educational purposes only, and not intended to serve as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any question you may have regarding a medical condition

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00:00 Intro
00:16 What is ulcerative colitis?
00:42 What causes ulcerative colitis?
1:20 What are the signs and symptoms of ulcerative colitis?
1:45 How is ulcerative colitis diagnosed?
2:47 How is ulcerative colitis treated?

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All of the nurses at Level Up RN are here to help! Cathy Parkes started helping her fellow classmates back when she was in nursing school, tutoring so they could pass their exams and graduate. After she got her BSN and started working as an RN at Scripps Encinitas Hospital, she started this YouTube channel to help nursing students around the world. Since then she has built a team of top-notch dedicated nurses and nurse educators who are focused on improving nursing education and supporting career advancement for nurses everywhere. With flashcards, videos, courses, organizational tools and more, we are singularly focused on helping students and nurses Level Up on their exams and nursing careers.
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I work as a GI nurse - I am going to speak very generally, but doing a colonoscopy on a (poorly controlled/not treated) UI patient reveals a colon that is "checkerboard" looking - red/inflamed mixed with whitish pus from WBCs. Furrows and (of course) ulcers.

Sometimes the inflammation is continuous throughout the colon. Sometimes it only exists in the left colon (rectum, sigmoid, descending), sometimes only in the right (transverse, cecum).

Sometimes it does invade into the terminal ileum.

Everyone talks about how C. Diff has a particular odor. IBD does as well. Usually that foul smell starts just after we start advancing the scope. I can usually tell from the smell alone that we are dealing with IBD.


The stool test is called a fecal calprotectin test and it is pretty specific for IBD.


Omg this is so helpful! Straight to the point! I wasn’t able to find the Crohn Disease video in Ask a Nurse!

Please please do Crohn


While I'm fortunate enough to not have UCI i have had an ulcer due to an H pylori infection about 3 years ago and it definitely wasn't a pleasant experience.

Now whenever i suffer from a sudden bout of nausea and vomiting I've always got a fear of my ulcer returning and causing my symptoms.

Gastric ulcers of any kind is definitely something you wouldn't want to have to experience that's for sure.


I think I've had this a couple times. Once where it was slightly darker blood in stool and another where blood was actually present on the TP.

Eventually both healed without medication. The first one took longer to heal itself. The second seemed more severe but was very brief.

Anyways, studying up in this now because my mother was diagnosed the other day. She is currently on medication and praying for a speedy recovery.


Research studies have shown that UC is less common in smokers than nonsmokers. Some people have developed UC once they have given up smoking.

This suggests that smoking may delay or prevent UC, as well as reducing its severity.

I have been using nicotine patches. Seems to work 14 mg


I suffer from diverticulitis can you do a video on this condition.


Hello, I just got diagnosed with UC. I got it in both my left and right side. However, I am in no pain. I only have blood in my stool. I am able to live my normal life. Doc says I have moderate UC. Will my UC remain moderate or will it advance over time? I am starting suppressants too that are supposed to get me back to normal.


The gi doctor proscribed me with mesalamine but I haven’t had symptoms or flare ups but I’ve seen blood coming out not sure if it’s from the claimed inflammation from gi doctor or if it’s from my hemorrhoids and I have the opposite having urgency meaning when i just feel bloated in my colon but I don’t get the urgency to go I just go and poop but my stools come out but very slow which is my I spend so long in the bathroom 3 to 5 hours long not sure if that happens with uc


Hi Doctor,

I recently had an endoscopy and colonoscopy.

Endoscopy: H. pylori infection
Colonoscopy: Multiple superficial ulcers in the caecum, terminal ileum, and near the IC valve.

I've been prescribed the HP Kit for H. pylori, but I'm worried about the ulcers in my bowel. Will this treatment also help with those ulcers? I understand H. pylori mainly affects the stomach, not the bowel.

I'm quite anxious and would appreciate your advice.


I'm curious. If you have a condition such as psoriasis does that put you more at risk of developing UC or chrons disease?

I have psoriasis myself so I'm now concerned about even the remote possibility of this happening to me at some point in my life, especially given what I've been through already with my previously mentioned H pylori infection from a few years ago.
