How to Hill Start a Manual Car the REAL way - with *NO* Handbrake

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Using a handbrake or not when hill starting a manual / stick shift / standard transmission car is a surprisingly contested topic when learning how to drive in America, the UK, and around the world.
It doesn't matter whether you use a handbrake or not to hill start your manual car, but it does matter that you learn how to do it safely with or without (just in case your handbrake decides to give up for the day) or you manage to drive a car without one!
Patience, being smooth, and a little practice will go a long way to making you a far more confident driver on hills, flat roads and even off roading!
Useful Items for Your Car! (Affiliate links below, I get a cut, and it supports the channel!)
It doesn't matter whether you use a handbrake or not to hill start your manual car, but it does matter that you learn how to do it safely with or without (just in case your handbrake decides to give up for the day) or you manage to drive a car without one!
Patience, being smooth, and a little practice will go a long way to making you a far more confident driver on hills, flat roads and even off roading!
Useful Items for Your Car! (Affiliate links below, I get a cut, and it supports the channel!)
How to Hill start a manual car - Every time without stalling!
Hill Starts - Different Techniques with Advantages and Disadvantages
How to do a hill start in a manual car the easy way | 4 ways to do a hill start without stalling UK
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How to Hill Start a Manual Car the REAL way - with *NO* Handbrake
Hill Starts in a Manual Car | Different Techniques Demonstrated
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