Hill Start: Two Ways To Start A Manual Car On A Hill (Handbrake, Heel And Toe Techniques).

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Two ways to start a manual transmission car on a hill. With and without the use of the handbrake.

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#MorozovAutomotive #ManualTransmission #HillStart
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1:58 "Second way is to USE YOUR BALLS."


"the second way to start your car on a hill without using the emergency break is to use your balls" 😳


I'm learning to drive manual and I'm doing pretty good but uphill stops or starting uphill panics me. I'm gonna practice!! Lol


Showing both methods is a great way for beginners.😀


the easiest way is when you are in an uphill or inclined you need to put your feet in the clutch+break then gear it to 1... release slowly the clutch and then when your car starts to vibrate release the break and press gas to move. this is the easiest way without using ebrake.. this in my own exp heheh sorry for my english


Only time I needed this in Florida was in a parking garage, it was steep as hell and you had to stop halfway to scan an id to open the gate then drive in before the gate closed, me a fresh manual driver of 2 months, their is no hills or mountains in Florida, stalled, multiple times, then did a burnout and eventually got up, I thought of the hand-break method but my car had a loose cable.


2nd method:
put in 1st gear, release clutch half way, take your foot off the brakes, then the car wont roll back because it wants to move off but cant because u need gas, then u add some gas and release the clutch till the end.
or if you're confident enough you can just take your foot off the brake and add gas and release clutch real fast, but it will roll back a bit.


One generic rule to driver, when on a hill, keep some gap the the car in front. If the front car rolls back, you are at loss (front side will be damaged). If front is a heavy truck, keep few meters gap.


Second method is the best, but so little instructors teach it...


I don't use hand brake or that 2nd method. What i do is hold the clutch and brake, when it's time to move i raise the clutch to a point where a car would normally move and then quickly release the brake and hit the gas


Did i just hear "use your balls" ?


The Handbrake Option works best for me

It's Similar to Moving Off on Flat Ground.


OK so, I learned emergency brake start uphill and then my parents bought me a car with no handbrake lol it was an old diesel merc with like 60hp.

It had a foot emergency brake which can't be used for uphill start/stop action.

So I was afraid driving as my city is all hills and a lot of traffic.

I told my uncle who's a professional driver (has license for all categories plus drove tanks in military) and he was confused about the whole handbrake start and the biting point I was telling him about. Says they never learned any special technique to start uphill as opposed to starting on a level road. Told me to just let go of the break, press gas, release the clutch, same as anywhere else.

And I thought no way I can do that, the car will roll back, but after a few tries, it's actually the easiest way. Nothing to think about too much. Just let go of the brake and switch to the gas as you're letting go of the clutch


Im a beginner and incline is a nightmare for me so my feet starts shaking


Got my first manual car and it was a lot of fun at first but after a few months I feel like I'm getting really tired of all the hassle of manual transmission especially this crap I used to think auto transmission were so souless and boring but I'm beginning to feel like they are the greatest invention in recent automobile history


Think about this scenario. You need to tuen left on a hill without left turning signal, your front cars are waiting to turn left, they keep moving forward very little, and you are driving a manual car, have to keep the car moving forward with low speed , this is challenging your left and right foot. The best way to avoid awkward is to lift the clutch to the point and give a little bit gas as well to keep the car move very little bit, but it will burn the clutch. I suggest to wait all cars in front of you pass the intersection and then do uphill start, even you probably miss the light.


Ah.. at last, heel-toe technique is shown here. Thanks for showing that.
I have been trying to figure out for which pedals heel and toe are used. So it's similar to the one used for rev-matching in downshifting : heel for gas pedal while toe is for brake. But, can it be done in the other way, i.e. heel for brake while toe for gas pedal ?
I practiced this technique a couple months ago, but it wasn't comfortable for me, so I gave up and returned to standard techniques.
Maybe next time I try it again.


Thanks, I'll have to practice this, because otherwise my one liter petrol bucket will roll backwards until I'll hit something


try to start car uphill without handbrake it easyer, frist push te clucth and hold brake, put it in frist then relese cluctch just a little bit somewhere in middle( holding brake) wait to car start noising then just remove lleg from brake and add gas .. that's it.. its easy


The easier way to do method two is to just release the clutch until the biting point (with right foot still on brake) and once you have the biting point give it gas. This will stop the car rolling backwards and it is easier the doing method 2 where you have to push both the brake and the accelerator at the same time.
