Scared You’ll Never Get Over Them? WATCH THIS

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To anyone watching this, your relationship will be filled with much love, every toxic person will be replaced and the right person meant for you will find you.


Indeed. The person who doesn’t value you is blocking you from the one who will.


The power and hold ex love interests can have over someone's mind is so crazy! The hardest part is the first step of realizing they are the wrong person...


Matt is so right! You have to say don’t call don’t text! I’ve been in this situation. Instead of focusing on what could be I focused on myself. One of my fears was going to gym. Conquered my fear. I gained confidence strength in many ways and felt so good about myself I literally told this person don’t call me ever again when they were repeating this cycle! It felt so good!!! I was so proud of myself. Don’t judge yourself but there’s hope you can move on! I did it! 😊


Block on all forms of contact. It's the only way to move on. Work on yourself. When you're 100% ready to date get back out there. Don't expect the other person to change.
Be in a good place in your life.


Not at all😁 It takes a while to get over them, but it happens eventually even when I am the one ending the relationship. In my experience, it helps to keep busy, enjoy your time alone, learn from the experience, allow yourself to grieve the relationship and feel all emotions, do things you love, journal, go on dates and have experiences to figure out what you like...The hurt will pass and you will eventually find the right person who meets your needs, wants and cherishes you. All the best to everyone😊 Thank you Matthew❤


Totally what I needed to hear as I face reality of a guy who breadcrumbs me offering a basic text of ‘hey how are you?’ every two weeks but that’s it. Never offering anything more. I’m done. Taking ownership. Thank you 🙏


Stop 🛑, BLOCK📵 & Roll ➡️
Joking aside, it is really hard. I’ve blocked & unblocked my person so many times I’ve lost count. It’s been more than 2.5 years & I still love him.


It's so wonderful when it happens! You see him somewhere, much later, and he says, "Long time, no see!", and you don't know what you ever saw in him. And you couldn't imagine it could ever happen! Just let enough time go by.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I love Jamison's response, "Rick roll them!"

Absolutely love Matt's response about not giving up our power and choosing to move on. Needed to hear this today.


You’re the solution to all my problems. Whenever I’m going through something emotional and I feel confused. Watching your videos makes me calm and gives me so much confidence. Your videos are the only thing which is helping me through my heartbreak right now. More power to you❤️❤️


The one Who is living with her ex could also ask him to not bring any Girls home and go to their homes. Ask him to change Rooms with another roommate. Ask him to move out.

If he doesn't do any of those and life gets too hard and depressing (and doesn't change in a month or so) I would even get a loan to be able to move out myself. I think we should always prioritise our mental health. ❤️


Man, a good friend I grew up with went through precisely the same thing in college. She broke up with him, in this case they had been dating monogamously for years, then had to see out their lease where she was in the next room and he could hear the headboard banging and words before he had anyone else. Utterly brutal. Glass half full he met his wife and mother of his children (who quite frankly is a kinder, better and more attractive person than the ex) not too long after, and this was a long time ago but those months were not easy.


It's been 2 yrs and 10 months and i am still trying to get over her. It's hard but gotta do it anyways. Made some mistakes but will not repeat them. 😶


I usually block numbers. If all has been said, what's the point?!? Even if you love them, once the decision has been made, it's time to reconnect with oneself without the distraction.


Speaking of fans from far away, am one from Kenya and since I started listening to you in 2020 I have never looked back.I listen and watch your videos both old and new ones.Thank you for the good job, must say my life has improved remarkably can't thank you enough.Bless you.


I've been there. I've been roommates with my ex. Same room. While he chatted and fell in love with new women. Oh man.


You have a listener from Africa Tanzania🇹🇿
Love listening to you Matt.


I love Audrey being in these videos, she’s so great ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you guys for your efforts. Love listening to you. I have a horrible situation myself dating a guy for longer now and its absolutely amazing when we are together.. he says he wants a committed life and a family with me but he has a former girlfriend and daughter that he feels he cant disappoint and wants me to accept that he will be around there and spend a holiday with them as its best for the child to see the parents together which is just not rational for me. I told him I would love his daughter integrated in our relation but he sees it different and we cannot get over this. I will have to move on but I feel noone has ever loved anyone as much as I love him (which is so ridiculous). hope time will heal my wound. Love for you all, I feel ya!
