He's Genuinely Interested, But He's Scared

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When a man is interested in you, but he's scared...In this dating advice video for women I'll explain how sometimes he's genuinely interested in you, but he's scared.

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“If he’s just trying to have fun, fear isn’t going to be an issue.” Wow. I never thought of it in that light. Gold nugget of wisdom.


You don't ignore a woman you don't want to lose


He's afraid of commitment because he knows he hasn't worked on his abilities and qualities to become the best version of himself to deserve a GREAT woman and live up to her expectations.


I think if people are still fearful they are not ready for a relationship. No one can help you become emotionally available and strong enough but yourself. People should not be left to figure out mixed messages and quite honestly mixed messages equal a lack of certainty and/or lack of ntentionality. Both of these things are undesirable in a mate, regardless of the root cause of it.


This can be dangerous and tricky because it’s easy for the heart to make excuses for someone who is just not that into you. You have to be real honest with yourself, and real discerning.


I had to walk away from a VERY amazing man because he just hadn't healed. It just broke my heart but know it was the best for both of us!


He’s not ready. He hasn’t healed, not honest with himself, communication is not in his vocabulary. He say’s all he need’s is company. This is selfish behavior and no consideration for the other person in relationships.

Don’t short change yourself, because there’s someone who’s going to love you as much as you love them.


This is a fearful avoidant attachment style. They want it but fear causes them to run. It’s stronger than their feelings for you.


All this means he's not ready yet and instead of subjecting someone to inconsistency and confusion he should do the healing first!


Yes agree, addressing the fear is key as well as healing. The root of fear is often failure. Fear is often a distorted perception in our mind. The real issue some men & women have is the fear of failing in love and relationships. Often when that is addressed that removes the barrier to love. Love will require taking a big risk & a great deal of vulnerability, as well as trust. Yet the benefits in having deep, true genuine love always outweighs it all. Besides, once you move beyond fear the end results are amazing. What is life after all if we do not fully submerse ourselves in it. Great video.


Love makes us really bold. If you’re in fear, you’re simply not in love. God hasn’t given us a spirit of fear but of power, LOVE and of a sound mind.


I'm getting mixed signals from a guy right now. He's helping me learn a language, and he keeps telling me he's having fun with me, and he is the one who keeps asking if I want to get together for another lesson, but when I text him during the week, he barely responds, if he responds at all, and he never messages me first, but he's great when we are together in person. I don't get it!


Healing before getting into a relationship is important


Discard the robe of fear and put on the mantle of faith 🙏🏽God will work all things for your good


He was passive aggressive so I declined cuz I don't wanna waste my time I told him first then talk to me when you are ready


I have found out that People in this situation can NOT was for me, labeled as immature. However, I've learned to keep positive vibes, pray on it, and continue to live!! 🙏
Thank you for this... there is a difference!


Your guidance is really helping me, Stephan! I’ve recently ended the toxic relationship of seven years, thanks to your guidance. All of the writing was shouting from the walls when I entered that situationship, but I was petrified to be alone. Alter much prayer, your videos and some from others, and doing my own work, I can now shout to out, I am no longer a slave to fear, for I AM a child of God🙌🏾🙌🏾

I'm free, in Jesus ' Name!
Thank you and God bless you, Stephan!


We both have really been hurt but we really like each other. I felt good about opening up about my feelings because he’s made me comfortable, but no reciprocation from him. I I said something because I thought he felt the same. Now my wall is back up. He holds back and now I am. But he wants lots to build and help me. So many mixed signals. I refuse to be hurt because he’s scared. Now I don’t know his true intentions


I figured out that if they really like you they run away because they can't control their feelings. And men are all about control. I have experienced it and so have my best friends. So we're single because of being liked too much. 🤦
