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15 Rules of Negotiation (Skills & Tactics)

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What are the most effective negotiation tactics?
What are the best negotiation strategies?
What is the best way to win a negotiation?
How to be a better negotiator?
What are the most important negotiation skills?
How to prepare for a negotiation?
How to win a negotiation?
What is the secret to a successful negotiation?
How to improve your negotiation skills?
What are the most important negotiation techniques?
How to get better at negotiation?
How to get what you want in life?
How to negotiate a deal?
What are the best negotiation books?
What is the best negotiation video?

00:00 - Intro
01:02 - Figure out what you really want or you’re gonna lose
01:48 - Negotiate EVERYTHING
02:50 - The one who prepares more wins
04:12 - Mirroring works, until it gets creepy
05:34 - Tactical Empathy is your most valuable tool
07:14 - Smart people Search for Smart trade-offs
07:59 - Make at least 2 offers at the same time and have them pick between them
08:38 - When negotiating with people you care about, reputation trumps an ultimate win
09:31 - Never let emotions block you from getting what you need
10:32 - Get to “that’s right” as quickly as possible
11:50 - You cut, I pick method
12:37 - Negotiation is a mix between Sales & Therapy
13:52 - Never share your reserve point
14:22 - Never give anything without getting something in return
15:06 - Always have a back-up plan
16:11 - Question

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Hello Aluxers, what are you looking to negotiate soon?


“The most dangerous negotiation is the one you don’t know you’re in!”
- Chris Voss


Workouts, shower, and watch Alux while eating Breakfast.
Thats how you start a morning.


Great video. Several thoughts
1. Plan your negotiation out in several step. For example, I will offer A then they will counter at B, then I will make a new offer at C with new terms and then they will offer D. See the negotiations as a chess match.
2. Know the personality of the person you are negotiating with . Do they have patience to go several rounds, is money or some other term more important to them?
3. How much time will you have in this negotiation? Are there backup offers?
4. Try to be likable. If the other side hates you then you are at a big disadvantage.
5. Be prepared to walk away from the deal. If you can't and the other side realizes this then they have leverage over you.
6. If possible, try to negotiate directly with the other party. Using agents or brokers will never give you a good understanding of the other parties position.


“RIN” I truly enjoyed that full metal alchemist reference 😄


"When you have the power in the negotiation do not talk about it." - KILLER rule, I've seen how people have blown up different deals for not applying that. In a good negociation both know each position, capabilities and weaknesses. Usually after even tough negotiations both get into a better positionthan they were before.


A critical principle of negotiation... "Win-Win or no deal!" ~ Stephen R Covey

When I meet with a client, I always say, "If at some point in our conversation, you realize we're not a match and I can't meet your needs, feel free to let me know. And if I don't think I'm the right answer for you, I'll do the same!" Once the client knows you're willing to walk away if it's not a good deal for you, they negotiate differently!



Being a sourcer (I run and assess tenders), I agree with most of the things, but I would like to add something crucial, connected with the "Do your homework" (or be prepared) thing-know yours and of the opposite party competition. Because, in order to achieve some benefit, you have to have clear arguments. What is competition doing is a perfect one. We run quotations in order to create competition and learn what is best in the market. You even ask-how are you better than...who is selling (buying) at X price. By the way, I have asked in US discount for paying cash, but never got it.


01:02 - Figure out what you really want or you’re gonna lose
01:48 - Negotiate EVERYTHING
02:50 - The one who prepares more wins
04:12 - Mirroring works, until it gets creepy
05:34 - Tactical Empathy is your most valuable tool
07:14 - Smart people Search for Smart trade-offs
07:59 - Make at least 2 offers at the same time and have them pick between them
08:38 - When negotiating with people you care about, reputation trumps an ultimate win
09:31 - Never let emotions block you from getting what you need
10:32 - Get to “that’s right” as quickly as possible
11:50 - You cut, I pick method
12:37 - Negotiation is a mix between Sales & Therapy
13:52 - Never share your reserve point
14:22 - Never give anything without getting something in return
15:06 - Always have a back-up plan


14:58 - FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST!!! 😂 Give the Scriptwriter a Pay Raise Seriously


Lmao, I love the FMA reference. 1. Best anime ever created 2. Totally correct, you can't get anything without first giving something in return, it just won't work. Whether it's you're personal or professional life, you won't get where you want to be if you don't put in the work needed in order to get from Point A to Point B.


RIN, One of my Favorite personal rules is to never negotiate with yourself.


The party who cares the least will have the most leverage.


"Flowers need time to bloom, so do you "



Im about to choose a postgrad law course and this video just gave me so much instructions and support about how im gonna talk with the universities... Thanks Alux 👍


Indeed, Reality is negotiable, we are currently negotiating the future of our Country from the current corrupt politicians over here in Nigeria.


Good Mr. Alux,
Rin: "You can always negotiate 40% off anything!"

Kevin Johnson


Thanks Alux! Kudos for the allusion to Full Metal Alchemist, one of my favorite anime series. #RIN


I am finally ready to go into business for myself. It's been a lifelong dream. Only weeks from now I'm going to make it a reality. The Alux series has been a big motivator. The information and the validation that my being an asshole at times has pushed me to go as big as possible, and more.



"You don't get what you want in life. You get what you're willing to negotiate."- the wording has been changed to a degree, but that basic message was stated by the late J. P. Morgan.
