Driving Instructor Stalls and Wheels Spins on the Steepest Street in England

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In the UK many people are taught to lift the clutch before pressing the accelerator pedal when learning to drive a manual car. However, some cars will stall when using this method. The car I'm using is very capable of moving without pressing the accelerator, even on a hill. So I decided to see if it is able to move up the steepest street in England using the clutch up first method.

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This video is created by an experienced driving instructor, please subscribe to get my latest videos as I upload them to help you pass the UK Driving Test.

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This video is a guide intended to help people who are learning to drive with a driving instructor in the UK, it is by no means a replacement for driving lessons with an appropriately qualified driving instructor.

Laws and driving rules may be different in your country. The makers of this video cannot be held liable for any consequences caused by any information that is in any way inaccurate, misleading or missing. The makers of this video are not liable for any person's driving other than their own, it is the responsibility of the person driving a vehicle to ensure they drive safely and within the law. The makers of this video are also not liable for any person failing a driving test as a result of the information provided in the video.

00:00 The street
00:45 I nearly fall over
01:10 What I will do
01:58 Hill starts
01:24 Wheel spin
04:57 Why I say gas
05:23 Without stopping
06:03 Gas before clutch
07:57 Outro
Рекомендации по теме

ask peppa pigs dad, he always had that mad clutch control driving on that really steep hill back home


So you went all the way from Colchester to Bristol just for filming a tricky hill start? I'm appreciate your great effort! 👏🏻


To all new manual drivers, follow this channel religiously. Homeboy helped me get my license, 3 years in and I still love his vids hehe❤


This hill must be an absolute joy in winter 😂


My anxiety levels went through the roof when those people came out the house and were looking haha


I LOVE how him falling over has it’s own time stamp, makes the entire video just that more realistic


We in the Netherlands also learned to use the handbrake on steep hills. Especially when hill control didn’t existed. You can give a little gas and as soon as you feel it’s grabbing in to the hand brake release it and continue acceleration


Now, that's what we call a commitment 👏👏👏 thank you so much for the travel you made for a video, Richard, it was very interesting to see and that steep hill reminded me of some roads in my country 🙄 hope it was a great experience for you as well and glad to hear your car wasn't damaged after all 👍


Imagine this hill when its snowed or rained it must be difficult


"not to prevent you from falling into the road" *falls into the road* 🤣


From watching your videos I can tell that my instructor knows what he is doing, as he taught me about always giving a bit of throttle in order to be able to drive ALL manual cars, and not just new ones.


02:03 - Can we take a minute to appreciate this man's sartorial excellence.... those socks are pure class!


Hey Richard, I passed my driving test today on my second attempt! It's been such a journey but I just wanted to say a massive thank you because you're videos have been so helpful for me, cheers!


I was taught to use the HANDBRAKE when doing a hill start (in a car with no hill start assist). With the hand brake engaged, find bite, add throttle, release handbrake, add more throttle + gradually bring clutch up all the way as the vehicle moves. Easy.


I'm from South Africa and I've learnt a lot from your videos, thanks a lot Richard.


I'm from Denmark, I was never taught to apply gas before clutch, nor was I even told you could do it.

I learned it myself after getting my license and my own car and just testing around, this is the only thing I feel like I wasn't taught properly.


After a year and a half.. and 36 years of age. I finally PASSED! 2nd time.. As well as my amazing instructor, your videos have helped me so much. Thank you!! I don't think I will be trying this hill anytime soon but at least I know how now! Haha. Honestly, these videos have kept me going and definitely played a big part in my pass today. As a child who was nervous and didn't have a lot of resilience, I didn't think I would ever get in a car and drive.. let alone pass. So once again, THANK YOU!!!!


This genuine emotion when you’re trying to move off without any gas was just so pure and that’s why I love your content


These videos are very helpful also to those that have recently passed and have purchased an older car like myself. I have a 2005 ford fiesta and it is very different from driving an assisted kind of car to having an old car that does not have any of these features new cars have. I drove in my car today and stalled it twice on a hill and it stressed me out a lot because I always used clutch control in my instructors car that has power assistance on it but going to an older car that does not have this I find it very difficult to get out of junctions fast without stalling the car or going super slow. I am planing on practising this tomorrow so we will see how that goes but thank you so much for your videos!! They are so much more helpful than a lot of other videos I have come across. Thank you so much for helping us not so good drivers learn something new everyday! much appreciated


....and why exactly would you ever not using the gas?
